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Old 06-24-2015, 05:03 PM   #91
Rey Lengua
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
Take yourself over the sodomite cliff, you swishy-walking bastard.
Oh sure thing cum guzzler ! Right after I see you and your swishy walking bukakke partiers and reach around crew go over !! Sug on THAT woomby / undercunt / rusty balloon knot / wanna-be jalapeno sucker !!
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Old 06-24-2015, 05:04 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by Rey Lengua View Post
Oh sure thing cum guzzler ! Right after I see you and your swishy walking bukakke partiers and reach around drew go over !! Sug on THAT woomby / undercunt / rusty balloon knot / wanna-be jalapeno sucker !!
Reach-around drew? I don't even know a Drew. Sug on that? What's that, some new shit you made up?
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Old 06-24-2015, 05:21 PM   #93
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
I am forwarding this message to a MOD you wishing I would die crosses the line and for my own security I would like you banned. I have been called many names in these forums but never have I had anyone with as much malice and hate to wish me death. An apology is too late and won't be accepted you have crossed this line and your hateful words should not be tolerated. It's repulsive to think you would mention the word Christ and than a few words later wish death upon me.
You apparently take politics way too serious and you need to be banned for wishing me death. Anyone who continues to befriend dirty dog and supports his hateful rhetoric needs to banned.
Dirty dog you have an agenda with me that trancedes politics - you have stepped way over the line and it's time for you to go.
Blah. Blah, blah apparently reading comprehension is not something you know much about. You may like me banned but its not going to happen, and if your waiting for an apology here it is, shove your head up your ass. What kind of idiot are you to think you can control who is banned and who isn't. You call people names and insult them and then cry like a girl when they say something back to you. Seriously, do you have downs syndrome, if you do I will stop but that is the only thing I can think of for someone to act and speak as you do. So as I asked you in response to your PM, please do not PM me again ever, now take that agenda and shove it up your ass.
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Old 06-24-2015, 05:25 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Go fuck off Lexus lover it's very obvious that dirty dog wishes death upon me and a low life scum bag like you supports this type of behavior.

Well I don't wish it, but if you do happen to choke on a dick I wouldn't be heart broken.
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Old 06-24-2015, 05:52 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by dirty dog View Post
Well I don't wish it, but if you do happen to choke on a dick I wouldn't be heart broken.
So what you're saying is it wouldn't be YOUR dick, but if it happens
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Old 06-24-2015, 06:06 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
We now know that Hillary was behind regime change in Libya without giving any thought to the aftermath, or telling the American people that is what we were doing. So she removed a benign dictator who was afraid of US power and installed a murderous regime that kills it's own people and our ambassador.

Quite an accomplishment Hillary.
A "benign dictator"? Simply not true. Having said that, the regime change there was stupid. The regime change in Iraq was stupid. Both were ill advised, ill thought out, and led to bad things. Why do you see one as bad but not the other? Why do blind Obama supporters see the exact reverse? BOTH were stupid and doomed to fail.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
U B a Moron, Old-THUMPER. War by any other name is still war, Old-THUMPER, and Bush43 almost verbatim cited the same justifications used by Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator, Old-THUMPER. Only an ignorant blind man like you cannot see the commonalities, Old-THUMPER.
I can see the similarities quite well, mostly centered on the reasons to attack at all.

But you are too stubborn, blind, and deceitful to see the differences. Air power to take out key economic and defensive targets vice boots on the ground to change the regime and result in decades of lost lives.

Stupid IB.
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Old 06-24-2015, 06:27 PM   #97
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Who did "strategic strikes on key targets"?
Read IB's quotes. He got some of the facts right, but totally screwed up the conclusions.
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Old 06-24-2015, 06:49 PM   #98
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
A "benign dictator"? Simply not true. Having said that, the regime change there was stupid. The regime change in Iraq was stupid. Both were ill advised, ill thought out, and led to bad things. Why do you see one as bad but not the other? Why do blind Obama supporters see the exact reverse? BOTH were stupid and doomed to fail.

I can see the similarities quite well, mostly centered on the reasons to attack at all.

But you are too stubborn, blind, and deceitful to see the differences. Air power to take out key economic and defensive targets vice boots on the ground to change the regime and result in decades of lost lives.

Stupid IB.
True, U B stupid and screwed-up, Old-THUMPER. The real difference is that Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator's weak attempt at coercion only emboldened Saddam to grow more intransigent and less cooperative: a problem Bush43 had to subsequently deal with. Saddam was confident he could resist Bush43 because of Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator's feeble undertaking in 1998.

"[Saddam] told me he initially miscalculated ... President Bush's intentions. He thought the United States would retaliate with the same type of attack as we did in 1998 ... a four-day aerial attack," Piro said. "He survived that one and he was willing to accept that type of attack." (CNN)
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Old 06-24-2015, 09:55 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by dirty dog View Post
Blah. Blah, blah apparently reading comprehension is not something you know much about. You may like me banned but its not going to happen, and if your waiting for an apology here it is, shove your head up your ass. What kind of idiot are you to think you can control who is banned and who isn't. You call people names and insult them and then cry like a girl when they say something back to you. Seriously, do you have downs syndrome, if you do I will stop but that is the only thing I can think of for someone to act and speak as you do. So as I asked you in response to your PM, please do not PM me again ever, now take that agenda and shove it up your ass.

Look here I been more than fair to you - I talked to one of my friends who is very good attorney and has given me some advice on internet threats and cyberstalkers.
. I know about stalkers, I have a couple that members that are cyberstalkers of me on this site. It is very ironic that my biggest one(COG) has posted on this thread and he should know how a stalker thinks/acts very well, "Obsessed people are not rational. You cannot reason with him." It is not pretty, the guys are fixated to the point where they are nuts, have agendas and need some serious personal counseling/therapy but there is very little you can do other than ignore them hoping that they will go away on here.

However, since this is RW that I am talking about,, there is an anti death threat law and the law on threats can be found in section 42.072 of the Texas penal code and is a 3rd degree felony so jail time could be in Dirty Dog's future if he does not leave me alone. Being nice and polite will not work as others have said because their(COG and Dirty Dog) elevator does not go all the way to the top, so I would threaten to turn them in, or better yet, just do it without their knowledge, but first I have to prove and provide evidence of their threats stalking ways ( I have document each incident, kept threatening pm's and posts ect.) so if I decide to take you and or COG to court I will have all bases covered. This is your FINAL warning to stop the hateful rhetoric.
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Old 06-24-2015, 10:11 PM   #100
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Old 06-25-2015, 02:12 AM   #101
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Look here I been more than fair to you - I talked to one of my friends who is very good attorney and has given me some advice on internet threats and cyberstalkers.
. I know about stalkers, I have a couple that members that are cyberstalkers of me on this site. It is very ironic that my biggest one(COG) has posted on this thread and he should know how a stalker thinks/acts very well, "Obsessed people are not rational. You cannot reason with him." It is not pretty, the guys are fixated to the point where they are nuts, have agendas and need some serious personal counseling/therapy but there is very little you can do other than ignore them hoping that they will go away on here.

However, since this is RW that I am talking about,, there is an anti death threat law and the law on threats can be found in section 42.072 of the Texas penal code and is a 3rd degree felony so jail time could be in Dirty Dog's future if he does not leave me alone. Being nice and polite will not work as others have said because their(COG and Dirty Dog) elevator does not go all the way to the top, so I would threaten to turn them in, or better yet, just do it without their knowledge, but first I have to prove and provide evidence of their threats stalking ways ( I have document each incident, kept threatening pm's and posts ect.) so if I decide to take you and or COG to court I will have all bases covered. This is your FINAL warning to stop the hateful rhetoric.

Good lord. Get over yourself. WeeEndowed, the white God Fauxing Christian, no one here is stalking you. You post, we respond. That's the way this works. No one has threatened you with any physical harm. Show your imaginary "attorney friend" the posts, and where they come from. He will throw you out of his office for wasting his time. No one knows who you are, or where you live. And no one cares. But let's just say, hypothetically, that you got us into court. Guess what? Your entire posting history would be made public. Your pastor, church and family would know how phony you are. I have never threatened you, nor have I ever sent you a pm of any sort, let alone a threatening one. You make me laugh. This post was hysterical!

You are a liar, a phony, and a hypocrite. And a funny one at that. If you don't like it here, go somewhere else. You are not required to be here. If all we do is piss you off, why post here? This board is supposed to be fun. If it's not fun, find something to do that is. No one needs to volunteer to get pissed off.

Begone, before you threaten WPFs title of cunty bitch.
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Old 06-25-2015, 02:23 AM   #102
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Look here I been more than fair to you - I talked to one of my friends who is very good attorney and has given me some advice on internet threats and cyberstalkers.
. I know about stalkers, I have a couple that members that are cyberstalkers of me on this site. It is very ironic that my biggest one(COG) has posted on this thread and he should know how a stalker thinks/acts very well, "Obsessed people are not rational. You cannot reason with him." It is not pretty, the guys are fixated to the point where they are nuts, have agendas and need some serious personal counseling/therapy but there is very little you can do other than ignore them hoping that they will go away on here.

However, since this is RW that I am talking about,, there is an anti death threat law and the law on threats can be found in section 42.072 of the Texas penal code and is a 3rd degree felony so jail time could be in Dirty Dog's future if he does not leave me alone. Being nice and polite will not work as others have said because their(COG and Dirty Dog) elevator does not go all the way to the top, so I would threaten to turn them in, or better yet, just do it without their knowledge, but first I have to prove and provide evidence of their threats stalking ways ( I have document each incident, kept threatening pm's and posts ect.) so if I decide to take you and or COG to court I will have all bases covered. This is your FINAL warning to stop the hateful rhetoric.
Go fuck yourself dumb ass, there how is that.... the only PM I have ever sent you was the one telling your to never PM me again. You need some help bro your medication is no longer working, by the way I used to have an imaginary friend too, I called him Wilson, you see I was working for FedEx and was on one of our jets and it crashed into the ocean and .................
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Old 06-25-2015, 02:35 AM   #103
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Where the hell would he send a subpoena? Unless he is trying to out us. Maybe you should be banned, WeeEndowed.
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Old 06-25-2015, 02:43 AM   #104
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I can see it now, flash forward to a Texas court room.........

WE - Your honor we are here today because I believe I am being cyber stalked. It all started your honor when I was on a hooker board where I routinely go to bloviate about my 81 paid sexual conquests, because I am Wellendowed1911, it is here that I spout off with many nonsensical comments and bask in my own sexual glory and pontificate on my status as a god fearing Christian. Your honor it is while I am on this board that I have made demands that certain people who have the audacity to disagree with me stop, issue apologies and well your honor bow before me and even after threatening to use my considerable power and standing within this community to have them banished from the board they have refused to listen to me. Your honor its like they have an agenda against me an agenda your honor. Your honor I come before you and DEMAND that you send these posters known only as Dirtydog and COG to prison because one has suggested that I would choke while sucking on a penis. This agenda of theirs has gone to far and they must be stopped because dammit I have never, I mean never your honor choked while sucking on any sized penis and to suggest that I might is further proof of this agenda that I speak of...............
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Old 06-25-2015, 02:52 AM   #105
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Originally Posted by dirty dog View Post
I can see it now, flash forward to a Texas court room.........

WE - Your honor we are here today because I believe I am cyber stalked. It all started your honor when I was on a hooker board where I routinely go to bloviate about my 81 paid sexual conquests, because I am Wellendowed1911, it is here that I spout off with many nonsensical comments and bask in my own sexual glory and pontificate on my status as a god fearing Christian. Your honor it is while I am on this board that I have made demands that certain people who have the audacity to disagree with me stop, issue apologies and well your honor bow before me and even after threatening to use my considerable power and standing within this community to have them banished from the board they have refused to listen to me. Your honor its like they have an agenda against me an agenda your honor. Your honor I come before you and DEMAND that you send this posters known only as Dirtydog and COG to prison because one has suggested that I would choke while sucking on a penis. This agenda of theirs has gone to far and they must be stopped because dammit I have never, I mean never your honor choked while sucking on any sized penis and to suggest that I might is further proof of this agenda that I speak of...............
He was stuck on 80 for awhile, guess he was afraid to talk about how much he loves jesus whilst banging a new whooooore. Good to see you haven't let that pesky religion slow you down and you're still putting your tongue up these whooooore's asses. My advice would be to let one of them get a finger up your ass when you blow a load. I think I blacked out the first time.
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