Originally Posted by Tetas
Blow a politician then tell a reporter all about it.

Lol. I'm discreet. No one would know about a politician being in MY bed! grin
Originally Posted by FunInDFW
Can you provide some more details? Do you just need a way to create and save the audio to your computer, or do you need to know how to also put it on your website? That could help determine the medium and method of creation.
Do you want someone to just click 'something' and have audio start playing? You mention putting it in your ads; but I don't know if websites will actually allow for audio files to be embedded. I have a feeling to facilitate that, you might just go with a YouTube video where there isn't any video per-se being shown and just you talking (or moaning or maybe some clever soliloquy to mesmerize those who hear it).
To answer your first two questions (in the second sentence), both. I would like to imbed the sound bite on my website, plus, if possible ... use it in ads as well.
I need to make some sort of video, but until I do, this is the second best thing that I can think of. Plus, I do some phone sex here and there. And that is another reason why I want a sound bite done.
I had a friend try to help me, awhile back, but I couldn't figure out what he sent me and well, it didn't work out well.
What I want, is to have something on my site that a good friend used to have. And she hasn't had it on her site for years.
But it's a little bar, that you can push, that if you click, you can hear a message from me.
I do NOT want it to start playing automatically. Not at all. And it would be on a Wordpress.org blog. My hosting is through godaddy, if that makes a difference but I doubt that it does.
I have received a few PM's that I need to answer. If anyone has some ideas, I sincerely would appreciate it!!!
Wantonly yours,