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Old 04-02-2015, 01:57 PM   #46
Camille Fox
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Default Not prostitution costs, just business costs...

Calculate your service operating cost. Any business owner needs to know this or you are navigating in the dark.

To determine your operating costs, if you have costs that you normally would not occur in, add them, even if they are in excess of what you would normally spend. For example: of course you spend money on lingerie as a civilian, but as providers, we spend a lot more so count that as an expense, even if not tax deductible. Remember, you are calculating your operating costs.


Renter's Insurance
Cleaning supplies
Make up
Cell phone
Travel (air, food, hotel)
Accountant fees etc
Medical costs
Food/beverages provided
Child care

Keep track of monthly and annual costs.

Then, determine your monthly effective service hours. It is easier to do this if you set a schedule for the month and keep track of number of appts. For every appt, add an hour of preparation as part of your service hour because that's time that you are dedicating to your business.

So, if you have 5 hours a day that you are available to work a day, 5 days a week, that's 100 hours a month. Take 3 days off for "sick days", so that's 15 hours lost, 85 hours.

To find your operating cost per hour, divide your total costs for the month by your effective service hours. In this example, if your total costs were about $6,000, you would divide it by 85, it would be equal to $71. Anything you charge over $71 is a profit. Remember, that's just an example.
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Old 04-02-2015, 02:00 PM   #47
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Who cares?
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Old 04-02-2015, 02:14 PM   #48
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Chincho cared.
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Old 04-23-2015, 12:33 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by Blondie xxx View Post
Yes but I cant sign a lease bc im planning to move to the UAE/dubai to work in the medical field 1st week of June. Plus I get the room every day anyway:/ I never had clients come to my home. I always thought there wouls be one crazy that would show up late at nite drunk haha ...I dont know just never have done that.
That's lots of airfare Blondie even on hookers wages!
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Old 04-23-2015, 12:47 AM   #50
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Blondie that musta been the Quickest trip ever to Dubai for an American...
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Old 04-23-2015, 12:53 AM   #51
Blondie xxx
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Originally Posted by Chincho View Post
Blondie that musta been the Quickest trip ever to Dubai for an American...
I havent left yet if thats what ur saying? Sometimes life here can get in the way;/ thats my plan to go back to relocate for a while 14 hrs direct flight thru emirates airlines houston ;*
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Old 04-23-2015, 02:36 AM   #52
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I happen to be an expert
In the area of. Bj..
I do pretty well.. Im fs
But i think id still be able to
Make profit with that service only
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Old 05-03-2015, 12:34 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by Little Miss Cuntcakes View Post
Btw I clean and disinfect my table after every use as well as use a clean sheet,pillow case and towels for every single appt cause I ain't no dirty bitch.
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Old 05-03-2015, 01:04 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by Camille Fox View Post
Keep track of monthly and annual costs.

Then, determine your monthly effective service hours. It is easier to do this if you set a schedule for the month and keep track of number of appts. For every appt, add an hour of preparation as part of your service hour because that's time that you are dedicating to your business.

So, if you have 5 hours a day that you are available to work a day, 5 days a week, that's 100 hours a month. Take 3 days off for "sick days", so that's 15 hours lost, 85 hours.

To find your operating cost per hour, divide your total costs for the month by your effective service hours. In this example, if your total costs were about $6,000, you would divide it by 85, it would be equal to $71. Anything you charge over $71 is a profit. Remember, that's just an example.
Actually, don't you need to estimate how many hours you will be working instead of how many hours you are available? Sometimes, your available hours will not be filled, and no one is paying you for prep time - just time seeing clients. In your example, if you plan to entertain clients for 60 hours a month and have expenses of $6,000, then you need $100 an hour to break even - not showing a profit. If you need $3,000 a month profit, you need to see clients for 90 hours... or charge 60 clients $150 an hour.
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Old 05-03-2015, 03:48 PM   #55
Camille Fox
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We actually need to know, for operating costs, how many hours we are available. A gent is not being charged for prepping, but when it comes to calculating into cost, any time that is dedicated to your business is time that you are effectively working. That is important when someone tries to determine, let's say, if this business is better than getting another job. If you spend 2 hrs to prepare to a hr appt and you are only taking one appt/day, for example, and you charge 200hr, you are not making 200hr. You are making $100, minus all the other costs involved with the business.

Even worse, some girls will sit at their incall waiting for a call, without actually doing anything productive. If you are spending 4 hrs a day, doing nothing, and you only get 1 call a day, then you are making $50, minus all the other costs.

Back to the example I gave, if your bills are $6,000 and you are dedicating 85 hrs to work a month, every one of those hours are costing the lady about $70. So, that lady that is only taking an appt a day at $200 should think about either increasing her business or decreasing costs.

This thread is about figuring out how much it costs to do business, and that's what I wanted ladies to think about, because, if you are only profiting $1000 at the end of the month, doing something else may be an option if you are looking at retirement or venturing into another field.
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Old 05-04-2015, 12:15 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by Camille Fox View Post
Calculate your service operating cost. Any business owner needs to know this or you are navigating in the dark.

To determine your operating costs, if you have costs that you normally would not occur in, add them, even if they are in excess of what you would normally spend. For example: of course you spend money on lingerie as a civilian, but as providers, we spend a lot more so count that as an expense, even if not tax deductible. Remember, you are calculating your operating costs.


Renter's Insurance
Cleaning supplies
Make up
Cell phone
Travel (air, food, hotel)
Accountant fees etc
Medical costs
Food/beverages provided
Child care

Keep track of monthly and annual costs.

Then, determine your monthly effective service hours. It is easier to do this if you set a schedule for the month and keep track of number of appts. For every appt, add an hour of preparation as part of your service hour because that's time that you are dedicating to your business.

So, if you have 5 hours a day that you are available to work a day, 5 days a week, that's 100 hours a month. Take 3 days off for "sick days", so that's 15 hours lost, 85 hours.

To find your operating cost per hour, divide your total costs for the month by your effective service hours. In this example, if your total costs were about $6,000, you would divide it by 85, it would be equal to $71. Anything you charge over $71 is a profit. Remember, that's just an example.
Did anyone else find this sexy?
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Old 05-04-2015, 01:53 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by Chincho View Post
At 200-300/hour is it cost prohibitive to have clean fresh sheets for every session? Laying in the same sheets as everybody else has that day is the same as rolling around in strangers dirty under wear, and I don't care what you spray those sheets with they are not clean until they have been washed in hot water and detergent.
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Old 05-04-2015, 05:18 PM   #58
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Charge what you will but it's still a supply and demand that creates the market place.
I pay more for excellence but some providers spend minutes getting ready for a session.
Look at the reviews and note how many times the hobbyist has to wait for the provider to get ready.
Our time is also valuable.
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Old 05-04-2015, 08:41 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by nerdy123 View Post
Did anyone else find this sexy?
The thought of Camille fox brings this song to my mind...

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