Originally Posted by butterfryman
In this specific forum sure it's fine to say whatever you want....
BUT.....a word of advice from someone 100% P4P for about 25 years...
*and yes 100 / not 99 even ...
Decide if you wanna make max cash....or not
Because many guys decide to pay for pussy....for the sole purpose of the chick going away IMMEDIATELY afterwards..........like me
WHY?....because they reached the point to where they can't stand another SECOND of bitching / nagging / arguing about things that don't matter....being told how they should be behaving.....basically what a total asshole we are.
*Some guys simply can't get pussy to save their lives....therefore get to have sex with a much higher quality of woman than they would otherwise.....
note: the latter will not treat you any better than the former...usually better
SO.....maybe consider making your boyfriend's....or girlfriend's.....life a living hell as it is your duty to do...be cool here / play the game .. 
Good post!
And that is probably why not even 10% of the providers with showcases do not post anything at all and the ones that do, post ads only. When the rarity comes that an established provider gives her
unjaded honest opinion on a subject, it is much appreciated and good info to know.
The less than 2% of providers who have an opinion on subjects usually taking shots at others due to maybe an agenda or whatever, and/or open up whiny bitch threads or posts because they did not get their way are the ones you want to steer clear from.
IMO, even tho it is a good intel on a provider, no hobbyist in their right mind wants to read that, let alone listen to their problems in person, which they feel they might do setting an appointment with said provider.
As you said, play the game.
Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Oh, SHUT UP, woman!!! Don't nobody wanna hear all dat!!!
Nahh, I'm just playing.
Well, this is a board with adults(?) on it. Everything said isn't always going to be pretty and flowery and...likable.
I personally wish we could 'cut loose' a little more and quit having to be as nice as we are at times. If you read long enough, you can tell that some of what's said is fake anyway.
Very true, we cannot be all things to all people and what we post will not be liked by all, but there is a fine line of not agreeing with someone and bashing people because of the their opinions. There are also members who have personal agendas that take this site too seriously causing the mods to play babysitter sometimes on threads. So I want to say that those type people actually do mean and feel what they post, not that it is true, but in their mind it is and would like it to be, then hijack threads steering it towards said agenda and for the ones that cannot think independently for themselves, get as many of them as they can to jump on their bandwagon as well.
Eccie is an adult board? yes, for most of us, but for some, it is a way to be an anonymous condescending internet bully and probably the only means of social interaction they can get!