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Old 05-29-2015, 07:22 PM   #1
JD Barleycorn
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Default Liberal/progressives believe in equality...

they believe everyone (except their own) should be equally stupid and uninformed. Look at common core and the nightly news. Teachers familiar with Soviet teaching techniques have identified "common core" as the American equivalent. Poorly done and with poor results. How many of our lefties here send their children to Ivy League schools like the Clintons, Bushs, Gores, Kennedys, Kerrys, Rodhams, Cuomos, and Obamas? You can tune into the nightly news and come away ignorant of what is going on in the world. The Chinese move on the Pacific, the media black out in Iraq and the Ukraine, and the news of real scandals plaguing members of the Clinton team.

The believe in equality of poor healthcare; It was a news item that Ted Cruz was going to have to sign up for Obamacare. Why? Because Congressmen (of both parties) and Senators don't have to use Obamacare and they never intended to. Why? Piss poor performance for starters and a poor track record. Costs are going up despite the promises from the White House.

The believe in the equality of danger and death; Look at Baltimore. The police have been made the scapegoats by the Mayor, the prosecutor, and the Justice Department over the death of a heroin dealer. Do you think that is any comfort to the families of 30 some (May is not over yet) victims of mostly black on black crime? Does Al Sharpton (Obama's admitted go to guy on race) care about the 500% increase in child involved deaths in Baltimore? I thought black lives mattered. I guess this takes the pressure off Chicago now.

Yeah, they believe in equality...by bringing everyone down.
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Old 05-30-2015, 01:01 AM   #2
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JD is right this time. That's equality to the left.
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Old 05-30-2015, 01:27 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
they believe everyone (except their own) should be equally stupid and uninformed. Look at common core and the nightly news. Teachers familiar with Soviet teaching techniques have identified "common core" as the American equivalent. Poorly done and with poor results. How many of our lefties here send their children to Ivy League schools like the Clintons, Bushs, Gores, Kennedys, Kerrys, Rodhams, Cuomos, and Obamas? You can tune into the nightly news and come away ignorant of what is going on in the world. The Chinese move on the Pacific, the media black out in Iraq and the Ukraine, and the news of real scandals plaguing members of the Clinton team.

The believe in equality of poor healthcare; It was a news item that Ted Cruz was going to have to sign up for Obamacare. Why? Because Congressmen (of both parties) and Senators don't have to use Obamacare and they never intended to. Why? Piss poor performance for starters and a poor track record. Costs are going up despite the promises from the White House.

The believe in the equality of danger and death; Look at Baltimore. The police have been made the scapegoats by the Mayor, the prosecutor, and the Justice Department over the death of a heroin dealer. Do you think that is any comfort to the families of 30 some (May is not over yet) victims of mostly black on black crime? Does Al Sharpton (Obama's admitted go to guy on race) care about the 500% increase in child involved deaths in Baltimore? I thought black lives mattered. I guess this takes the pressure off Chicago now.

Yeah, they believe in equality...by bringing everyone down.
You lost me at common core. I want you to write, in your own words, what you think common core is. I will know if it's in your own words or not, because if it doesn't sound stupid enough, I'll know it wasn't you.

They believe in equality in poor healthcare?(I'm assuming you meant 'they' since you wrote 'the') Is that why Obama wanted to make sure MORE people were insured and could receive healthcare? Prices went up, you say. Prices were always going to go up, dicknip. They went up LESS.

Could it be that there IS a problem with policing in Baltimore? You are quick to assume there isn't, but really have no idea. In your eyes, anyone who questions police motives or police tactics, is looking to discredit the police in some way. Shouldn't we want the best police force that we can have? You don't get that by burying your head in the sand like you do. You get it by asking the tough questions. Questions you don't have the balls to want to ask and even less interest in hearing the real answer to them.

The nightly news? Grow the fuck up.
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Old 05-30-2015, 06:11 AM   #4
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In World War I there were pilots that took great delight in balloon busting. You see the enemy (for most of us that was the Germans) would put up observation balloons to spy on the French and English. It was not always easy work. Anti-aircraft batteries knew the range, some balloons actually had weapons on board them, and a plane could get too close to the flameable envelope and any fire on an early plane was a painful death sentence.

Anyway, this is balloon busting.

I always use my own words. My biggest complaint about Common Core (might as well capitalize it now) is that it takes away control from the local schools and gives it to the federal government who we know did such a great job on....well...everything it has ever gotten involved in. A system like the one in Johnson County cannot achieve higher standards without first getting clearance from the Common Core czars in Washington DC. Any deviance from the curriculum must be cleared by someone with no local interest. Control, that is a major problem.
The curriculum is designed (like all government projects) to be one size fits all. There is no alternate choice to educate. If the student is failing to understand or is frustrated by the slowness of the method....they're fucked! They have to go back and try again or they have to wait for everyone else to catch up. Those top 10% are the people that are going to change the world, if they get educated. Those bottom 10% can learn but not in the way that most people will. Common Core is designed for those right in the middle. The farther you get from that middle the more difficult it is for you.
Ever look into a Common Core math book? When learned to multiple by using multiplication tables and understanding how knowing that 9 X 7 was 63 was going to work when we had a number like 932. The relationships were there and universal. Today it is about counting. How do you multiply 95 X 13? You know what you do, you line them up and multiply by individual numbers: 3 X 5, 3 X 9 and then you add. In Common Core they teach to make up a field of dots to equate to 95 one way and 13 the other way, then you start counting. This is how they teach multiplication! Would anyone want to do that every problem? I wouldn't and I would figure out a faster way...but you know what? I wouldn't be allowed to use it. Even if I can just look at the problem (which I can) and tell you the answer it is not allowed.

Common Core is a poor teaching method. It takes away the individuality of the student. It takes away the control from the local educators and parents. What is it's real goal? Social engineering. They want to include in the curriculum liberal thinking by planting ideas into the problems. Let me give you an old example that I ran afoul of, it was a couple of years after I left the navy (Yep, I was a full grown adult) and I was taking a class in trigonometry. We had a problem where they used nuclear power plants as the medium. Something about nuclear accidents and all that, we have to figure out some statistic based on this crap. I raised my hand (I'm always polite in the classroom for starters) and told the teacher that the numbers were wrong. He looked at me and asked which numbers. I told him that the numbers on nuclear accidents was not real. He told me that they must be correct...they were in the textbook. I repeated that they were not real numbers and that they sounded more like propaganda than math problems. At this point he stood up and asked me directly why did I think that. I started by saying that I was in the Nuclear Power Program in the Navy and knew the real numbers were nothing like the book was claiming. He stopped me there and said that the math was the important thing and not whether the numbers of nuclear accidents were wrong or not. I told him that these students didn't know any better and they were learning something that wasn't true. I was asked to drop the class with a full refund halfway through the semester.

It is about social engineering and discreetly filling the kids with falsehoods and liberal propaganda mixed in with the education.

Healthcare and not insurance. You libs always get the two confused. The good doctors are trying to get away from things like Obamacare and Medicare. They're not getting the compensation that they need to go forward. Who are we left with? The poorer, younger, newer doctors. When they get some seasoning and experience they will try to get away from government programs themselves always leaving the regular people with less than stellar care. After leaving the navy I was in the VA system. I know about the doctors. Some of them are dedicated but most move on after about five years. They have student loans to pay off, or some visa thing that has to be satisfied, or maybe they can't find a good job elsewhere because of their record. The VA is the epitome of government healthcare. Ask a veteran.

By the way, wasn't Obamacare supposed to contain prices? They are going up...at a faster rate and only because of Obamacare pressure.

The problem with Baltimore (Chicago, Detroit, New York City, and Washington DC) is not policing. It is crime and criminals. Baltimore is the latest example of what can be found in other major cities. The police are attacked and they back off. When they back off the criminals declare a holiday and go forth. Children are being murdered at a five times higher rate in Baltimore than just last month. Why? What changed? The murder rate in Chicago is higher than in Afghanistan. We all read the story about the young woman shot dead at a bus stop because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. She was an honor student and trying to get out. Now we have the story from Washington DC where a journalist was used as a human shield to protect one scum from being shot by another scum. She died. She was black and had Master's degree. I thought black lives mattered? I guess they only matter if it is a white cop (are Hispanic's still considered white) that kills them in the performance of his (or her) duty.

Side note: You're the little turd who posted that a cop is dying every day so what was the big deal about one single cop. Your (hard) numbers were bullshit then and they are still bullshit.

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Old 05-30-2015, 07:45 AM   #5
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This good man agrees with JD!

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Old 05-30-2015, 08:06 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
This Idiot agrees with JDIdiot!

Let's mark down COIdiot's ATF, "Sweet Ass" IIFFY, as being in complete agreement with JDIdiot that the missing 777 was parked on a remote island and carefully shielded from view by shrubs and camouflaged netting.

That makes two "conspiracy theory" Idiots.

Are there any more Idiot Klan, errr Clan members who wish to join in with your two fellow Idiots?
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Old 05-30-2015, 10:34 AM   #7
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Can you name the biggest racist employer in America?

Every time the liberal media discovers that the racial composition of any particular company or industry does not reflect the population of the United States, immediately millions of gallons of ink (or digitial ink) are shed as the media frantically searches for signs of inherent racism. Just look at this recent article worrying that "not enough Black directors were making Superbowl ads". But in a curious article in the New York Times, the Times mentions an enormous racial disparity only second handedly, and doesn't seem concerned about the nature of it, because the recipients of it are not White, but Black.

Roughly one in five black adults works for the government, teaching school, delivering mail, driving buses, processing criminal justice and managing large staffs. They are about 30 percent more likely to have a public sector job than non-Hispanic whites, and twice as likely as Hispanics.

“Where else can you get a middle-class job without a college degree?” asked Bruce Bodner, the lawyer for the Transit Workers Union Local 234 in Philadelphia. A bus driver there who has been on the job for more than four years earns an average of $64,000 a year including overtime pay, he said, and skilled craft workers, like mechanics and carpenters, can earn more. Nearly 60 percent of the roughly 5,000 people who work for the city’s transit system, he said, are black.

15.6% of Black men are employed by the government while only 12.5% of white men are; 21.4% of Black women work for the government while 18.2% of White women do. These figures are especially stunning because there are many fewer Black than White people; to achieve this disparity, the government has to employ a lot more Black than White people.

And they get paid pretty well too.

State and local government workers earned an average of $28.17 an hour in December 2014, according to the Labor Department, in addition to a basket of other benefits worth nearly $16 an hour. (For a typical 35-hour week, that is roughly $51,000 a year, plus $29,000 in benefits.) Often their paychecks are supplemented with overtime.

In Miami, a bus operator’s base pay falls between $32,000 and $50,000, without overtime, according to county figures. [not counting benefits either]

So not only are the jobs awarded on the basis of race, but the pay for such unskilled jobs are discriminatory as well, because people of one race are being paid a much higher wage to do unskilled labor than people of other races would be paid in the private sector. And since these are wages paid with tax dollars, most income taxpayers, who are not minorities, are supporting redistribution of wealth involuntarily based on race.

So why is the Times writing about this now? Because state and local governments are apparently cutting back on jobs, and Blacks are in danger of the losing some of the jobs they gained through preferential treatment.

I'm sure you see the irony here on several levels. When there is a statistical disparity against Black employment, the media is the first to cry "racism"; when it's the opposite, the media is only worried about how to perpetuate it. It's standard liberal media double standard reverse racism.

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Old 05-30-2015, 12:47 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by bigtex View Post
Let's mark down....
Sounds like BigKotex wants WTC to give him another Dirty Sanchez.

Drinking again this early BT, or "carrying on" from last night?
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Old 05-30-2015, 01:38 PM   #9
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Only a nutjob like you could look at a textbook and see social engineering. Did you ever think that the number of accidents was what it was so that the problem would work out? And that it wasn't some nefarious scheme. You want to see bogeyman wherever you look. If you're willing to eschew logic, you can see them.
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Old 05-30-2015, 03:24 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by bigtex View Post
Let's mark down COIdiot's ATF, "Sweet Ass" IIFFY, as being in complete agreement with JDIdiot that the missing 777 was parked on a remote island and carefully shielded from view by shrubs and camouflaged netting.

That makes two "conspiracy theory" Idiots.

Are there any more Idiot Klan, errr Clan members who wish to join in with your two fellow Idiots?
Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
Sounds like BigKotex wants WTC to give him another Dirty Sanchez.

Drinking again this early BT, or "carrying on" from last night?
Let the record reflect that Turdy the Idiot Turdfly is sucking up to the heir to the Patriarchal Idiot throne. It should be noted that COIdiot's ATF, "Sweet Ass" IIFFYIdiot also recently jumped on board. With the above referenced quote it is apparent that Turdy Idiot has now agreed with JD's outlandish assertion that the missing 777 is parked on a remote island, under the cover of shrubs and camouflaged netting.

Are there any other Idiot's wanting to hop on JD's Idiot bandwagon?
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Old 05-30-2015, 06:51 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by bigtex View Post
Let the record reflect that Turdy the Idiot Turdfly is sucking up to the heir to the Patriarchal Idiot throne. It should be noted that COIdiot's ATF, "Sweet Ass" IIFFYIdiot also recently jumped on board. With the above referenced quote it is apparent that Turdy Idiot has now agreed with JD's outlandish assertion that the missing 777 is parked on a remote island, under the cover of shrubs and camouflaged netting.

Are there any other Idiot's wanting to hop on JD's Idiot bandwagon?

Still drinking that brown Kool Aid I see. It doesn't make you sexy, it just makes you a shit head. That plane (as I theorized) is parked in some hangar right now and unless you can produce the wreckage is something you should avoid as a topic of conversation. You've made enough lies and misstatements about what other people said.
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Old 05-30-2015, 07:33 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Still drinking that brown Kool Aid I see. It doesn't make you sexy, it just makes you a shit head. That plane (as I theorized) is parked in some hangar right now and unless you can produce the wreckage is something you should avoid as a topic of conversation. You've made enough lies and misstatements about what other people said.
YOU made the contention, therefore the burden of proof lies with YOU. You don't even understand THAT much. Maybe YOU should avoid it as a topic of conversation. Oh wait, you do, since you hate hearing it brought up again and again after making such a stupid contention in the first place.
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Old 05-30-2015, 07:48 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
That plane (as I theorized) is parked in some hangar right now and unless you can produce the wreckage is something you should avoid as a topic of conversation.
Oh contraire! I invite this conversation!

Unless you can produce actual photograph's of the Malaysian Airlines 777, discreetly parked on some remote island, camouflaged by shrubs and netting ..... then you are talking out of your ass, cuz your mouth knows better!

Since it is your bullshit, conspiracy theory, it is clearly your burden to produce the evidence.

Not mine!

My claim has always been that it is sitting on the bottom of the ocean (hundreds, if not thousands of feet deep) and may take years, if not decades to locate.

You say it is parked on some remote island, somewhere in the middle of nowhere and that it is camouflaged by shrubs, trees and/ or netting.

If so, produce the evidence!

If not, STFU!

Now I ask, whose theory is more plausible, mine or JDIdiot's?

Has anyone called JD a Conspiratorial Idiot lately?

If not, I just did!
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Old 05-30-2015, 09:06 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Look at common core and the nightly news. Teachers familiar with Soviet teaching techniques have identified "common core" as the American equivalent.
You REALLY need to educate yourself. Read about common core and you will see this was an initiative created by the State Governor's Association and the State Educators.

The ONLY involvement from the Federal government was the Obama Administration tied "Race to the Top" Federal grants to states adopting the Common Core.

The Common Core standards are not a bad idea. However, there are some problems with the common core specifically around testing and the fact there is no mechanism to modify them.

If you want to actually LEARN about Common Core and understand the problems (and potential solutions) with it read this article:


Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
The believe in equality of poor healthcare; It was a news item that Ted Cruz was going to have to sign up for Obamacare. Why? Because Congressmen (of both parties) and Senators don't have to use Obamacare and they never intended to. Why? Piss poor performance for starters and a poor track record. Costs are going up despite the promises from the White House.
You REALLY don't know much about the ACA at all.

The ACA did create state health care exchanges, the purpose being creating statewide pools of individuals who could then buy health insurance for prices that hopefully would be less than buying on the individual market.

Originally, Congress was not impacted by these state exchanges because ALL FEDERAL EMPLOYEES were already covered under their own health care system (FEHB). However, a Republican amendment was added that requires all members of Congress and their staff to purchase health insurance through ACA health exchanges.

This doesn't really mean much since members of Congress, like all Federal employees, have a large portion (average of 66%) paid for by their employer (the Federal Government).

Regarding costs rising, yes there were overpromises made. The sad reality is that health care costs have been rising steadily for the last 15 years. This is due to our private health care delivery system (i.e. private doctors, private insurance, private hospitals).

It is true however that health care costs have risen MORE SLOWLY since the ACA was enacted. This slower rate of rising costs may or may not have to do with the ACA.

For most people, the ACA really doesn't have much of an effect, except that all health care plans now have to include a basic set of minimum benefits (primarily covered preventative care).

The primary impact of the ACA has been to expand the number of people with health insurance, through the expansion of Medicaid and through health premium subsidies. With the ACA, health care coverage has increased from 85% to 92%.

I still will never understand why Republicans decided to make such a big issue out of the ACA. Most people aren't impacted, and most of the basic concepts of the ACA are based on Conservative ideas, specifically the Heritage Foundation, then Romneycare.
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Old 05-30-2015, 09:12 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
the media is only worried about how to perpetuate it. It's standard liberal media double standard reverse racism.
Seriously? You think reverse racism against whites is a problem?

That sad fact is there is pervasive racism in America. Some it overt, but most is very subtle.

If you want an example just look at the vitriol that has been leveled against President Obama. As a politician, his suggested policies are moderately Liberal, certainly no more liberal than Democrats before him like Bill Clinton.

However, Clinton NEVER had the vitriol leveled at him that Obama has -- items like "Communist, Marxist, Kenyan, Muslim, UnAmerican, HatesAmerica", etc.
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