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Old 05-03-2015, 10:35 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
Most of these mouthbreathers don't know the difference between the deficit, the debt, their asshole and a hole in the ground.

Why I was about to ask this question of the OP. Are you spying on me? As for the OP, how do we know this was unbiased as he claims?

As for the claim, imagining running your own personal debt up to about $5,000 a month from $2,000 a month, after six years you get it back down to $3500 a month and you claim a victory??? Is this insanity? Is it stupidity on the part of STD? Is it just part of that Kool Aid drinking thing. Does anyone really believe that the debt has remained constant for the last month?
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Old 05-03-2015, 10:39 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Why I was about to ask this question of the OP. Are you spying on me? As for the OP, how do we know this was unbiased as he claims?

As for the claim, imagining running your own personal debt up to about $5,000 a month from $2,000 a month, after six years you get it back down to $3500 a month and you claim a victory??? Is this insanity? Is it stupidity on the part of STD? Is it just part of that Kool Aid drinking thing. Does anyone really believe that the debt has remained constant for the last month?
Who gives a shit? Can you personally do a goddamn thing about it? Short answer? No.
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Old 05-03-2015, 10:40 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
Obama inherited the biggest deficit in our history. This is not up for debate. A president can't be held entirely responsible for the deficit in his first year. That budget was set the previous year under the previous administration. Fiscal year 2009 actually began in October of 2008. That's when it's all Obama's.

In fact, two pieces of legislation he signed make up a third of his total deficits run. The stimulus of 2009 and the Tax relief act of 2010 that extended the Bush tax cuts and cut SS for two years. The question we should be asking, instead of trying to play wack-a-mole is to figure out what the hell we are going to do next.

And Bush had a war thrust upon him plus a terrorist attack. Factor in the housing loan bubble bursting and the tax cuts mean nothing. Besides, Obama signed them back into existence so you can't say shit about those tax cuts can you?

What are we going to do next? Are you that simple? Cut spending, eliminate waste, only start absolutely necessary programs. Very simple. Once the economy really gets going (remember GDP growth last quarter was .2 percent) then tax revenues will increase....maybe they don't teach that in those socialism classes that you're taking
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Old 05-03-2015, 10:44 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
There would still be private medical service in a single-payer system. Other countries do it and it works fine for them. Are you saying we aren't capable of doing that?

"Britain’s government healthcare system — is being forced to shave $31 billion from its budget by 2015.
These cuts are leading to a precipitous drop in the quality of care patients receive. The NHS has been living well beyond its means for quite awhile. And now brutal government-enforced cost controls are exacting a heavy human toll.
In order to realize some savings, the NHS is raising the threshold at which patients qualify for treatment and lengthening wait times for surgeries determined “non-lifesaving.” The Service is also cutting more than 20,000 NHS jobs over the next two years and shuttering a number of hospitals."

That's what you call "works fine for them"? Seriously?
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Old 05-03-2015, 10:45 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
And Bush had a war thrust upon him plus a terrorist attack. Factor in the housing loan bubble bursting and the tax cuts mean nothing. Besides, Obama signed them back into existence so you can't say shit about those tax cuts can you?

What are we going to do next? Are you that simple? Cut spending, eliminate waste, only start absolutely necessary programs. Very simple. Once the economy really gets going (remember GDP growth last quarter was .2 percent) then tax revenues will increase....maybe they don't teach that in those socialism classes that you're taking
The fact that you call me simple while believing it's that simple, is cute. Nothing involving government and money is 'very simple'. You're very simple, though. That I would believe. Bush had a war thrust upon him? Remind me again, was it Iraq that had a part in 9/11?
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Old 05-03-2015, 10:47 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
Negative growth in GDP for the first quarter of fiscal year 2015? That's interesting, since we only have projections at this point on those figures, not hard figures.

I love how you throw numbers out there with absolutely no context attached to them. The decline in the labor participation rate has been steadily trending downward for at least a decade. In case you didn't know, the baby boomers are reaching retirement age and many are not working any longer.


There's plenty Obama has done wrong. You don't need to just make shit up.
First Quarter of FY2015 ran from 1 OCT 2014, to 31 DEC 2014.. GOVERNMENT FISCAL YEAR. SO we aren't talking projections. we are talking HARD NUMBERS. I love how you argue stuff you are so TOTALLY WRONG about.

So... dropping from 68% participation rate under Bush to Obama's less than 63% is "nothing to see here, move along, move along"? too funny.
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Old 05-03-2015, 10:49 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by RedLeg505 View Post

"Britain’s government healthcare system — is being forced to shave $31 billion from its budget by 2015.
These cuts are leading to a precipitous drop in the quality of care patients receive. The NHS has been living well beyond its means for quite awhile. And now brutal government-enforced cost controls are exacting a heavy human toll.
In order to realize some savings, the NHS is raising the threshold at which patients qualify for treatment and lengthening wait times for surgeries determined “non-lifesaving.” The Service is also cutting more than 20,000 NHS jobs over the next two years and shuttering a number of hospitals."

That's what you call "works fine for them"? Seriously?
So you cherrypick one country. Predictable. Read this article. Our system ranks 37th, behind countries like Costa Rica and Iceland. Healthcare is a right, not a privilege.

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Old 05-03-2015, 10:51 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by RedLeg505 View Post
First Quarter of FY2015 ran from 1 OCT 2014, to 31 DEC 2014.. GOVERNMENT FISCAL YEAR. SO we aren't talking projections. we are talking HARD NUMBERS. I love how you argue stuff you are so TOTALLY WRONG about.

So... dropping from 68% participation rate under Bush to Obama's less than 63% is "nothing to see here, move along, move along"? too funny.
People get old and retire. Is that somehow Obama's fault too? And where is your link on quarter one hard numbers. I'm well aware of when the fiscal year starts and ends. I just finished pointing that, dipshit.

GDP was up 0.2 percent for quarter one 2015, not down 2.7 as you stated.

Do Next? What's to do next. All the properly indoctrinated Obama supporters keep telling us the economy is great because the DOW is up. Forget that the labor participation rate is below 63%. Forget that GDP last quarter was 0.2% and a negative 2.7% Q1 FY2015.
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Old 05-03-2015, 10:54 PM   #24
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You could also word it better. You mention gdp last quarter and then launch into first quarter 2015. Technically, that WAS the last quarter. The second quarter just ended.
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Old 05-03-2015, 10:57 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
People get old and retire. Is that somehow Obama's fault too? And where is your link on quarter one hard numbers. I'm well aware of when the fiscal year starts and ends. I just finished pointing that, dipshit.

GDP was up 0.2 percent for quarter one 2015, not down 2.7 as you stated.

Do Next? What's to do next. All the properly indoctrinated Obama supporters keep telling us the economy is great because the DOW is up. Forget that the labor participation rate is below 63%. Forget that GDP last quarter was 0.2% and a negative 2.7% Q1 FY2015.
I'm well aware of when the fiscal year starts and ends. I just finished pointing that, dipshit... so then.. I need to take into account your severely LIMITED reading comprehension problems when I word my sentences?

Really? ROFL.. then you would KNOW that the FIRST QUARTER of FY 2015 started 1 OCT 2014 and ended 31 Dec 2014. GDP of 0.2% was for SECOND QUARTER.. which ran from 1 Jan 2015 to 31 Mar 2015.

So.. since you know what and how government fiscal years are measured.. you know that FIRST QUARTER of a negative 2.7% was then followed by a SECOND QUARTER of 0.2%

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Old 05-03-2015, 11:00 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by RedLeg505 View Post
I'm well aware of when the fiscal year starts and ends. I just finished pointing that, dipshit... so then.. I need to take into account your severely LIMITED reading comprehension problems when I word my sentences?

Really? ROFL.. then you would KNOW that the FIRST QUARTER of FY 2015 started 1 OCT 2014 and ended 31 Dec 2014. GDP of 0.2% was for SECOND QUARTER.. which ran from 1 Jan 2015 to 31 Mar 2015.

So.. since you know what and how government fiscal years are measured.. you know that FIRST QUARTER of a negative 2.7% was then followed by a SECOND QUARTER of 0.2%

You have provided no links. So no, I don't know that.
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Old 05-03-2015, 11:01 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
You could also word it better. You mention gdp last quarter and then launch into first quarter 2015. Technically, that WAS the last quarter. We are in second quarter now.
Jesus H Christ.. how STUPID do you need to demonstrate you are?

First Quarter FY 2015 1 Oct 2014 - 31 Dec 2014
Second Quarter FY 2015 1 Jan 2015 - Mar 31 2015
Third Quarter FY 2015 (WHICH WE ARE IN NOW) 1 APR 2015 - 30 Jun 2015

So.. no.. we are NOT in second quarter now.
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Old 05-03-2015, 11:06 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by RedLeg505 View Post
I'm well aware of when the fiscal year starts and ends. I just finished pointing that, dipshit... so then.. I need to take into account your severely LIMITED reading comprehension problems when I word my sentences?

Really? ROFL.. then you would KNOW that the FIRST QUARTER of FY 2015 started 1 OCT 2014 and ended 31 Dec 2014. GDP of 0.2% was for SECOND QUARTER.. which ran from 1 Jan 2015 to 31 Mar 2015.

So.. since you know what and how government fiscal years are measured.. you know that FIRST QUARTER of a negative 2.7% was then followed by a SECOND QUARTER of 0.2%

You fucking idiot. The first quarter number was down 0.2, not 2.7.


And there are no second quarter numbers yet. So you lied, twice.
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Old 05-03-2015, 11:08 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by RedLeg505 View Post
Jesus H Christ.. how STUPID do you need to demonstrate you are?

First Quarter FY 2015 1 Oct 2014 - 31 Dec 2014
Second Quarter FY 2015 1 Jan 2015 - Mar 31 2015
Third Quarter FY 2015 (WHICH WE ARE IN NOW) 1 APR 2015 - 30 Jun 2015

So.. no.. we are NOT in second quarter now.
The gdp for first quarter was down 0.2, not 2.7 as you stated. We don't have hard numbers for quarter two yet, dumbass. We, as taxpayers, are in the second quarter. The WH runs on a different fiscal schedule.
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Old 05-04-2015, 12:29 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by shanm View Post
Did you read that email before or after wiring the nigerian prince your entire life savings? you gullible idiot.


And it’s also untrue — as claimed in a graphic widely circulated by email and in social media postings — that the debt has increased more under Obama than under all previous 43 presidents combined. In fact, as of Jan. 31, 2012, the rise under Obama had yet to surpass the rise under his predecessor, George W. Bush.

Speaking of, do you even know what the debt actually means? If so, can you please explain the simple difference between intergovernmental debt and debt held by the public? I'm sure you can use google, but I'd like to see you at least try.

Go back and look at the figures. The amount of increase in public debt started under George Bush, as early as January 2008. It was a response to the financial crisis. The same growth rate has continued under Obama.
You're an idiot. What was the national debt when Obama took office? What will it be when Obama leaves office? What is the difference between those two numbers?
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