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Old 05-11-2015, 06:44 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by doug_dfw View Post
Quite a question- would he be faithful? But your honesty questionable at best. Would you be faithful?
I would. It's hard to be a provider and have a husband. I am not good at hiding stuff from boyfriend or a husband. And, I assume if someone puts a ring on my finger, he would want me to stop this.

By the way, hypothetically speaking, if I agree to get married again it would be partly because he is a DATY king. So, there would be nothing for me to look for in the streets
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Old 05-12-2015, 08:49 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by Snow Lioness View Post
I'd consider a few, #1 Majicream, #2 Maniparan, #3 Very Nice
I don't see Chung Tran listed, but that's ok.. a review of your showcase special suggests I only need 20 minutes of matrimony!
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Old 05-12-2015, 10:57 AM   #63
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Some are trying misconstrue what I'm saying.

If a woman is having sex all day then comes home from "work" she's not going to be a very good lay for her husband.

If you're marrying someone and the best you can get is sloppy-seconds or thirds or fourths, then I think most men wouldn't like it. Aside from being the last the girl will be tired and worn out every day, she likely will not want to have sex after she's "worked" all day.

However if you're an active provider who brings girls home for your husband to bang or has threesomes often then it could happen, but both sides have to make sacrifices like any relationship.
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Old 05-12-2015, 12:03 PM   #64
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Under those circumstances, it would be a little unrealistic for the provider to expect the client never to see another girl again. I wouldn't necessarily call it being unfaithful. I have a theory that once a woman has her man and has had all of the children she wants, her sex drive goes to almost non-existent. I may be wrong and I am sure there are exceptions, but for the most part...

If that happens to me, I will not think it is the end of the world if my husband visits providers once in a while. I better NEVER find out about it. If he were to get so out of control that it affects our life, that is were I would draw the line.
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Old 05-12-2015, 12:06 PM   #65
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Yes and Yes.

However, I wouldn't be able to provide anymore.

This profession of mine requires me to give a lot of myself intimately to others, which, at the end of the day, what can I give of myself to my partner if I'm always putting it up for sell?

If I love someone, I wan't to be able to give them my all. Mind and body.
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Old 05-12-2015, 12:10 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by tornado82 View Post
Hobbyists, have you and would you marry/have a child by a provider?
Providers, have you and would you marry/have a child by a client?
Hell NAW!!!! This is the real world... Not "Pretty Woman"!!
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Old 05-12-2015, 06:41 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by anita View Post
I would. It's hard to be a provider and have a husband. I am not good at hiding stuff from boyfriend or a husband. And, I assume if someone puts a ring on my finger, he would want me to stop this.

By the way, hypothetically speaking, if I agree to get married again it would be partly because he is a DATY king. So, there would be nothing for me to look for in the streets
My dear, you can teach him that art form. Wish you luck
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Old 05-13-2015, 01:42 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by So, Trill, to me what your post says is that you don't [i
really[/i] see what we do as work...and you've also got some hints of slut-shaming going on in that bolded bit. (And not all of us see that many guys a day, though there isn't anything wrong with those who do.)

As the guys who've been fortunate enough to have a civvy relationship with me would attest, there are many benefits to being with a sex worker - we're independent, we know our bodies and our likes/dislikes, we damn sure know how to make a fellow happy and we take great pride in our appearance. We're also often well-read, interesting and pretty cool ladies, on the whole...hence why we're good at what we do.

In my experience, no. I've tried relationships with both hobby and civvy guys and the bit I always kept coming back to with the hobbyists was...if he hid me from his SO, then what's to keep him from hiding someone from me? Add that to the craving for variety that most hobbyists have and it was a recipe for relationship paranoia. *shrugs*

Now, as to the OP.

There's no way in hell that I'd marry or (gods forbid) carry a fetus for a hobbyist.
I'm also uninterested in the marrying/childbirth aspect with civvies, though, so at least it's not based on what community they're part of.

I don't often respond to threads but this one... Let me start by saying my opinions are MINE and don't represent the "guy" collective. i would have a relationship with a (active) provider on the condition if I did fuck someone else, its not cheating...

Bottom line, my mythical provider GF would get to FUCK other guys/girls. The fact she gets money and/or gifts for that is great BUT SHE'S actively fucking someone else. How then can she be upset when I do the same???? I'd be expected to have the perspective that a stray dick in her mouth, and someone else fucking her while fingering Greece is a just the "job"??? And I should suck it up and NOT indulge in seeking some strange for myself??? OK...

I'm not making an attempt to slut shame anyone as I'm in the Man-Slut Hall of Fame but the expectation of one-sided monogamy is ridiculously unrealistic IMO.
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Old 05-13-2015, 07:36 AM   #69
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Default I think I would.

To me this would be tricky for me because a lot of these beautiful girls are good at what they do, do I just assume anyone to appears to like me is just playing the role. But the thought has crossed my mind. Who would better understand and be more accepting of each other's lifestyle and past. You could be easily open with each other.
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Old 05-13-2015, 07:58 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by Like2Bone View Post
Been there, done that, got the t-shirt...and the 2 kids!

Married a stripper / provider after a whirlwind romance that at the time felt like true love. 2 kids within a year and a month validates the incredible sex, desire, and passion felt...or so I thought.

Now divorced after a little over a year of marriage and having to deal with the immaturity, bipolar condition of her (and probably me too) while co-parenting 2 small children is a challenge and an every other weekend reminder of love lost, or the worst decision of my life - depending on my optimism / cynicism meter that day.

I am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that both providers and us hobbyists are not wired correctly emotionally, mentally, whatever you want to label it. The melancholy ennui of day to day life simply did not offer enough excitement, and was incorrectly labeled as poor partner choice by her. No internal introspection or accountability occurred whatsoever.

Of course when a relationship begins and is based on payment for sexual companionship, it takes 2 very special people to convert that over to true love and intimacy. Guess we are not very special people.

Excellent post that would benefit all of us in fantasy land to digest.
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Old 05-13-2015, 08:03 AM   #71
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All seven of my children are from guys on this board. Why do y'all think I never work? I make like a grand and a half per kid each and every month. Comes straight outta their paycheck. BAM! Simple as that. Rollin in the dough. Babies make it rain.

disclaimer: joking
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Old 05-13-2015, 08:32 AM   #72
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Originally Posted by thathottnurse View Post
All seven of my children are from guys on this board. Why do y'all think I never work? I make like a grand and a half per kid each and every month. Comes straight outta their paycheck. BAM! Simple as that. Rollin in the dough. Babies make it rain.

disclaimer: joking
Want to go for eight? Would be a raise of sorts with an additional monthly check. Or you could keep me happily ever after!😜
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Old 05-13-2015, 08:36 AM   #73
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Provider or not, I would not get married period, especially considering the divorce rate in the RW, the divorce rate with a provider is probably as close to 100% as you can get. There is enough stress and hassle with family and RW friends on occasion to add on to it with more baggage to have to carry. The gossip, woe is me tales for sympathy, personal problems ect. and that kind of drama is usually twice as much, if not worse, with a provider than with someone you meet under different circumstances in the RW. I have been there and done that with providers/strippers in the past. It may be great at first and even for a while, but it never ends well, and it always ends!

IMO, I see and pay providers to give me a GFE experience, w/o the drama and other BS outside the bedroom in and of a RW relationship, for the small amount of time I am with them. Reason being, when I do not pay cash, then the expected RW and other drama are in my future and going to happen if I choose to be more than an acquaintance friend, hang out OTC or play WK on the boards, much more so getting married/fathering a child with one.

In other words, in the hobby world, and with rare exceptions, I try to do the old adage, you scratch my back, I scratch yours.
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Old 05-13-2015, 08:48 AM   #74
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Originally Posted by thathottnurse View Post
All seven of my children are from guys on this board. Why do y'all think I never work? I make like a grand and a half per kid each and every month. Comes straight outta their paycheck. BAM! Simple as that. Rollin in the dough. Babies make it rain.

disclaimer: joking
LMAO, but all the Mothers Day flowers must be making your allergies go crazy.
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Old 05-13-2015, 10:16 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by Frique-Me View Post
Let me start by saying my opinions are MINE and don't represent the "guy" collective. i would have a relationship with a (active) provider on the condition if I did fuck someone else, its not cheating...

Bottom line, my mythical provider GF would get to FUCK other guys/girls. The fact she gets money and/or gifts for that is great BUT SHE'S actively fucking someone else. How then can she be upset when I do the same???? I'd be expected to have the perspective that a stray dick in her mouth, and someone else fucking her while fingering Greece is a just the "job"??? And I should suck it up and NOT indulge in seeking some strange for myself??? OK...

I'm not making an attempt to slut shame anyone as I'm in the Man-Slut Hall of Fame but the expectation of one-sided monogamy is ridiculously unrealistic IMO.
You're entitled to your opinion - and lord knows there are many men who share it with you - so I suppose on this front we'll just have to agree to disagree.

You can't see that it's a job (for some of us, at least) and I find your equation of my work to your civvy liaisons a bit disingenuous, but so long as you were up-front with your expectations to your mythical provider GF then that's your business. *shrugs*

Whenever I've been in a relationship while providing - and I've tried your method, though it doesn't work for me - I've been up front about my expectations for monogamy. Though you may call it unrealistic, there are men out there (and women) who are willing to be monogamous with a sex worker...and those relationships can be quite fulfilling for both parties. It's not all about sex, y'know.

And so long as you communicate your expectations to your partner so they can make informed consent then that's the important part, right?

Originally Posted by Trill Jackson View Post
Some are trying misconstrue what I'm saying.

If a woman is having sex all day then comes home from "work" she's not going to be a very good lay for her husband.

If you're marrying someone and the best you can get is sloppy-seconds or thirds or fourths, then I think most men wouldn't like it. Aside from being the last the girl will be tired and worn out every day, she likely will not want to have sex after she's "worked" all day.
Not trying to misconstrue, though misunderstandings may occur. If that's the case, then my apologies.

I think my problem with your statement is that you're assuming all providers are "having sex all day" so anyone who partners with us is getting "sloppy-seconds or thirds or fourths," which often isn't true.

If I (hypothetically) had one session at 0900 and my partner didn't get home until 1700, how is that so much different than if I got up and had a self-pleasuring session that morning? Does it make such a difference if it's a real dick versus a silicone one?

And hell, when I was doing the relationship thing I'd often come home from an appointment all fired up and ready to jump whoever I was with - work is often enjoyable, but there's little as good as sex with someone who knows just how to push your buttons. We're not nearly as "worn out" at the end of the day as you may think.

I do think, however, that I'm not going to find common understanding with you or Frique so...*shrugs*
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