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Old 06-27-2015, 01:39 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Does fornication bother you- you old POS? Your God Fauxing Christian is getting as old and tired each time you post asshole. So answer me- you stated you were a Christian- do you not far God? Your dumb ass somehow confuses a person being a God fearing Christian with a person claiming to be a saint- I have never claimed to be a saint anywhere on this board you dumb fuck.
You are a God Fauxing Christian, WeeEndowed. And I am not a religionist, nor do I believe the Bible to be the only, inerrant Word of God. Much of the Bible is bullshit. And I don't believe that Jesus was God's only begotten. And no, I don't fear God. A God that rules by fear is not worth following. I'm pointing out your hypocrisy, which is palpable. You claim to believe the Bible, but you don't think it applies to you. You claim to follow the Jesus of the Bible, yet you brag about actions He finds abhorrent. You are no witness for Jesus. And you are so ashamed of yourself you won't even tell your pastor or fellow church members of your activities on here. You're a phony.

I don't claim to be anything but what I am. I don't use my religion, or lack thereof to bolster a weak argument.

Btw, have you reported those threatening pms to the mods yet? Oh yeah. There aren't any. You're a liar, too.
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Old 06-27-2015, 04:59 AM   #77
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As usual Timmie mischaracterizes things. Those "bans" you're writing about are not bans, most of them if not all are affirmations of what marriage is and what it is not. You cast them as a negative instead as the positive they are.

Of course this makes no difference to you. We know that many here on the left are homophobes, gay bashers, and haters. We on the right stick to the politics of inclusion and equal rights but you guys make it personal. So now your guys have done something that you should absolutely love but you won't. You'll submerge your personal feelings for the good of the party. Why does that sound so familiar...

Oh, I know. I watching something the other day in the wee hours about how the British wiretapped their German prisoners throughout World War II. There was one general who headed up the Nazi contingent of the prisoners. He got into it with a German general (this is from the official transcripts) he told him to "...put your personal feelings aside. This is war and we must adhere to the Nazi philosophy no matter what you personally believe." The same guy also said on another day. "...any disrespect to our leader (Hitler) is unpatriotic and will not be tolerated. You will cease questioning his authority and wisdom.".

Is that you Timmie?
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Old 06-27-2015, 06:25 AM   #78
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Can you explain why in an atheists countries like China and Russia - homosexual marriage isn't allowed? Keep in mind these are two large companies that don't follow the teachings of your so called "angry" bearded man. There are 196 countries in th world- only 23 of them allow same sex marriage- prior to 2010- no country recognized same sex marriage- I hope the remaining countries don't follow this awful trend.
Russia is actually Eastern Orthodox. Very bearded & angry.

China is a combination of faiths, all very authoritarian. Confucian belief = strong authority structure, must be blindly obeyed, never questioned. Not bearded (sign of barbarism) but very angry.

In 2006 zero US states allowed gay marriage. Just s snapshot in time, number of countries allowing will also grow.
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Old 06-27-2015, 07:53 AM   #79
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
I agree with most of your analysis.

What is the point of marriage today though?

In the past it was a pact between a man and woman to raise children. Now its more like a benefits package with none of the cost (raising children).

I don't consider denying gays marriage treating them "unequally." They cannot "equally" have children. Most gays really don't want children. Most gays don't want to have a partner for life either.

Most gays just want health insurance and some of the legal and tax niceties with none of the inconveniences.

They don't really want to be married. If they did, they'd be procreating, but they don't...because their gay.

And a lot of hetero people today don't want traditional marriage. Some coworker put on his FB page put a picture of himself , his wife and two kids against overlayed with a gay pride logo celebrating the SC decision. He's not even married.

Most marriages don't last and the kids are split up long before they reach college age. Many women will pop a kid or two out for you gratis.

The institution is in trouble and the children suffer. I don't see how the SC decision helps marriage. IMO the SC would have done society a favor by not recognizing marriage as a govt sanctioned, govt funded social contract.
I agree with most of your points and they are honestly honest
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Old 06-27-2015, 09:34 AM   #80
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
You are a God Fauxing Christian, WeeEndowed. And I am not a religionist, nor do I believe the Bible to be the only, inerrant Word of God. Much of the Bible is bullshit. And I don't believe that Jesus was God's only begotten. And no, I don't fear God. A God that rules by fear is not worth following. I'm pointing out your hypocrisy, which is palpable. You claim to believe the Bible, but you don't think it applies to you. You claim to follow the Jesus of the Bible, yet you brag about actions He finds abhorrent. You are no witness for Jesus. And you are so ashamed of yourself you won't even tell your pastor or fellow church members of your activities on here. You're a phony.

I don't claim to be anything but what I am. I don't use my religion, or lack thereof to bolster a weak argument.

Btw, have you reported those threatening pms to the mods yet? Oh yeah. There aren't any. You're a liar, too.
If you believe the Bible is bullshit than that's your belief and go fuck off- if I believe the opposite than that's my belief asshole. You claim to be this libertarian who believes in upholding the constitution- yet the founding fathers were all CHRISTIANS and founded this nation on Christian principles- I guess they were God Fauxing Christians also COG?
I guess you want to uphold the constitution founded by Christians who were inspired by Christianity yet you reject the teachings of Christianity- does that make sense to you retard?
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Old 06-27-2015, 09:44 AM   #81
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I really don't care about this issue one way or another, but it is going to be fun watching the enforcement of this ruling. Christian institutions refusing to marry are probably going to get a good butt fucking, probably in the form of tax status changes...I am extremely curious to see how Obama will handle the muslims not marrying homosexuals though. Going to be very interesting and entertaining!
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Old 06-27-2015, 09:44 AM   #82
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
If you believe the Bible ...
WE ...look at this way ....

..now all those sinner-gays who have been shacked up out of wedlock ...

..won't be sinners any longer.

That's the way you LIBERALS "fix things" .... If you can't change it, legalize it!

If you can't change or legalize it .... just pretend it doesn't exist!

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Old 06-27-2015, 10:13 AM   #83
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
WE ...look at this way ....

..now all those sinner-gays who have been shacked up out of wedlock ...

..won't be sinners any longer.

That's the way you LIBERALS "fix things" .... If you can't change it, legalize it!

If you can't change or legalize it .... just pretend it doesn't exist!

I don't know any major religion even the polytheistic ancient religions that allowed same sex marriage - even if you remove religion from the equation and just look at it from a humanistic perspective. If everyone tomorrow became "gay" in the true aspect of the word - mankind would die off in the next century - you talk about population control -jeez.
I know homosexuality has been around for thousands of years but the marriage between them is barely 5 years in the making - the first country that openly supported gay marriage happened in 2010 - there's a reason why it wasn't allowed all of those prior years and why majority of countries in the world forbid gay marriage.
I fear for religious institutions being sued for not allowing gays to marry in their church - sadly now I am beginning to see the side of the bakery incident - a private owned business should have the right to turn down something that conflicts with their religious beliefs.
Heck lets now allow polygamy and allow people to marry with vast age differences. Heck can we now allow people to be married to non human life form species ?
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Old 06-27-2015, 10:27 AM   #84
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
I don't know any major religion even the polytheistic ancient religions that allowed same sex marriage - even if you remove religion from the equation and just look at it from a humanistic perspective. If everyone tomorrow became "gay" in the true aspect of the word - mankind would die off in the next century - you talk about population control -jeez.
I know homosexuality has been around for thousands of years but the marriage between them is barely 5 years in the making - the first country that openly supported gay marriage happened in 2010 - there's a reason why it wasn't allowed all of those prior years and why majority of countries in the world forbid gay marriage.
I fear for religious institutions being sued for not allowing gays to marry in their church - sadly now I am beginning to see the side of the bakery incident - a private owned business should have the right to turn down something that conflicts with their religious beliefs.
Heck lets now allow polygamy and allow people to marry with vast age differences. Heck can we now allow people to be married to non human life form species ?
News Flash: There is no law banning people with vast age differences to be married. And nothing would make me happier if I could marry two or more bi girls. Can you say cumfest every day, woohoo!

But seriously, let it go. The hype is 100%, the reality is that gay people amount to less than 2% of the population so it isn't going to wipe out the human population.
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Old 06-27-2015, 10:40 AM   #85
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all I see is more opportunity for me to make $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

when those Gays get divorced I come in and refinance one of them off the mortgage or pay off an Owelty Lien.. WIN WIN FOR ME!!!
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Old 06-27-2015, 11:08 AM   #86
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Originally Posted by nwarounder View Post
News Flash: There is no law banning people with vast age differences to be married. And nothing would make me happier if I could marry two or more bi girls. Can you say cumfest every day, woohoo!

But seriously, let it go. The hype is 100%, the reality is that gay people amount to less than 2% of the population so it isn't going to wipe out the human population.
You do realize that most states the legal age to marry is 18 years old without parental consent right? So should they pass a law and allow a 50 year old man to marry a 12 year old without parental consent if the two are in love? I know you are going to say it's different because she's under age and doesn't know any better blah blah blah. This ruling is going to open up a can of worms you watch.
Also, I think the population that is gay is far closer to 10 percent than 2 percent- go to any major city in the U.S and you surely will see evidence of something "gay" oriented- if it were 2 percent it would be rarity. I am pretty sure many of us have gay friends, family members, co-workers, neighbors etc- if it were 2 percent of the population many of us would not know anyone gay.
Heck browse some of these forums- you have so- called straight guys posting reviews about transsexual girls and still thinking that they aren't gay if they slept with a tranny.
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Old 06-27-2015, 11:27 AM   #87
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
I agree with most of your points and they are honestly honest
Be careful. You will can be fired for expressing them Monday.
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Old 06-27-2015, 11:28 AM   #88
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
You do realize that most states the legal age to marry is 18 years old without parental consent right? So should they pass a law and allow a 50 year old man to marry a 12 year old without parental consent if the two are in love? I know you are going to say it's different because she's under age and doesn't know any better blah blah blah. This ruling is going to open up a can of worms you watch.
Also, I think the population that is gay is far closer to 10 percent than 2 percent- go to any major city in the U.S and you surely will see evidence of something "gay" oriented- if it were 2 percent it would be rarity. I am pretty sure many of us have gay friends, family members, co-workers, neighbors etc- if it were 2 percent of the population many of us would not know anyone gay.
Heck browse some of these forums- you have so- called straight guys posting reviews about transsexual girls and still thinking that they aren't gay if they slept with a tranny.
Do you just argue for the sake of arguing? I clearly remember you voicing support for gay rights and marriage equality.....

Besides, your arguments largely miss the point. You can say that the government can change the laws against underage sex and marriage, but you have to remember that those laws are there in the first place because the government mandated them. Even today, there are places where puberty is considered the age of maturity and deemed appropriate for intimate relationships.

Regardless, the courts have decided that its between two consensual adults, which means that under the age of maturity you are not deemed to make sensible decisions regarding matters such as sex, which is largely correct.

Another parable would be to compare interspecies marriage, like chicken *forbidden topic* IBHankering wants. But in that case, the sex and marriage won't be consensual.

TL;DR, you shouldn't place restrictions on who or what two consenting individuals do, as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights or life of others.
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Old 06-27-2015, 11:33 AM   #89
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Originally Posted by shanm View Post
Do you just argue for the sake of arguing? I clearly remember you voicing support for gay rights and marriage equality.....

Besides, your arguments largely miss the point. You can say that the government can change the laws against underage sex and marriage, but you have to remember that those laws are there in the first place because the government mandated them. Even today, there are places where puberty is considered the age of maturity and deemed appropriate for intimate relationships.

Regardless, the courts have decided that its between two consensual adults, which means that under the age of maturity you are not deemed to make sensible decisions regarding matters such as sex, which is largely correct.

Another parable would be to compare interspecies marriage, like chicken *forbidden topic* IBHankering wants. But in that case, the sex and marriage won't be consensual.

TL;DR, you shouldn't place restrictions on who or what two consenting individuals do, as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights or life of others.
So go get butt-fucked, shamman, and while you're at it, take one in the mouth, you lying cock-sucker.
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Old 06-27-2015, 11:39 AM   #90
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Originally Posted by shanm View Post
Do you just argue for the sake of arguing? I clearly remember you voicing support for gay rights and marriage equality.....

Besides, your arguments largely miss the point. You can say that the government can change the laws against underage sex and marriage, but you have to remember that those laws are there in the first place because the government mandated them. Even today, there are places where puberty is considered the age of maturity and deemed appropriate for intimate relationships.

Regardless, the courts have decided that its between two consensual adults, which means that under the age of maturity you are not deemed to make sensible decisions regarding matters such as sex, which is largely correct.

Another parable would be to compare interspecies marriage, like chicken *forbidden topic* IBHankering wants. But in that case, the sex and marriage won't be consensual.

TL;DR, you shouldn't place restrictions on who or what two consenting individuals do, as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights or life of others.
I have NEVER supported GAY marriage- I have always been conservative on that issue from day 1. There are issues I side with conservatives: Gay marriage, abortion and gun control for the most part. This is MY belief and again many conservatives share this belief:
God never created a ‘gay’ baby. Since homosexuality is a sin, it would be contradictory to God’s nature to cause someone to be born with that sexual orientation (cf. Jas. 1:13). The Bible describes homosexuality as being “contrary to nature” (Rom. 1:26-27; ESV). Indeed, no one is born a homosexual.
That does not mean that people cannot be conditioned to feel homosexual urges. There are people who legitimately wrestle with such feelings, and I sympathize and feel compassion for those people. Yet, people experience homosexual feelings because of sin (cf. Rom. 1:24-27), either because of their own sin or the sin of others. Perhaps they were abused as children. Perhaps they had a dad who did not demonstrate fatherly affection. Perhaps they grew up in a one-parent home, or a homosexual home. Perhaps they were made to think they were homosexual because of peer pressure at school. Or maybe they made a conscious decision to experiment with homosexuality.

Jesus Taught That Marriage Is Between A Man And A Woman

One sometimes hears the objection, “Jesus never talked about homosexuality.” Actually, He did when He defined a God-approved marriage as being between a man and a woman. Consider His words,
[Jesus] answered, “Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.” (Matt. 19:4-6, ESV)

God’s Law Trumps Man’s Law

. The practice of homosexuality is an abomination. It will always be “vile affection.”
Man can legalize any sin he wants it doesn't make it right. Yet just because some forms of murder (abortion), drug use, drinking, and homosexuality are legal does not make them right. Undoubtedly, “we must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29).

It seems like nowadays everyone's approach is yeah I believe in the Bible and I believe in God, but we are living in 2015 we need to be open-minded and we don't need to follow the Christians values anymore- and that's why society is so fucked up now.

Again, if you believe in the Constitution- our founding fathers may have not all been bible thumping preachers, but they drafted the constitution bases on Christian values and the belief in God- and I assure you they (founding fathers) would have NEVER supported GAY marriage.
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