Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
I'm not sure you quite grasp what passive aggression is.
Where did you get the idea that I, or any other lady, is incapable of giving a general physical description that so you know the person showing up is actually the hobbyist being referenced, without being insulting?
When LE walks into your incall and busts you, even after you checked his references, perhaps you will see the wisdom of including a basic description as an added layer of security. Or not.
actually, i understand it quite well. your reply was rude via a holier than thou attitude. it was spoken how a spoiled rotten brat older sister would speak to her younger sister, like you were standing on a pedestal talking down to others who don't give replies in the same graphic manner as you do, anyway...
im not sure how on earth a total description of someone will stop le. for what its worth, i hardly use reference requests as a end all to screening anyway. how someone acted towards you means nothing to how they will act towards me.
last, where did i get the idea? its been done before.
hobbyist asks, "what did she say about me?"
and the lady answers with more than a, "oh sweetheart.. thats between her and i."
youre telling me that every person on this board is responsible with keeping their mouth shut? they're not. it has happened to me. men and women leak from the men and womans areas all of the time. women try to hoard and steal the good friends. I'm not that way, and maybe you are not, but tons of women are and i have no possible way to filter out who is and who isn't or who will change to the other at any moment.
i have no interest in arguing with you, or anyone else for that matter. you can handle your reference requests with as much or as little detail as you choose and so will i.