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Old 04-27-2015, 10:44 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jan 8, 2015
Location: Denver, CO DTC
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My ECCIE Reviews
Talking An open letter to the terminally inept:

I am writing this in light of a recent first for me: I had to deny an Okay request on p411. Now, I don't do this lightly. You can be a bad listener, a smelly bastard, an asshole, an ugly old goat of a fella, shy, what have you. My criteria for an okay is completely the same for everyone, if we met and played and you paid as agreed, and didn't axe murder-rape me, you get an okay. Seems easy enough to just not be a shady psycho...
Until the happening. I received an app request from someone who had been cleared for membership by this prestigious organization , but had yet to get an okay. A newbie. I am (mostly ) newbie friendly, as we all gotta start somewhere. I set up the appt with this gent for 1:00 pm, at my home. I'm not asking for sympathy or safety tips, so stop right there. I know yall wanna do it. Dont. I get it NOW.

At 1, he called and said he arrived and i gave him my apt #. At 1:10 I received abother call saying he couldn't find my apt. By this point, I am a bit sketched out and feeling like I just made a sitting duck out of my own tailfeathers. At 115, he pulls into my little driveway and rolls down the window. He's cute enough to get dates, for real. He leaNed out the window and actually said "look I'm nervous, this is my first time, can you hop In and talk to me?" I just kinda looked at him like he had a dick growing out of his ear and said "that is definitely not happening." He shut off the engine and stepped out, and he was a 45 year old man dressed like a 17 year old hipster megadouche. I have never trusted a middle aged man who dressed like a damn teenager...they are never anything but squirrely as hell...amirite, guys?! I let him in ANYWAY, and somehow it got even more hairy...
You folks must understand that this was THE LONGEST hour of my entire life. He was in MY home, which I obviously lived in (constant creative chaos mixed with way too many clothes and beauty products for one betch), and was so freaking suspicious of my intentions. He spent 20 mins standing around my living room, mumbling about how nervous he was and asking me if I'm a cop (pet fucking peeve #1!), while peeking into my guest bath, coat closet, and even my PANTRY for the LE that I store in there. TBH, it was the first time i ever WISHED there was a cop in my closet. He asked me "how many guys I had fucked" that day, he asked me if I had any "social diseases," and he asked me if he could take pictures of me using the toilet. All this time, I'm trying to explain to hiM why every single question he has asked was HIGHLY offensive. When I asked him to place the donation on my mantle, he told me he wanted to do this in "baby steps" whatever the hell that actually means...I got my assertive big girl panties on and said "that's not how this works, dude. I have an appt at 2:15 (it's like...2:00 by now) and I don't do baby steps after 12 years of this!" He set a stack of 20's on my mantel and
Then said our hour started now...


I pretty much had to yell at him to get him out of my apartment, and it was not soon enough, because my repeat friend had gotten to see the guy before him leave. I was embarassed, I was shook up, i was scared a bit, and I was most of all just displeased as fuck with my life at that moment.
Thank goodness for the real people in this hobby who can let a stressed out lady take 15 mins and smoke one when she needs it most. We had a great relaxing time, which I needed very much. I even discovered after creeptastic dude left, that he overpaid me by 100 bucks. denied the okay request he sent anyway. P411 asked me why, and this is what I had to say (verbatim)...for once I found the words I needed to have and made my self clear:

"I cannot deny that he made it to the appointment, I was not hurt, and I was paid. However, I am telling you from he bottom of my heart that this guy is not a good fit for this hobby. I can not, with a clear conscience, put a fellow provider through what I was just subjected to. He is the only person I have ever come across who was cute, who overpaid me significantly, didnt fuck me, and I STILL never want to see him again in my life."

There you have it,gentlemen. I am not a snot or a bitch to anyone about superficial or even important traits. I Feel It's THE INSIDE that counts. But...if you are so completely socially fragmented and so entirely inept at life that you cannot pull your shit together for just long enough to bang a hot hooker 15 yrs your junior that YOU ORDERED...IDK what to tell ya, except that you just suck.


Someone who has now seen the real dark side.
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Old 04-28-2015, 08:56 PM   #2
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Old fat chicks have all the problems....

No offense meant toward anyone that fits this discription.

Once this post is RTM'd please post it in the correct forum. Thanks!
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