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Old 06-29-2015, 09:40 AM   #1
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Default .....Just Sayin...

Posted on another thread and imported.

Directed by the OP to OldSarge

Originally Posted by sean rider View Post
Why are you constantly posting with this officious air? As if somehow you are the one to be thanking people for posting? And as if you are the one to mediate conflicts? As if you are the one to "research" people's backgrounds and real life identities? Surely I'm not the only one this annoys.

And now you are making vague allegations without citing any evidence?

There are always at least two sides to a story, and between you and the providers we only hear one. Peppering your posts with "respectfully" and other phrases that give a patina of good manners does not give you a license to make unsupported allegations.

Note that I'm *not* defending the person you are making allegations about. I'm just asking, where does your assumed authority come from?

It's not as if you've never been banned from the board.

I think an appropriate reply to the original poster is in order.

I'm throwing your statement right back at you. Who gave you the authority to make a character judgement call on a man who clearly is only trying to help others. He makes friends with the providers, looks after their interest, and provides information to all. They trust him. I've never met him and I do too. He never tells anyone to act in any particular way. He suggests doing some research and make your own decision. Forum rules dictate what he can share in reference to being vague but I'm sure he would share if you asked him privately. Everyone is entitled to their level of involvement on this board. He is heavily involved and shares...big deal..hardly "Officious." You appear to be quite busy yourself... well maybe not in reviews. He isn't a Troll making nasty comments which is the norm for the Austin Forum the original location of this post. Concerning his use of words like "Respectfully" derives from his military background which is quite normal. I do it too. I think you are flat wrong on this one SR but I'm not judging you...ʝυѕт ѕαуιиg...

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Old 06-29-2015, 09:58 AM   #2
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I'm with you GW. I have met Sarge and he is one of the most respectful and open minded men I know. He is helpful to both hobbyist and provider. He looks out for all our safety, treatment and interests. I have never known him to be judge mental or prejudicial to anyone. My personal interaction with him is where I have gained my respect. 9 times out of 10, I will follow his advice because it is based off of experience, a neutral position and one focused on your best interests.
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Old 06-29-2015, 05:41 PM   #3
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Prep the giant bag o popcorn...

But really....ole sarge has been around for a long time....reaching back into ASPD days many moons ago. He has done nothing but help and assist folks, raise money for kids, help some of the girls who get hurt by some of the animals in our society...etc. so when someone speaks from a position of ignorance....there sometimes just isn't enough time to catch that person up on reality. A truly great gentlemen is one that sometimes moves along more quickly than the instigator who makes conversation that contains no worth or value.......
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Old 06-30-2015, 11:05 AM   #4
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I'm not going to get into a pissing match over this. I'll just reiterate that he's been banned in the past, and in the thread where I posted he made a serious allegation without evidence.

In a subsequent post I made it clear that while his white-knighting was tolerable, making accusations without simultaneously offering evidence was what bothered me most.
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Old 06-30-2015, 12:03 PM   #5
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I do not see how this post is making any kind of accusation except to say that he has seen things on other sites that he is dangerous and a thief. And that there have been ladies here in Killeen that have had problems with the guy. Posts here on Eccie have shown him to be dangerous if you search him out. Was he supposed to cite each of those links when there are over 100 links on here alone when you search for crazy marine?
He was respectful in his post, without attacking anyone.
OldSarge has earned the respect of both the ladies and the hobbyists in Killeen forums. He looks out for us and tries to offer helpful advice.

Originally Posted by OldSarge View Post
Sorry this happened to you, Kennie. Thanks for sharing your alert.

He ran afoul of a couple of the ladies recently in Killeen. From what I have seen on other sites (not ECCIE), he is not only a thief, but a very dangerous person.

Do your homework and hobby safe!


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Old 06-30-2015, 06:40 PM   #6
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Protecting ladies from bad guys is not White Knighting, in my opinion. Any more than giving the gents heads up on unsafe ladies is white knighting. OldSarge is fair and looks out for us all. Both the ladies and the gents. He shares his experiences and is not afraid to step out on a limb to help out.

In terms of his making serious allegations without citing evidence, show me where that is the norm around here? As to what he says, I trust him. You have the choice of listening or not listening. We all have earned a board reputation.

Men and women both, ask him for help around here. Why? Because he will genuinely help. As to his accuracy, I don't know anyone with a better track record.

In terms of being bothered about what he said about the now banned member OralSurgeon, looks like he was right, doesn't it?

I am glad that the crazy marine is gone, at least for now, and equally glad there are people who sincerely care about the community here, people who care more than just about themselves and their sense of hurt feelings, especially when nothing was said to or about them.

Why does it bother you so much that OldSarge called this guy out as a problem? Especially since OldSarge was right?

Why does it bother you that OldSarge thanked a provider for posting her alert? only one other person thanked her and everyone else seem to simply give her grief for trying to give others a heads up.

I used to live in Austin and had to post in the forums there. I will say this, the Killeen, Waco and Bryan College Station forum is a very friendly one. A forum that us ladies feel that we can actually speak our minds without being attacked. I thank OldSarge for helping to keep it that way.

thanks OldSarge for looking out for all of us.

Thanks Killeen/Waco/BCS ladies and gents for having a friendly forum.

Hugs and Kisses,

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Old 06-30-2015, 09:44 PM   #7
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Like I said, I'm not going to get into a pissing contest over this.

Anyone who wants to understand this should read the original thread that the folks above decided to avoid posting in, thus robbing the discussion of the appropriate context.


Here is where Old Sarge made an accusation, implying there is evidence, but not actually providing it. Not fighting fair.

"From what I have seen on other sites (not ECCIE), he is not only a thief, but a very dangerous person."

And who knows why Oralsurgeon got banned. That doesn't mean everything everyone ever said about him is true. People get banned for lots of reasons. Just ask Old Sarge.

Are we done with this yet?
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Old 06-30-2015, 09:58 PM   #8
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actually if youd look for a second at oralsurgeons posts .you will see why he got banned. sixx, even says why
but you would rather bash on a guy trying to help the ladies as well as us gents because he didnt "spoon feed " you the info
apparentle it wouldnt've helped anyways seeing as your too lazy to do ANY research on your own
ive known sarge for a few years now. we go back to aspd days, and he has always been sincere in his willingness to help those in the hobby. both ladies and gents. he didnt post all the info in "open forum" im sure cuz he felt it wasnt appropriate. but instead of pm ing asking for the info you decide to put him on blast for not giving you what YOU felt you should be entitled to
you need to quit whining cuz he didnt post the info in a way thought he should.
im sure the ladies that this asshole wouldve or couldve affected were very grateful
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Old 06-30-2015, 11:09 PM   #9
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Not finding an explanatory post from sixxbach. Only a couple "closed because OP is banned" posts. Not that it matters.
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Old 07-01-2015, 06:23 PM   #10
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Default Thunder Buddies for Life?

Originally Posted by knotty man View Post
You need to quit whining cuz he didnt post the info in a way thought he should. I am sure the ladies that this asshole would've or could've affected were very grateful.


I know I am thankful! That was a dangerous man. I found the info on the other sites, but I am new at all of this.

I still don't understand why anyone would be pissed about a member posting a legitimate alert on a legitimate threat?

I went back and read the posts in their context, and it IS referenced in post #1 of this thread, I simply clicked the link in the quote and it took me to it.

I simply don't get the attack on OldSarge and the defense of the banned again oralsugeon (who has promised to come back to haunt us in a different handle).

Are Sean Rider and Oralsurgeon Thunder Buddies?

About the only answer that came to me that made sense.......


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Old 07-03-2015, 06:14 AM   #11
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The bottom line is that it looks to me like OldSarge was right.

Thanks Sargie, for everything you do for all of us, but especially the way you look out for us ladies.

Biggest Hugz and Kissez!!!
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Old 07-05-2015, 10:51 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Belle Starr View Post
I simply don't get the attack on OldSarge and the defense of the banned again oralsugeon (who has promised to come back to haunt us in a different handle).

Are Sean Rider and Oralsurgeon Thunder Buddies?
I clearly said:

"Note that I'm *not* defending the person you are making allegations about. I'm just asking, where does your assumed authority come from?"

Stop trying to libel me with suggestions of guilt by association.
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