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Old 07-10-2015, 01:31 AM   #166
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Originally Posted by Ex-CEO View Post

You have a college degree, eh? Ooooooh! How impressive! (Most college undergraduate degrees are virtually worthless nowadays.)

I'd bet dollars to donuts that you have exactly zero in the way of advanced degrees.
I don't need an advanced degree. I can make 6 figures in my current career path. There is a relational data base called DB2, that is used by a lot of companies. Ever hear of it MORON? Jeb Bush and Rick Perry don't have advanced degrees and they are running for president. So, STFU you fucking idiot.
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Old 07-10-2015, 01:45 AM   #167
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Which mail order or online degree mill sold you your degree, Fluffy?
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Old 07-10-2015, 02:11 AM   #168
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
What happened to "health insurance for the cost of a cell phone bill?"
Nothing happened to it. It's a reality. There is health insurance that a citizen can get on the government exchange, that would have the cost of a cell phone bill. It just goes to show how uninformed you are about the ACA. In the next enrollment period go to healthcare.gov and enter some parameter values.

Say you are a family of 4 and your income is $25,000 and pick out a silver plan. Pick the silver plan that has a premium of $550. The software will come back with a monthly premium around $550.00. It will say you qualify for subsidy of $500.00 and the premium for the policy holder will be $50.00. This 50.00 is the price per month a cell phone plan of unlimited phone calls and text on many smart phones.

You will only see this at healthcare.gov or one of the states that set up their own website. You can't get the subsidy at an online broker like ehealthinsurance.com. They will not have the software that makes sure you are a citizen.

If you are a family of 4 and your income is $92,000 (which is just under the max you can have to get a subsidy) your subsidy would be a lot smaller, like around $50 and the monthly premium you pay out of pocket is $500.

So, for low income people (who make at least $24,000) the monthly premium after the subsidy is subtracted out would be the amount of a cell phone bill.
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Old 07-10-2015, 02:29 AM   #169
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Which mail order or online degree mill sold you your degree, Fluffy?
Go fluff Ron Paul you fucking idiot. My degree is not from some online degree mill where you say you taught at.
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Old 07-10-2015, 05:43 AM   #170
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Originally Posted by flghtr65 View Post
I don't need an advanced degree. I can make 6 figures in my current career path. There is a relational data base called DB2, that is used by a lot of companies. Ever hear of it MORON? Jeb Bush and Rick Perry don't have advanced degrees and they are running for president. So, STFU you fucking idiot.
You're on a "career path" that will lead to a six-figure income someday? Ooooooh, how impressive! Wow!

Crawl back into your cave, you uneducated, stupid jackass. You go around calling everyone who disagrees with you an idiot or a moron, and you're the LAST person who has any standing to do that. You're nothing more than a confused, rabid apologist for Obamacare, no matter how much of a clusterfuck it is. Most of the horseshit you post is beyond laughable.

BTW, Scott Walker, who is also running for president, dropped put before finishing his degree. So did Bill Gates, for that matter. But unless you're something like 24 years old, if you're making $85K a year, you need to have a little huddle with yourself and come up with a better life plan than spending your time pimping for Obamacare and insulting people's intelligence on a hooker board.
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Old 07-10-2015, 11:23 PM   #171
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post


There are about 90 million people on "medicaid" .... of those about 12 million were an increase based on the "expanded" coverage, back to 2013.

Basically, the "Affordable Care Act" increased enrollment by around 12 million. That's according to Government figures.

How many billions of dollars did getting 12 million people signed up cost?
Your sentence that the ACA increased enrollment by around 12 million people is total nonsense. You don't have a count for the people who purchased private plans on the government exchanges or from online brokers, about 20 million people. Nice of you to leave them out Lexus Lover. The ACA increased enrollment by 32 million people. Twenty million got a "private plan" and 12 got the expanded Medicaid. This comes from Gallup, the gold standard in polls. Study up Lexus Lover. If you are an accountant you should no problem reading the graph in this link.

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Old 07-10-2015, 11:31 PM   #172
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Originally Posted by Ex-CEO View Post
You're on a "career path" that will lead to a six-figure income someday? Ooooooh, how impressive! Wow!

BTW, Scott Walker, who is also running for president, dropped put before finishing his degree. So did Bill Gates, for that matter. But unless you're something like 24 years old, if you're making $85K a year, you need to have a little huddle with yourself and come up with a better life plan than spending your time pimping for Obamacare and insulting people's intelligence on a hooker board.
Someday is not 10 years from now you fucking idiot. It's quite clear you don't know anything about I/T. How did you run accounting ex-ceo with pencil, paper and adding machine? LOL. Your so fucking stupid you can't even keep your bullshit straight. Scott Walker doesn't have a college degree, but I need more education. Go fuck yourself you fucking fool.

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Old 07-10-2015, 11:44 PM   #173
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the rate of premium increase for health insurance has slowed since Obama care started, the percent of uninsured americans has dropped, kids with cancer can no longer be denied insurance simply for having a pre-existing condition. .. oh yea, and all that bonehead talk of death panels has proven to be just plain stupid.
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Old 07-11-2015, 08:42 AM   #174
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Originally Posted by flghtr65 View Post
Someday is not 10 years from now you fucking idiot. It's quite clear you don't know anything about I/T. How did you run accounting ex-ceo with pencil, paper and adding machine? LOL. Your so fucking stupid you can't even keep your bullshit straight. Scott Walker doesn't have a college degree, but I need more education. Go fuck yourself you fucking fool.
Keep it up, genius. You're (note that correct is "you're," NOT "your") doing great! You're at least as much of a fucking hoot as that 'wellendowed' fellow who comes in here and melts down once every few days.

Look, I know that calling everyone you disagree with a "fucking idiot" or a moron is sort of SOP in this forum, especially for all the below-average IQ posters. How many people have you already insulted that way in this thread alone? Please help me out here; I don't feel like going back and counting. And, I'll bet that none of them know less about this issue than you do.

Yeah, Obamacare is undoubtedly good for a few million low-income households, but it ain't such great shakes for everyone else. Perverse incentives abound, and it's really all about crudely implemented coverage expansion, not cost control or real reform. You might as well call it the Insurance Company Stockholder's Protection Act.

BTW, you completely missed the point of the Scott Walker mention. He, like Bill Gates, achieved success despite a lack of formal education. You apparently have not. It's funny to see someone boast of an $85K income, insinuating that bestows upon him the cred to educate others on how business and markets work. I bet you haven't a clue as to the primary factors driving the US stock markets over the last few years.

I'll also bet you don't have a clue that in addition to other shortcomings, Obamacare involves big tax increases on investors, particularly the 3.8% special health care surtax. Don't worry your simple little head though; you'll never have to pay it!

If you'd really like to make an effort to understand the issue, you might try reading this for starters:


Like your hero's pastor said a few years back, the chickens are coming home to roost.
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Old 07-12-2015, 12:57 PM   #175
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Originally Posted by southtown4488 View Post
the rate of premium increase for health insurance has slowed since Obama care started,
Bullshit. That's what I and other posters keep telling dumbasses like you and fighty. My health insurance premium keep skyrocketing. You can post as many stats from the feds that you want, the fact is that my private insurance which is primarily paid for by my employer, keep going up. The only people who have posted in this forum who say their premiums have gone down are those with pre-existing conditions.

Originally Posted by southtown4488 View Post
the percent of uninsured americans has dropped, kids with cancer can no longer be denied insurance simply for having a pre-existing condition. .. oh yea, and all that bonehead talk of death panels has proven to be just plain stupid.
The percentage of uninsured Americans have dropped primarily because of the increase in Medicaid which others pay for. Last year, after the drops of privately insured was taken into account at the beginning of the year, and the drops of those who didn't keep up with their premium, there was very little, if any, gain in privately insured.

You should really read the Slate article ex-CEO posted. I'm living it.
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Old 07-12-2015, 02:14 PM   #176
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Well, this is certainly confusing....but if Flightie understands Obamacare then he should be in Washington running things because he is a standout for being able to do that. He even uses doublespeak and doublefact talking points. He'll switch from one example to another without actually connecting one with the other. We talk about Obamacare and cost. We mean for the country and he talks about a poor family. Of course someone is going to come out ahead and he picks them for his example. Never mind the middle class family who has been FORCED to give up a good healthcare plan for something that is just wrong, too expensive, and with a very high deductible. Lets not talk about them. It makes everyone depressed and doesn't look good for your arguments.
I want to talk about job loss though. Obamacare has cost this country jobs Flightie, do you care to refute that? Of course, the first thing you will do as an agent of Obama is to cite the unemployment rate and hope that the reader does not understand that the rate only measures people trying to find work but does not report on those who have given up. Then again, Obamacare was designed to do this. Don't believe me? Go back and look up Pelosi saying that people will have time to do things like art when they have Obamacare and don't have to work full time. If you don't believe me http://www.economics21.org/commentar...-out-workforce
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Old 07-12-2015, 03:12 PM   #177
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Originally Posted by Ex-CEO View Post
You're on a "career path" that will lead to a six-figure income someday? Ooooooh, how impressive! Wow!

Crawl back into your cave, you uneducated, stupid jackass. You go around calling everyone who disagrees with you an idiot or a moron, and you're the LAST person who has any standing to do that. You're nothing more than a confused, rabid apologist for Obamacare, no matter how much of a clusterfuck it is. Most of the horseshit you post is beyond laughable.

BTW, Scott Walker, who is also running for president, dropped put before finishing his degree. So did Bill Gates, for that matter. But unless you're something like 24 years old, if you're making $85K a year, you need to have a little huddle with yourself and come up with a better life plan than spending your time pimping for Obamacare and insulting people's intelligence on a hooker board.
Refer to the highlighted portion. Now, what exactly is it YOU'RE doing? Going around calling everyone who disagrees with you an idiot and a moron. Take your own medicine and go choke on a dick, you worthless, sub-human succubus.
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Old 07-12-2015, 03:13 PM   #178
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
Bullshit. That's what I and other posters keep telling dumbasses like you and fighty. My health insurance premium keep skyrocketing. You can post as many stats from the feds that you want, the fact is that my private insurance which is primarily paid for by my employer, keep going up. The only people who have posted in this forum who say their premiums have gone down are those with pre-existing conditions.

The percentage of uninsured Americans have dropped primarily because of the increase in Medicaid which others pay for. Last year, after the drops of privately insured was taken into account at the beginning of the year, and the drops of those who didn't keep up with their premium, there was very little, if any, gain in privately insured.

You should really read the Slate article ex-CEO posted. I'm living it.
What you don't seem to get is that they have gone up LESS than they would have without implementation of the ACA. You then go on to admit that no amount of facts are going to change your mind. That's an untenable and ignorant position to maintain. Do you use your Muslim prayer room five times a day? Maybe you're not entirely sure which direction Mecca is...
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Old 07-12-2015, 03:23 PM   #179
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
Refer to the highlighted portion. Now, what exactly is it YOU'RE doing? Going around calling everyone who disagrees with you an idiot and a moron. Take your own medicine and go choke on a dick, you worthless, sub-human succubus.
Choking on a dick is your game woomby. And you play it multiple times a day EVERY DAY !!!!
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Old 07-12-2015, 04:32 PM   #180
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
Refer to the highlighted portion. Now, what exactly is it YOU'RE doing? Going around calling everyone who disagrees with you an idiot and a moron. Take your own medicine and go choke on a dick, you worthless, sub-human succubus.

Pay attention, asshole. Comprehension ain't exactly one of your long suits, is it?

When did I call people idiots and morons just because they disagree with me, like that Flghter character goes around doing all the time? Go ahead, point to a specific instance. Can't do it, can you? Didn't think so.

On the other hand, Flightr can hardly go two posts without calling everyone who dares to disagree with him an idiot or a moron, and while convincingly demonstrating that he doesn't have a fucking clue about the topic of health care policy. He's one of the biggest assholes in this forum and deserves to be called out for his obnoxious behavior. The fact that you posted childish insults of your own in the service of acting as his apologist speaks volumes about you. Normal people are capable of discussing issues without that sort of juvenile shit.

BTW, 4,100 posts in three months? Jesus Christ. You've got to be on a fast track for some sort of site record.

Nothing like failing to have a fucking life, eh?
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