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Old 07-13-2015, 03:29 PM   #211
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
I'm not sure how you warrant any explanation. I'll give you the Cliff's Notes version. I developed a handful of apps, a couple of which were very successful. In fact, I would almost bet that if you have an iphone, you have at least one of them on your phone right now. I had always wanted to travel and write, but never had the means before that. So that's what I do. I travel and write for a travel blog. I work as little or as much as I want, but being that I get to see some pretty amazing places, I stay gone a lot. I'm gone 8-9 months out of the year, usually. So yes, I did have trouble, since I'm rarely home more than a week at a time and it's hard to know exactly when that will be. It's not really any of your business, but there it is. I am retired. I don't have to work, but I get to do something that I love doing.

Sure thing, genius! I have no doubt that everyone reading this thread believes every bit of that. As a follow-up, maybe you can explain why someone who openly boasts of his great success would see overweight, low-priced BP hookers.

Attack me without cause and I'll subject to to the ridicule you so richly deserve, asshole.

You're not a successful, retired entrepreneur. You're nothing more than a broke fucking loser, and everyone reading this thread knows it.
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Old 07-13-2015, 04:12 PM   #212
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Originally Posted by Ex-CEO View Post

Sure thing, genius! I have no doubt that everyone reading this thread believes every bit of that. As a follow-up, maybe you can explain why someone who openly boasts of his great success would see overweight, low-priced BP hookers.

Attack me without cause and I'll subject to to the ridicule you so richly deserve, asshole.

You're not a successful, retired entrepreneur. You're nothing more than a broke fucking loser, and everyone reading this thread knows it.
You're free to think what you will. I never openly boasted of anything. I simply said I was retired. I never used the word entrepreneur. You did all those things. I was fortunate enough to have a couple of good ideas at the right time. If I've learned anything in the last ten years, haters are going to hate. So keep hating. And I'll keep doing what I love. I'm not really sure how my bank account correlates with what providers I see. Maybe she looks like a friend from high schools' mom, and I always wanted to bang her. Your over analysis of the situation is interesting. You don't want me to be a successful person, because I'm sure in your mind, I don't deserve it. The truth is I worked hard and spent a lot of sleepless nights to get where I am. The secret is, I surrounded myself with people smarter than myself. I don't always have the answer, but I know someone who does.

I don't care if anyone believes it or not. The truth is the truth, regardless of what your opinion of it is.
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Old 07-13-2015, 04:26 PM   #213
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
You're free to think what you will. I never openly boasted of anything. I simply said I was retired. I never used the word entrepreneur. You did all those things. I was fortunate enough to have a couple of good ideas at the right time. If I've learned anything in the last ten years, haters are going to hate. So keep hating. And I'll keep doing what I love. I'm not really sure how my bank account correlates with what providers I see. Maybe she looks like a friend from high schools' mom, and I always wanted to bang her. Your over analysis of the situation is interesting. You don't want me to be a successful person, because I'm sure in your mind, I don't deserve it. The truth is I worked hard and spent a lot of sleepless nights to get where I am. The secret is, I surrounded myself with people smarter than myself. I don't always have the answer, but I know someone who does.

I don't care if anyone believes it or not. The truth is the truth, regardless of what your opinion of it is.
You never openly boasted of anything? Seriously?

Try this one on for size:

Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
BTW, as for my life, in the immortal words of Kanye, by way of 50 cent:

If they hate, let 'em hate and watch the money pile up.

My life is better than yours has any hope of being. Ever. I made my nut and I'm out. By all means, keep going to your 9-5 dead-end job. I'm as lucky as you are old and ugly. Don't waste one goddamn second worrying about how many posts I have or what I do while away my days. You're all cats. And I laugh as I watch you play with the string while I dangle it in front of your idiotic faces.
So, you think your life is better than mine "has any hope of being."

Sure thing.

I'd bet that far more likely is that your "financial plan," such as it may be, is, uh, "under construction." And will be for a long time if you ever hope to see quality escorts or sugar babies.

By the way, here's a little valuable advice for you, should you ever find yourself involved in a lawsuit. When you're being deposed, be sure you recall what you've stated at other times and in other places, and don't make any statement that you aren't 100% certain you can credibly defend if the need arises.

Failing to do so in an internet forum won't do anything more than lead to a bit of embarrassment.

But failing to do so in a deposition can get your ass into some really hot water almost instantly!
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Old 07-13-2015, 04:50 PM   #214
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Originally Posted by Ex-CEO View Post
You never openly boasted of anything? Seriously?

Try this one on for size:

So, you think your life is better than mine "has any hope of being."

Sure thing.

I'd bet that far more likely is that your "financial plan," such as it may be, is, uh, "under construction." And will be for a long time if you ever hope to see quality escorts or sugar babies.

By the way, here's a little valuable advice for you, should you ever find yourself involved in a lawsuit. When you're being deposed, be sure you recall what you've stated at other times and in other places, and don't make any statement that you aren't 100% certain you can credibly defend if the need arises.

Failing to do so in an internet forum won't do anything more than lead to a bit of embarrassment.

But failing to do so in a deposition can get your ass into some really hot water almost instantly!
You seem like a sad person, so yes, I'm pretty sure that my life is better than yours. You're on a hooker board, proclaiming dominance over someone who doesn't give a shit whether you live or die. How fucked up is that? I don't care what you believe. It's no skin off my nuts. You asked, I provided an answer.

As for your legal advice, I've sat across conference tables from your type. I know you. The problem is, you are having trouble placing me. You don't understand my choice in provider, based on some preconceived notion you have in your head. So you instantly jump to 'loser' or the like. That's ok. Whatever helps you feel like you have 'won' or whatever it is you think you're doing.
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Old 07-13-2015, 07:03 PM   #215
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Originally Posted by southtown4488 View Post
ur entitled to ur own opinions, ur not entitled to ur own facts. the facts are stated are true, plain and simple. the fact that u feel the need throw out verbal insults on the internet shows the kind of argument u have. I didn't say premiums have gone down, I said the rate of increase has gone down, because it has. theres more to this debate than ur specific premiums.

I much prefer to live in a society where poor kids with chronic/terminal illness are not denied treatment because they cant get insurance. . that's just my opinion, if that makes me a dumbass in ur book, cool.
You must not have paid attention to my followup post, it as backed by facts. You are not entitled to your own facts either, they are to be objective and not subject to interpretation.

The rate of premium increases hasn't gone down. At least by my recollection of being on private insurance for 30 years. I remember some years where I didn't have a rate increase. Supposedly the rate increases are capped at 10%. I don't believe much of the aca website that flighty puts up.

Please don't bring up the "billy can get insurance now" bullshit. Obama put forth a bunch of lies like "insurance companies can't kick you off your policy for being sick." He lied. Insurance companies hadn't kicked anyone off since the AIDS era started and it was made illegal. My favorite one was when Obama said that there was $200 Billion in Medicare fraud A YEAR. He said that in two nationally televised speeches. It was a known lie. In Texas, a mother of 10 could put her entire brood on CHIPs for $50 a month. So yes Billy could get insurance. He could walk into Shriners, or the Houston Medical Center and receive first class medical treatment.

You were lied to, ate it up and didn't stop to think. And it's costing a lot of hard working Americans who can't afford to get sick a lot of money.
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Old 07-13-2015, 07:10 PM   #216
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
You seem like a sad person, so yes, I'm pretty sure that my life is better than yours. You're on a hooker board, proclaiming dominance over someone who doesn't give a shit whether you live or die. How fucked up is that? I don't care what you believe. It's no skin off my nuts. You asked, I provided an answer.

As for your legal advice, I've sat across conference tables from your type. I know you. The problem is, you are having trouble placing me. You don't understand my choice in provider, based on some preconceived notion you have in your head. So you instantly jump to 'loser' or the like. That's ok. Whatever helps you feel like you have 'won' or whatever it is you think you're doing.
Oh you care or you wouldn't be arguing with him, maybe not whether he lives or dies, but rather how you look. As I pointed out before Woodrider, your the only one that "has to win". With regards to your fortune, if you developed some apps you would not be able to contain yourself, you would be exploding at the seems to tell everyone. Your uncontrollable arrogance couldn't stand you not telling everyone.
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Old 07-13-2015, 08:52 PM   #217
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MONDAY, JULY 13, 2015

Cost of Covering New People Under PPACA Significantly Higher than Expected
This is from the Wall Street Journal:

The cost of covering people who qualified for Medicaid as part of the federal health law was significantly higher than expected in 2014, federal actuaries said Friday.

Adults who became eligible for Medicaid as a result of the health law’s expansion of the program to include most low-income Americans incurred average medical costs of $5,517, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services office of the actuary said.

That was about $1,000 higher than had initially been expected for the first full year of the expansion, which marked a sweeping change for the government program that will see its 50th anniversary later this month. ...

The exact number of Americans who gained coverage through Medicaid who wouldn’t have qualified before has been unclear. The CMS actuary said that for 2014, the newly eligible accounted for 4.3 million of 5.7 million new enrollees in the program. ...

More than 70 million Americans used the program in 2014, the actuary’s report said. In some states, as many as one in three residents are covered by it.

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Old 07-13-2015, 08:58 PM   #218
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Obamacare Speeds Mergers and Reduces Choice in U.S. Healthcare, WSJ

Novel concepts—whether practice-management companies, home health care or the first for-profit HMO—almost always have come from entrepreneurial firms, often backed by venture capital.

That venture capital has been drying up since ObamaCare was passed. Instead, the biggest wagers in health-care services are being placed by private equity, which is chasing opportunities to roll up parts of the existing infrastructure. For instance, there were 95 hospital mergers in 2014, 98 in 2013, and 95 in 2012. Compare that with 50 mergers in 2005, and 54 in 2006. Cheap debt and ObamaCare’s regulatory framework almost guarantee more consolidation. That will mean less choice for consumers.


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Old 07-13-2015, 11:03 PM   #219
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
You must not have paid attention to my followup post, it as backed by facts. You are not entitled to your own facts either, they are to be objective and not subject to interpretation.

The rate of premium increases hasn't gone down. At least by my recollection of being on private insurance for 30 years. I remember some years where I didn't have a rate increase. Supposedly the rate increases are capped at 10%. I don't believe much of the aca website that flighty puts up.

Please don't bring up the "billy can get insurance now" bullshit. Obama put forth a bunch of lies like "insurance companies can't kick you off your policy for being sick." He lied. Insurance companies hadn't kicked anyone off since the AIDS era started and it was made illegal. My favorite one was when Obama said that there was $200 Billion in Medicare fraud A YEAR. He said that in two nationally televised speeches. It was a known lie. In Texas, a mother of 10 could put her entire brood on CHIPs for $50 a month. So yes Billy could get insurance. He could walk into Shriners, or the Houston Medical Center and receive first class medical treatment.

You were lied to, ate it up and didn't stop to think. And it's costing a lot of hard working Americans who can't afford to get sick a lot of money.
You say the facts are not up for interpretation, then when faced with numbers, you say you don't believe them...

Medicare or Medicaid? And do you have any place we can look to back up these accusations? There are billions of dollars in fraud per year.
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Old 07-13-2015, 11:07 PM   #220
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Originally Posted by dirty dog View Post
Oh you care or you wouldn't be arguing with him, maybe not whether he lives or dies, but rather how you look. As I pointed out before Woodrider, your the only one that "has to win". With regards to your fortune, if you developed some apps you would not be able to contain yourself, you would be exploding at the seems to tell everyone. Your uncontrollable arrogance couldn't stand you not telling everyone.
I never said fortune. You have put words in my mouth, just as you like putting dicks in your own. I've already won. What happens on here is bullshit, nothing more. As for my inability to control myself, you would be mistaken. YOU would not be able to desist from screaming it from the rooftops, but then that's simply one more way in which you and I differ. I don't take bullshit. If you want to categorize it as arrogance, be my guest. I don't need to tell anyone anything. The people who matter already know... and those that don't, well, they don't matter. Now do be a good boy and run along and... fetch something, why don't you.
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Old 07-14-2015, 01:33 AM   #221
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Didn't UnderConstruction claim to be a writer?
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Old 07-14-2015, 05:17 AM   #222
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Originally Posted by southtown4488 View Post
ur entitled to ur own opinions, ur not entitled to ur own facts. the facts are stated are true, plain and simple. the fact that u feel the need throw out verbal insults on the internet shows the kind of argument u have. I didn't say premiums have gone down, I said the rate of increase has gone down, because it has. theres more to this debate than ur specific premiums.

I much prefer to live in a society where poor kids with chronic/terminal illness are not denied treatment because they cant get insurance. . that's just my opinion, if that makes me a dumbass in ur book, cool.
The rate of increase has gone down. See the graph that was the result of a study by the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Health insurance premiums for employer-provided family coverage 1999-2014. The 3.0% increase for 2013-2014 was tied for lowest over the 16-year period.

Several studies on insurance premiums expect that with the subsidies offered under the ACA, more people will pay less (than they did prior to the reforms) than those who will pay more, and that those premiums will be more stable (even in changing health circumstances) and transparent, due to the regulations on insurance.[246][247][248] The Kaiser Family Foundation has calculated that about half the people who currently buy insurance on their own today will be eligible for subsidies. Among those receiving subsidies (which excludes those with incomes above four times the poverty line — about $46,000 for individuals or $94,000 for a family of four), the subsidies are projected to be worth an average of $5,548 per household, which would effectively discount the projected price of insurance by two-thirds, on average.[249] For individuals, NPR and the Kaiser Family Foundation collaborated to produce a quick online calculator for people to estimate their premiums and subsidy amount, based on where they live, income, and family size.[248]
For the effect on health insurance premiums, the CBO forecast that by 2016 the individual market would comprise 17% of the market, and that premiums per person would increase by 10% to 13% but that over half of these individuals would receive subsidies that would decrease the premium paid to "well below" premiums charged under current law.[250][251] It also forecast that for the small group market, 13% of the market, premiums would be impacted 1% to −3%, and −8% to −11% for those receiving subsidies; for the large group market comprising 70% of the market, premiums would be impacted 0% to −3%, with those under high premium plans subject to excise taxes being charged −9% to −12% less. Factors taken into account by this analysis included: increased benefits particularly for the individual market, more healthy policyholders due to the mandate, administrative efficiencies related to the health exchanges, and high-premium insurance plans reducing some benefits in response to the tax.[251] As of September 2013, the final projections of the average monthly premium scheduled to be offered in the exchanges came in below CBO expectations, reducing expected costs not only for consumers but also for the government by reducing the overall cost of the subsidies.[252][253][254][255]
Larry Levitt, a health policy analyst from the Kaiser Family Foundation, noted that the individual market compromises a
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Old 07-14-2015, 05:59 AM   #223
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
I never said fortune. You have put words in my mouth, just as you like putting dicks in your own. I've already won. What happens on here is bullshit, nothing more. As for my inability to control myself, you would be mistaken. YOU would not be able to desist from screaming it from the rooftops, but then that's simply one more way in which you and I differ. I don't take bullshit. If you want to categorize it as arrogance, be my guest. I don't need to tell anyone anything. The people who matter already know... and those that don't, well, they don't matter. Now do be a good boy and run along and... fetch something, why don't you.
LOL your a joke, I wouldn't be able to control myself, that's rich, not once have I spoken about my finances, I am 50 and have been retired for years, I don't feel the need to tell everyone, but you on the other hand have mentioned your alleged financial situation multiple times. There are multiple ways we differ, but you are correct I am not as arrogant as you. I also don't suck dicks, blow strangers through gloryholes, take it up the ass or in way touch another man. But I am not judging you. I would love to chat but I have to get down to the La Raza convention. I met this nice little Chica who wants me to punch her brown eye with my meat pole. She is a nice girl, she did mention that her brother was a gay writer for a travel blog.
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Old 07-14-2015, 08:38 AM   #224
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Pre-existing conditions could have been easily covered without Obamacare; without destroying the good health insurance that most Americans had, without creating a massive federal bureaucracy, and without jacking up most everyone's premiums and deductibles.

Most importantly, pre-existing conditions could have easily been covered without Obama having to lie to the American public.

Pre existing condition consumers could have been placed in a high risk insurance pool and federal subsidies provided.......simple, would have had bi-partisan support, and wouldn't require massive reorganizing of our insurance paradigm.

But Obama wanted the massive federal bureaucracy to take over a significant portion of the health insurance....part of his transformation...making Americans more dependent on the federal government.
Why then weren't pre-existing conditions "easily covered" before ruining the lives and health of so many millions of Americans, Whir-LIE-turd?

Lots of people were in those pools and paid through the nose for nothing, while people like you got a free ride, yet still piss and moan about the "good old days."

Naturally, it was Obama's fault. (How refreshing...with all the commotion over gay marriage and the IBIdiot flag, we hadn't heard anything real good Obama blame throwing in a while...no wonder Whir-LIE-turd has been quiet.)

I know, you were Grubergoobered!
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Old 07-14-2015, 09:43 AM   #225
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Default You're a hell of a hoot, WoodRider! Please continue entertaining us!

Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
You're free to think what you will. I never openly boasted of anything. Oh, no, not at all! You only said that you "made your nut," "got out early," and that your life is better than I can hope that mine ever will be. I simply said I was retired. And that was obviously a bald-faced lie wasn't it?. I never used the word entrepreneur. No, but you said something about inventing a wonderful new iPhone app and coming up with a couple of great ideas that made you some bucks. If you don't call that entrepreneurialism, perhaps you can advise what your preferred synonym might be! You did all those things. I was fortunate enough to have a couple of good ideas at the right time. If I've learned anything in the last ten years, haters are going to hate. Oh, I don't hate you at all. I pity you. You're nothing more than a slow-witted, puffed-up blowhard with serious self-esteem issues. But you're funny as hell!
Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
You seem like a sad person, so yes, I'm pretty sure that my life is better than yours. You're on a hooker board, proclaiming dominance over someone who doesn't give a shit whether you live or die. How fucked up is that? I don't care what you believe. It's no skin off my nuts. You asked, I provided an answer.

You provided an answer, all right. An obviously phony one.

And I'm not "sad" at all; indeed, I am as happy as a hog in a mud lake! Life's good. Unlike you, I am actually retired, by the way, and play golf and travel to my heart's content. And my intention is not to "claim dominance." What would be the point? It's just fun to stick a pin into puffed-up, phony blowhards like you, just to see if they'll erupt! You're at least as entertaining as that 'Wellendowed' fellow who waxes constantly about what a God-fearing Christian he is.

As for your legal advice, I've sat across conference tables from your type. I know you. The problem is, you are having trouble placing me. You don't understand my choice in provider, based on some preconceived notion you have in your head. So you instantly jump to 'loser' or the like. That's ok. Whatever helps you feel like you have 'won' or whatever it is you think you're doing.

No, I don't believe for a second that you've sat across conference tables from people of "my type." If so, it wasn't for long. You see, people of "my type" develop pretty good bullshit detectors over time. I'd see right through your BS and tell you not to let the door smack you in your fat ass on the way out.

As for the "legal advice," I will only note that you've told so many inconsistent and contradictory stories that were you to do the same in the event you were a defendant in a civil lawsuit, a halfway decent plaintiff's attorney would rip you a new one!

One day you're a "freelance writer." Another, you're a traveling salesman who's on the road 300 days a year. On yet another day, you're a wealthy, retired entrepreneur boasting about how your life is better than others'. LOL!

Oh, and I understand your choice of provider just fine. A $150 experience with a fat woman who has to completely hide her midsection in photos is all you can afford.

Uh-oh! WoodRider, it looks like you have even less credibility than your Gruber-Assisted #1 Political Hero!
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