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Old 06-28-2015, 11:38 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Lena Duvall View Post
Asserting that homosexuality is "NEGATIVE" is logic rooted in homophobia. Also, procreation is not the only reason people get married. And, gay and lesbian couples are actually very much capable of cultivating families.
"Homosexuality is negative" says biology. Endocrine malfunctions are cause for those hormonal imbalances. That and every other psychological disorder is negative.
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Old 06-29-2015, 10:49 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by 12blue4u View Post
And your secular point is what. Some choose to have some choose to not. What claim do you have over any of these women? Oh an old book of stories and fables. It is not and I repeat not a history book.
History has facts fables are well fables. Great and I believe in Santa Claus too.
The same thing that is used for the claim to the right of marriage equality.

Every citizens rights under the constitution, which would include unborn children.

If I'm not mistaken that would include the right not to be murdered by the government.
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Old 06-29-2015, 12:15 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by bojulay View Post
That is why people are not really for marriage equality, only their limited version
of it. They are no different than those that claim marriage should be only between
a man and a woman. They just include one more group and call it marriage equality,
when their idea of equality beyond that is just as limited.

Given enough time their ideas will be considered antiquated as well.

Much the same reason in certain hospitals you will find on one floor
24 week old babies being aborted, and on another, expensive state of
the art medical equipment being utilized to keep 24 week old babies alive.

Welcome to your secular nightmare, enjoy your stay.
This is basically the double standard of giving admission to one group, and dismissing another then calling it equality. Of course this is done while agreeing that another group shouldn't have marriage equality (Caroline). Wisdom understands that society does not change cold turkey but over time. Just as women's position today may not be at this point if not for obtaining voting rights and suffrage.

It's all a slippery slope. Allowing one group to marry based on whatever reason that group may conjure up, will open doors for the next group to understandably ask, 'we'll why can't my cause be considered'? When all of these requests are considered, only then will there be marriage equality. Good post Bojulay
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Old 06-29-2015, 01:56 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Mgm84 View Post
And last but not least, you call a black man a chimp, but somehow you really meant to insult my intelligence? White supremacist tactic #265. Btw how are you able to communicate in depth with a chimp unless you are a chimp?
I'm confused here. Are you saying that Caroline knows what your race is?

I am glad for the supreme court's decision.
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Old 06-29-2015, 02:16 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Mgm84 View Post
"Homosexuality is negative" says biology.
I understand I may be a little out of my league, but I have a question. Is there a difference between being negative and being counterintuitive? Why would it be in someone's nature to be gay? Yes I do believe you are born that way.

I think you are confusing the law as the reason, not love, to get married.
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Old 06-30-2015, 09:48 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by Mgm84 View Post
"Homosexuality is negative" says biology. Endocrine malfunctions are cause for those hormonal imbalances. That and every other psychological disorder is negative.
Homosexuality is not a psychological disorder. Opting out of heterosexuality causes no harm whatsoever to humanity. Also, unfounded "science" has been used to justify bigotry countless times in history.
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Old 06-30-2015, 09:57 PM   #52
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What all the homophobes are so vehemently afraid of...

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Old 06-30-2015, 10:48 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by Lena Duvall View Post
Homosexuality is not a psychological disorder. Opting out of heterosexuality causes no harm whatsoever to humanity. Also, unfounded "science" has been used to justify bigotry countless times in history.
Please prove this. It was a psychological disorder up until it was changed in 1975. The change was based on nothing more than public opinion and revisions of current social constructs. Lady I would rather not go into disproving your claim. But if you insist, please be my guess.
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Old 07-01-2015, 09:11 AM   #54
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Old 07-01-2015, 09:16 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by Mgm84 View Post
Please prove this. It was a psychological disorder up until it was changed in 1975. The change was based on nothing more than public opinion and revisions of current social constructs. Lady I would rather not go into disproving your claim. But if you insist, please be my guess.
There is nothing for me to prove. Bigots have attempted to use various "religious" arguments or wayward, fabricated "science" to prove homosexuality is harmful. And thankfully everyday people and those who hold positions of authority are coming to understand that there is actually nothing wrong with not being heterosexual.

Your assertion that homosexuality is a "psychological disorder" is an opinion, and just that. Freud, who is widely accepted as the "father of psychoanalysis" thought that homosexuality between two men was just fine but that lesbianism was a problem, which had nothing to do with science and probably had more to do with him believing women were inferior to men.
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Old 07-01-2015, 10:02 AM   #56
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I would amagine the most excited group upon hearing this ruling are Divorce Lawyers.

Marriage is a legal Union, sanctioned my the State. There are rules that have to be adhered too if two people decide to end this Union.

In other words, you just can't walk away. There are things such as child support, alimony, community property, spousal support, and more that have to be delt with.

With well over 50% of all Marriages ending in divorce, this opens up an entire new revenue road for the Lawyers.

Anyway, I applaud the SCOTUS for this ruling. If two adults love each other, and wish to take on the responsibilities that a true marriage brings, more power to them.
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Old 07-01-2015, 10:37 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by Mgm84 View Post
Please prove this. It was a psychological disorder up until it was changed in 1975. The change was based on nothing more than public opinion and revisions of current social constructs. Lady I would rather not go into disproving your claim. But if you insist, please be my guess.
Actually it was changed based on empirical evidence, not on public opinion. In fact there were studies done back in WWII by the military which in fact debunked the theory that a homosexual could not be a good soldier. Perhaps you should try doing some better research.

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Old 07-01-2015, 12:12 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by chefnerd View Post
Actually it was changed based on empirical evidence, not on public opinion. In fact there were studies done back in WWII by the military which in fact debunked the theory that a homosexual could not be a good soldier. Perhaps you should try doing some better research.

Shame on you man. Lol. You know as well as I know that there are several sample errors, and scientific insufficiencies in those horrible outdated studies. C'mon man. Really? Did you read that article? Rotfl. They are basically studying and researching whether or not homosexuals are well adjusted in society as opposed to the question of 'are they're behaviors indicative of suffering from brain malfunctions or abnormalities'.

The article by nature diverted the question out of the proper perspective and switched it to one that doesn't damage their movement or desired message.

You ALL know that a study showing other species having homosexual tendencies, observation of a small population of gays, and their psychological adjustment cannot be considered "empirical evidence that homosexuality is a result of a BIOLOGICAL brain malfunction". This is nothing short of giving biased qualitative research.
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Old 07-01-2015, 12:20 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by Lena Duvall View Post
There is nothing for me to prove. Bigots have attempted to use various "religious" arguments or wayward, fabricated "science" to prove homosexuality is harmful. And thankfully everyday people and those who hold positions of authority are coming to understand that there is actually nothing wrong with not being heterosexual.

Your assertion that homosexuality is a "psychological disorder" is an opinion, and just that. Freud, who is widely accepted as the "father of psychoanalysis" thought that homosexuality between two men was just fine but that lesbianism was a problem, which had nothing to do with science and probably had more to do with him believing women were inferior to men.

Lady please stop. Lol. Freud was known to almost never have empirical evidence for any of his hypothesis. How can you say Freud and seriously debate the legitimacy of your argument? He spoke from common beliefs and psycho therapy. Everything external. How can you possibly disprove or prove a hormonal issue with limited subjects, and limited knowledge of what's really going on?
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Old 07-01-2015, 12:53 PM   #60
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So homosexual marriage is harmful for the evolution of the human being.
That is one of your arguments no?
Because if it is you are a fucking idiot. Literally no two ways about it.
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