Date: July 2015
Provider: Diamond Rose/ Kandice Krush
Phone: 972-793-3653 others used (563) 503-0614 and (954) 268-6279
Email Address: -
URL / Website:
City: CR
State: Iowa
Address: 33rd
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: ***Moderators, I understand this is not a sufficient review for credit, but hoping to save others from wasting their time***
Session Length: Hour and a half wasted
Fee: quoted 200 for the hour
Hair Length and Color: -
Age: 23
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Pictures were smoking hot, which is why I hung in as long as I did but she jerked me around and we never met.
Recommendation: No