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Old 05-13-2015, 06:27 PM   #16
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So you're getting offers from the tired old whores we are speaking about?
hahahahahahaha have at it, I wouldn't with your dick duct taped on a ten foot pole as V says lol.
Good that'll keep your ass out of the good pool
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Old 05-13-2015, 06:39 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by rockerrick View Post
So you're getting offers from the tired old whores we are speaking about?
hahahahahahaha have at it, I wouldn't with your dick duct taped on a ten foot pole as V says lol.
Good that'll keep your ass out of the good pool
Your are so clueless you are laughable. But I am sure you sleep better in your ignorance.:trampol ine:
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Old 05-13-2015, 06:48 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
Your are so clueless you are laughable. But I am sure you sleep better in your ignorance.:trampol ine:

At least you didn't get a dipsey doodle inane music video tossed your way.....

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Old 05-13-2015, 10:04 PM   #19
Hope I haven't bored you!
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
Well now, talk about predictable. It is the pack-mentality at work by the numbers. The mark actually stands up to the first tough-guy without flinching, so T.G. calls in another member of the pack.

Why do you assume that? Why can't the 2nd person simply share a similar point of view and come across the post and add his opinion? Why do you make it a conspiracy of sorts?

Now we have Wyldeman and Rock walking my way hand in hand to outnumber me 2-1 and strike fear into my heart! I wonder if it will work—let’s see.

Is there a great rush of adrenalin? NO.

Am I looking over my shoulder, trying to find an escape route? NO.

Am I in fear that I’ll dream I am inside a suit of armor spray painted white? NO.

Is something wet and warm running down my leg? NO.

Looks like I am not too frightened to hold my ground and laugh in your collective faces. Ha, ha, ha, ha!!! Take that!

So would you agree that a couple of bullies really lack the ability to run off members of the site?

While you are at it, it might be helpful for the two of you to learn to read for meaning. Of course I am meeting up with a young lady from here. I never said you should find that surprising. What I actually SAID was these kind of discussions with Neanderthal misogynists makes it EASIER to meet with some of the finer ladies on ECCIE. Easier as in that they contact me and offer interesting ways to say “thank you” for saying what a lot of them want to say—but it would hurt their business because they would then get verbally jumped on and in some cases worse

Does that motivate you to champion one of their causes?

I imagine it would surprise you and others that a rather desirable under 30 milf recently reached out to me, totally unsolicited and not anyone I had ever noticed, to suggest she would like to meet and spend time together off the clock because she appreciates a man that speaks his mind without regards for popularity or personal attacks?

I imagine that you and others would also disbelieve that another one of the local ladies has extended an offer to take me to diner at Flemmings... her treat ... as she is interested in getting to know me after some of the things I've posted.....

We are not unalike in that we speak our minds and that it attracts ladies that can appreciate it. It's led me to meeting a lot of ladies over the years I would have never sought out.....

: lots of appointments made with zero intent by the guys to show. Happens a lot when dealing with the gang/pack mentality in some cities.

Actually there is a long known history of that occurring here in Austin and being attributable to local whores putting their lap-dawgs up to making and subsequently canceling or no showing those appointments in order to negatively effect visiting whores business with the hopes of seeing them leave early and not return.

The lady I am meeting this week wrote and said she is coming to my city this weekend. She has posted availability Sat/Sun, but offered to show her appreciation by taking ME out to dinner Friday night with no other commitment on either side. We talked more about the general decline in civility on here (not Austin, but similar situations in other cities she frequents). After a few exchanges I offered to cook dinner for her instead at my place, and she will be staying overnight. No charge other than the meal and wine. Couldn’t have done it without you guys (or your ilk)—so a big shout out to all you cretins.

"Cretins"? Wouldn't you agree that is an example of you stooping to exactly what it is you are complaining about? Please. Be honest.

So what next? I assume there will be the typical sour grapes replies, more posts about passing up offers for free dates, and another castigation by RR having something to do with having to pay/not having to pay/reviewing too many/reviewing too few. And all the while I will be laughing at both of you.

But not before imitating them....

It is always fun to watch guys like you two.

It is always fun to watch those that want to act superior drawn down into the mud by those they think little of.

Essentially no substance, a lot of braggadocio, and so confident that they have the template for everyone else’s likes and dislikes. The only close comparison I can make is when I am eating at a Cracker barrel—I like their hash brown casserole when I am on the road—and wind up seated a table away from folks who truly believe CB is “fine dining”. If they like it, good for them! But some of us have somewhat different definitions of a quality evening with a lady.

Yes.... We do....

I believe the points I've made here in regards to your post have been done so in a civil as well as honest/open manner.

Can you address them in the way you profess a desire to see others do?
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