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Old 02-23-2011, 07:53 PM   #31
Yssup Rider
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Naw, rrabbit! I won't call you a homo. I think the hobby is great. It's just that people get into it for different reasons. I try and respect all of those reasons when I read and participate in these forums.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of members of this community that aren't as open minded as others.

They'll call you a homo.

They'll probably call me one too.
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Old 02-23-2011, 08:02 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Sorry man... But there are a few topics that will always bring out the 'chit' in me and threads about tipping or gifts are a couple of them....

I simply don't tip. I've had a couple of providers over the years actually refuse to see me because I didn't ... even though we hit it off.

For me, though, it's not about gratuity. It's about business. And the moment we lose sight of what this is, then the chit really hits the fan for everybody.

That's not to say I haven't lent a book or a CD or a DVD to a provider in the past. I have. I've played music for some of them and actually played duets with at least one provider... who was a fabulous musician besides being a fucking knockout! I've taken bottles of wine and rare, third-world liqueurs to sessions that we shared. That wasn't tipping. It was FUN and heightened the experience for both of us.

However, Whispers, I don't get pissed or aggressive about it. I'm not trying to take advantage of a gal and won't let her do it to me. I'm not trying to "GET SOME" when I know that a deal's already been made. I just don't even worry about somebody trying to get MORE out of me, as you put it, because it just isn't even part of my game.

So let the chit fall where it may... I think if you keep your perspective, you can be a nice guy and charming and still feel like a REAL MAN!
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Old 02-23-2011, 08:05 PM   #33
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I am not a tipper, but there is nothing wrong with being nice now and again. A bottle of wine or spirits, some flowers, or chocolates can go a long way with a lady that is perhaps a regular or even an ATF.

I happen to know that even Whispers is known to bring a gift now and again! Even he knows that it is sometimes KEY(s) in the big picture!!

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Old 02-23-2011, 08:09 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Spacemtn View Post
I am not a tipper, but there is nothing wrong with being nice now and again. A bottle of wine or spirits, some flowers, or chocolates can go a long way with a lady that is perhaps a regular or even an ATF.

I happen to know that even Whispers is known to bring a gift now and again! Even he knows that it is sometimes KEY(s) in the big picture!!

+1 gazillion
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Old 02-23-2011, 08:12 PM   #35
Hope I haven't bored you!
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Originally Posted by Spacemtn View Post
I happen to know that even Whispers is known to bring a gift now and again! Even he knows that it is sometimes KEY(s) in the big picture!!
Yes Sir.....

But the ladies involved were hosting us.... Cooking for us... had dressed for us..... etc....

I wasn't there dropping $300 for an hour of their time.....

Besides..... I'm old and fat and no where as suave as you or good looking as the earring guy and I don't have a commanding presence like Sixx does.... So the gifts got me 2nds and extra dessert!

I consider everyone of those ladies a friend..... It was the holidays..... My "friends" know me to be a very generous man.......
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Old 02-23-2011, 08:14 PM   #36
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Glad to hear it. So what's up with the badass facade?
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Old 02-23-2011, 08:15 PM   #37
Hope I haven't bored you!
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
However, Whispers, I don't get pissed or aggressive about it.

So let the chit fall where it may... I think if you keep your perspective, you can be a nice guy and charming and still feel like a REAL MAN!

You ought a come to a luncheon some time and see what reality off the boards is like.... I don't get pissed or or care about much... I just have views related to the business side of this that I tend to express more vocally online....

I'm too busy having fun the rest of the time.
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Old 02-23-2011, 08:16 PM   #38
Hope I haven't bored you!
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I'm not a bad ass.... Just opinionated

and IMO better grounded than most...
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Old 02-23-2011, 08:19 PM   #39
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Jeez, did he call me suave? Now I understand about sixx's commanding presence and especially the earring guys good looks, but suave? Isn't that the name of some kind of shampoo??

Everything else he says is correct about the time in question, and he did get 2nds and extra dessert!!!

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Old 02-23-2011, 08:28 PM   #40
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I did use the word FACADE. I've hear enough to know what a badass you are Whispers.

Thanks for the invite. Life off the board looks different to me. .. more like LIFE. Once upon a time I would have accepted your gracious invite.
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Old 02-23-2011, 08:39 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Yes Sir.....

But the ladies involved were hosting us.... Cooking for us... had dressed for us..... etc....

I wasn't there dropping $300 for an hour of their time.....

Besides..... I'm old and fat and no where as suave as you or good looking as the earring guy and I don't have a commanding presence like Sixx does.... So the gifts got me 2nds and extra dessert!

I consider everyone of those ladies a friend..... It was the holidays..... My "friends" know me to be a very generous man.......
It was a great time indeed! They didn't ask for a dime and did not hit us up for a session or anything. Wonderful company, sexy, and generous ladies. Commanding presence? Hmmm.... I thought it was my "little boy looks" and smile!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Naw, rrabbit! I won't call you a homo. I think the hobby is great. It's just that people get into it for different reasons. I try and respect all of those reasons when I read and participate in these forums.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of members of this community that aren't as open minded as others.

They'll call you a homo.

They'll probably call me one too.

Originally Posted by Spacemtn View Post
Jeez, did he call me suave? Now I understand about sixx's commanding presence and especially the earring guys good looks, but suave? Isn't that the name of some kind of shampoo??

Everything else he says is correct about the time in question, and he did get 2nds and extra dessert!!!

Well Space you are on smooth guy man! Yeah suave is also a brand of shampoo....

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Old 02-23-2011, 08:41 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Naw, rrabbit! I won't call you a homo. I think the hobby is great. It's just that people get into it for different reasons. I try and respect all of those reasons when I read and participate in these forums.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of members of this community that aren't as open minded as others.

They'll call you a homo.

They'll probably call me one too.
I certainly will take no offense to them calling me a homo.

In fact, I should be happy to point out the factoid that not only am I a homo, but I am of the homosapien species, and also a homoerectus.

They will then be encouraged to take their attempts of incite back to grade school, and perhaps, they will come up with something a bit more provocative that is worth my time.
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Old 02-23-2011, 08:57 PM   #43
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I tip every time I see a provider. It's called a donation. I presume it all goes to the provider because I would hope none that I see are stupid enough to have pimps.

Sometimes I'll be generous on top of that, but never is it expected, and if a provider gave me grief for not tipping, she would not have to worry about suffering a lack of tips from me again.

I also like to think I am fairly polite and memorable without having to leave bribes over and above the expected bribe.
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Old 02-23-2011, 09:00 PM   #44
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I have never had a provide ask for are expect a gift or tip. But I like to give one on our first session to break the ice. Only something small $10 to $20 ! Anyone that does not like it can kiss my ass!
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Old 02-23-2011, 09:03 PM   #45
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I don't think its neccesary to bring gifts. Although, just like anything else, if you set yourself apart in some positive way it's bound to pay off in the future. This is assuming the lady is appreciative. Of course their are going to be those that try to take advantage of kindness. That is in ANY business on eithier side. That's why doing homework is important. I know I got way off track here, sorry. All I know is this business is such an intimate one that there should always be mutual respect and kindness.
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