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View Poll Results: When looking for a Provider that you want to spend time with, how do you choose, when there are so m
The "TITLE" grabs you in? 6 6.45%
The Providers "HANDLE" name? 1 1.08%
Do you click on every post until you find the one that interests you that day? 50 53.76%
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Old 04-25-2015, 04:52 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by Jon[s] View Post
People can do whatever they want. Obviously personal preference will trump all other decisions. Thought you and others were smart enough to deduce that without me actually having to type it. Guess I was wrong.

For further clarification I will add it to what I wrote earlier.

What else are you confused about?

EDIT: Well when I can edit that post, I'll have to add that clause.

Oh please enlighten poor lil' dense me ... I know a lot more than you seem to thinck. You seem to thinck just because you have some cash when you contact a provider she should see you. Providers are not a Subway, Macy's, or Valero who have to deal with whoever enters their establishment. Providers see who they would like to see using whatever criteria they use. Just like you, or I, have a criteria to select a lady to see, the ladies have a criteria, too. Some may not understand the criteria, on either side, but it is their criteria.
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Old 04-25-2015, 08:03 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe View Post
Don't you have anything better to do than posting ads on threads that have nothing to do with pegging shitty bootay holes... Hope you pack a tooth brush
Now I know what pegging meant..too funny.
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Old 04-25-2015, 08:51 PM   #63
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Default How we choose.

Originally Posted by Cyndi Lyn View Post
I guess my post is confusing too most. as it doesn't seem like anyone understands it.

Refer to comment #3
When you look through the posts. You don't see pictures until you click on the post. All you see in the Providers handle, the title of the post and how many views.

How do you guys generally go through all the posts and know which ones you want to view to see if you want to see that provider? See the poll above for answers.
Maybe your finding out how we guys choose and your missing our point Cyndi? If I'm going to visit an area, I check pictures, and mostly ignore handles. When I read postings, I'm always looking at who is responding (ladies), what they say and how, and if interesting (I can't help it), I check out their pictures, reviews and see if I'm interested. However, I guess if I was checking out post that didn't have pictures, I might look for something that gives me a clue to what I'm interested in. Maybe "mature", "Love to kiss", or something like that. Anything too out there I would treat suspiciously. Just my thoughts.
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Old 04-26-2015, 05:54 AM   #64
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Cyndi Lyn sometimes the lady is so close and good at what she does - it just works !!!
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Old 04-26-2015, 05:59 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by Hermosa View Post
Maybe your finding out how we guys choose and your missing our point Cyndi?
I do appreciate all the insight. Which it's all coming together. But to answer briefly the above question....I'm the one who asked a specific question that I wanted to know, but most were not answering that specific question.

So, to sum it all up here....1 or 2 may find notice in the providers handle. But the majority looks through different open threads, reads them and if there is a provider that made a comment that you took too in a way that brought out her personality that you enjoy, then you would research more on the provider. Such as pictures, rates, menu...etc etc.

This is what I'm hearing anyways.
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Old 04-26-2015, 06:01 AM   #66
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Originally Posted by silverstate53 View Post
Cyndi Lyn sometimes the lady is so close and good at what she does - it just works !!!
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Old 04-26-2015, 07:42 AM   #67
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I'm really glad that this is a topic of discussion. I just got back into the hobby and I felt like my last ad was poorly written. That also resulted in a lack of response. I see a lot of people are debating on whether or not the original question was answered entirely, but every man is different. That being said, everyone has a different opinion on things. Was the question answered? Frankly dear, I don't give a damn. I did get to hear multiple qualities that men are looking for.
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Old 04-26-2015, 07:58 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe View Post
That's what happens when your a jackass
I am not a Jackass ... I am a smart ass ... I would expect YOU to know the difference

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Old 04-26-2015, 08:36 AM   #69
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We all know what the next line will be, wait for it ... wait for it ...
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Old 04-26-2015, 08:38 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by Cyndi Lyn View Post
So, to sum it all up here....1 or 2 may find notice in the providers handle. But the majority looks through different open threads, reads them and if there is a provider that made a comment that you took too in a way that brought out her personality that you enjoy, then you would research more on the provider. Such as pictures, rates, menu...etc etc.

This is what I'm hearing anyways.
I believe you are hearing correctly though I will add one more thought. While the name itself has little effect on whether I will read a post the person's reputation has a big effect. I will open any thread or post I see by Tiffany Johnson or JayceeRivers or Jessica Knightly or Old-T or Stimulatethemind or several others. London Rayne was a must read as was Sedona. They built up a credibility by what they posted and I wanted to read more.

You asked for examples. It is easier to give examples of posts that turn me away. What attracts me is more variable.

Turn offs would be titles like:

"21 year old hottie looking to get stuffed tonight"
"You've tried the rest now try the best pussy if 6 states"
"Big Mama's hot tonight. Who wants some of this?"

You get the idea.

Even past the opening line here is an example of the good and the bad in one

Cute avatar, but the post itself would make me immediately turn away. Some guys might be attracted to mean and insulting, but I prefer the seductive and more intellectual.
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Old 04-26-2015, 11:44 AM   #71
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Originally Posted by Cyndi Lyn View Post
I do appreciate all the insight. Which it's all coming together. But to answer briefly the above question....I'm the one who asked a specific question that I wanted to know, but most were not answering that specific question.

So, to sum it all up here....1 or 2 may find notice in the providers handle. But the majority looks through different open threads, reads them and if there is a provider that made a comment that you took too in a way that brought out her personality that you enjoy, then you would research more on the provider. Such as pictures, rates, menu...etc etc.

This is what I'm hearing anyways.
To really sum it up ... you have learned:
90% of the guys don't give a shit about your cute Name or your cute Headline.
50% of us click every ad.
40% of use something other than Name or Headline.
And it should be obvious to you that none of those "other" choosers give a shit about number of views. So, there has to something about the Name or the Headline that makes them NOT click on it or choose to skip it!

So, 40% of us don't click on every ad, but as I stated I do in my earlier comments: skip certain ads because I already know those providers aren't for me - in my case ladies that I know have d+ breasts, because I have noted their names from previous searches. Likewise, a percentage of these 40% "other" choosers SKIP your ad because something in the headline DOESN'T meet a criteria - ie - $80 BNG CBJ - would get a skip from me because I want a BBBJ. So, while I know you were trying to find out what magic words you can put in your ad to make them impossible to skip, what you really found out was your name and headline are more likely to cause someone to skip you than to click on you.

Next if you read the comments that really didn't pertain directly to your question - again these guys have to be in the 90% group - because if they were clicking on ads because of a Name or Headline they would have already answered your question and wouldn't have felt the need to elaborate. What they were telling you is that they are ignoring the Name and Headline and something inside or past that point (which was really where your question ended) is where the decision making happens.
SO 90% of us guys click on ads without much processing
the processing happens on the inside or past the name and headline stage.


15 - 26% Visual Appeal - Photos - Pictures
Many were careful to point out beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so we are all looking for different things. The timeliness of photos was mentioned several times - ie - new photos, current photos, accurate photos
11 - 19% Activity Match - Services provided
Again, we were all careful to point out we each have "deal breakers" and specific services we look for from providers, we each just want to know you match our list
9 - 16% Rate - Price - Special
Everyone was quick to point out that they were looking to see if you fit our budget and everyone has a different price point
7 - 12% Personality - Attitude - Style
This seems to be a combination of reviews, comment of posts, how you right your ad text and profile (again all past Name and Headline at this point) IMHO an interview style video is the best way to convey personality. I am not talking about a sex video or erotica video (which is what most have if there is a video) Google - Porn Star Interview and you will see what will work best - hell keep your clothes on your pictures should already tell me what you look like naked.
7 - 12% Reviews - Quality of Service - Reputation
All this pretty much comes from the reviews section. Seriously, just want to know you deliver what you promise most of the time.
2 - 4% Ease of Contact
I lumped together two things here 1) speed of contact and 2) ease of contact, so are you likely to get back to us quickly and the multiple choices of ways to contact you coupled with easily finding your contact information listed in multiple places and consistent information.
2 - 4% Location
1 - 2% Availability
Could have lumped these together as scheduling they all were kind of saying the same thing are you close to where I need to see you and are your times fitting my times.
1 - 2% Smoking Preference
1 - 2% Newbie Friendly
1 - 2% Black Friendly

So, we have answered your question you just needed to do a little data mining to see the answer - I guess you could try and write a perfect headline - which is going to be really hard because Services and Rates are hit and miss from guy to guy and so a guy's click for one service leads to a skip for another guy and you only have so much space on a headline to describe Personality, Location options and rest:

Current New Photos - Complete Landry list for services and prices... - Detailed Personality Description - Well Reviewed - w/ multiple easy to find contact options and fast response to initial contact - Complete location list and detailed availability times - that is Non-smoking and Black and Newbie Friendly! Call NOW!!!

OR you could hear what we are all saying and trying so hard to tell you and that is 90% of us blow past the Name and the Headline ... SO ... use the above list as a template to "how to write a great ad" - since it is too hard to put everything in the headline and omissions of information and limiting information lead to Skipping of the ad by 40% of us


HEADLINE: INSIDE --- New Picture & Video - Detail of Services w/ Special Rates - Highly reviewed - Non smoking - Newbie Friendly - Black 35+ OK - Fast Scheduling

Visual - Now once inside on the ad page go out to your car and take a selfie like you have already done 100 times, then date it and post it on your ad first thing.
Activity Match, Rate and Price - Now list all your services in alphabetize
BBBJNQNS - CFS - no anal - DATY - DATO - no TUHA - no BBFS - INCALL - OUTCALL- no FIV - DFK - LFK - HJ - FBSM - ETC ... <<< in this format
[(make it a detailed list if you do do it say so if you don't do it say so - no pricing in this part- we need to be able to scan quickly and make sure what we want is on the menu) or put a detailed list in your profile text and say list of services (see Profile) or copy what you already have listed in your profile here (best option because you have it BOTH places and you are making it easy for us)]
then list detailed time periods and pricing - 30 min $150 - 1 hr $250 - 3 hr $300 ($200 off) make sure 2 or 3 or 4 are highlighted as specials or discounted pricing. Make this part a table. add extras here like Anal +50 MSOG +50 Outcall +25 [side note - if your idea of MSOG is one extra pop than I would say MSOG +50 per shot]
Personality Attitude Style - Then have a link to a YouTube video and post that - it is on YouTube (ie - public) wear civilian clothes and have someone off camera ask you questions as if it were a dating video (that way if anybody in real life sees it you can tell them you were thinking about doing internet dating and you wanted to be able to send someone to see it) DONT MAKE A SEX VIDEO OR EROTICA VIDEO THAT IS FOR YOUR PORFILE PHOTOS THIS IS ABOUT PERSONALITY, ATTITUDE, STYLE. So, have them ask you dating type questions that you would be comfortable to see in public. What's your best feature? Are you a good Kisser? Why? Your Favorite Movies? What do you like to do on a date? that answers don't matter the questions don't matter - what we are after is personality - I can tell you after 5 minutes of video I know more about you than if I read 100 reviews - personality wise anyways - TRUST ME JUST DO IT!
Reviews - it is already part of your profile so if you are lazy or too busy just count on us to find them - if you want to communicate you are an above average provider I would find some good reviews and offer 3 or 4 hyperlinks to take me straight to them of hyper link to your review page.
Contact - complete and detailed - Email: include 2 references or P411 with 2 okays (show me what you want me to send) tell me how long to expect for and answer... Text (what to send) ... phone ... can I call you (details) you know we are idiots - and speed of response is what we are looking for from you so the faster the better
Location: Availability - outcall list everywhere you will go ... incall where are you located generally or do you multiple notels in areas ... hour of service are you 24 / 7? 8 am to 5 pm, after 5pm only etc.
MISC - you may want to list NBA or Newbie Friendly or Non Smoker or what ever here but you already have tons of info so I would just add that to the headline.

and if I were you I would write all this up and save it and then when ever you want to place an ad just pull it up add your new selfie and fix any changed info resave and post the ad. Play with your specials and see the responses you get ... try an ad with just a strong BNG offer ... try an ad with a deeply discounted over night reg. $2000 this week $800 ... you might find that you can book 5 overnights for $800 easier than 80 BNG's for $100 - and it is the same money ... if you are not normally MSOG or you up charge for MSOG try offer MSOG for the no MSOG rate ... once you have a solid quality ad ... all you really have to do is play with different offers to see which brings you the business you want.

Damn ... if I was a pimp my hoes would be rich!
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Old 04-26-2015, 12:05 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by 5T3V3 View Post
To really sum it up ... you have learned:
90% of the guys don't give a shit about your cute Name or your cute Headline.
50% of us click every ad.
40% of use something other than Name or Headline.
And it should be obvious to you that none of those "other" choosers give a shit about number of views. So, there has to something about the Name or the Headline that makes them NOT click on it or choose to skip it!

So, 40% of us don't click on every ad, but as I stated I do in my earlier comments: skip certain ads because I already know those providers aren't for me - in my case ladies that I know have d+ breasts, because I have noted their names from previous searches. Likewise, a percentage of these 40% "other" choosers SKIP your ad because something in the headline DOESN'T meet a criteria - ie - $80 BNG CBJ - would get a skip from me because I want a BBBJ. So, while I know you were trying to find out what magic words you can put in your ad to make them impossible to skip, what you really found out was your name and headline are more likely to cause someone to skip you than to click on you.

Next if you read the comments that really didn't pertain directly to your question - again these guys have to be in the 90% group - because if they were clicking on ads because of a Name or Headline they would have already answered your question and wouldn't have felt the need to elaborate. What they were telling you is that they are ignoring the Name and Headline and something inside or past that point (which was really where your question ended) is where the decision making happens.
SO 90% of us guys click on ads without much processing
the processing happens on the inside or past the name and headline stage.


15 - 26% Visual Appeal - Photos - Pictures
Many were careful to point out beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so we are all looking for different things. The timeliness of photos was mentioned several times - ie - new photos, current photos, accurate photos
11 - 19% Activity Match - Services provided
Again, we were all careful to point out we each have "deal breakers" and specific services we look for from providers, we each just want to know you match our list
9 - 16% Rate - Price - Special
Everyone was quick to point out that they were looking to see if you fit our budget and everyone has a different price point
7 - 12% Personality - Attitude - Style
This seems to be a combination of reviews, comment of posts, how you right your ad text and profile (again all past Name and Headline at this point) IMHO an interview style video is the best way to convey personality. I am not talking about a sex video or erotica video (which is what most have if there is a video) Google - Porn Star Interview and you will see what will work best - hell keep your clothes on your pictures should already tell me what you look like naked.
7 - 12% Reviews - Quality of Service - Reputation
All this pretty much comes from the reviews section. Seriously, just want to know you deliver what you promise most of the time.
2 - 4% Ease of Contact
I lumped together two things here 1) speed of contact and 2) ease of contact, so are you likely to get back to us quickly and the multiple choices of ways to contact you coupled with easily finding your contact information listed in multiple places and consistent information.
2 - 4% Location
1 - 2% Availability
Could have lumped these together as scheduling they all were kind of saying the same thing are you close to where I need to see you and are your times fitting my times.
1 - 2% Smoking Preference
1 - 2% Newbie Friendly
1 - 2% Black Friendly

So, we have answered your question you just needed to do a little data mining to see the answer - I guess you could try and write a perfect headline - which is going to be really hard because Services and Rates are hit and miss from guy to guy and so a guy's click for one service leads to a skip for another guy and you only have so much space on a headline to describe Personality, Location options and rest:

Current New Photos - Complete Landry list for services and prices... - Detailed Personality Description - Well Reviewed - w/ multiple easy to find contact options and fast response to initial contact - Complete location list and detailed availability times - that is Non-smoking and Black and Newbie Friendly! Call NOW!!!

OR you could hear what we are all saying and trying so hard to tell you and that is 90% of us blow past the Name and the Headline ... SO ... use the above list as a template to "how to write a great ad" - since it is too hard to put everything in the headline and omissions of information and limiting information lead to Skipping of the ad by 40% of us


HEADLINE: INSIDE --- New Picture & Video - Detail of Services w/ Special Rates - Highly reviewed - Non smoking - Newbie Friendly - Black 35+ OK - Fast Scheduling

Visual - Now once inside on the ad page go out to your car and take a selfie like you have already done 100 times, then date it and post it on your ad first thing.
Activity Match, Rate and Price - Now list all your services in alphabetize
BBBJNQNS - CFS - no anal - DATY - DATO - no TUHA - no BBFS - INCALL - OUTCALL- no FIV - DFK - LFK - HJ - FBSM - ETC ... <<< in this format
[(make it a detailed list if you do do it say so if you don't do it say so - no pricing in this part- we need to be able to scan quickly and make sure what we want is on the menu) or put a detailed list in your profile text and say list of services (see Profile) or copy what you already have listed in your profile here (best option because you have it BOTH places and you are making it easy for us)]
then list detailed time periods and pricing - 30 min $150 - 1 hr $250 - 3 hr $300 ($200 off) make sure 2 or 3 or 4 are highlighted as specials or discounted pricing. Make this part a table. add extras here like Anal +50 MSOG +50 Outcall +25 [side note - if your idea of MSOG is one extra pop than I would say MSOG +50 per shot]
Personality Attitude Style - Then have a link to a YouTube video and post that - it is on YouTube (ie - public) wear civilian clothes and have someone off camera ask you questions as if it were a dating video (that way if anybody in real life sees it you can tell them you were thinking about doing internet dating and you wanted to be able to send someone to see it) DONT MAKE A SEX VIDEO OR EROTICA VIDEO THAT IS FOR YOUR PORFILE PHOTOS THIS IS ABOUT PERSONALITY, ATTITUDE, STYLE. So, have them ask you dating type questions that you would be comfortable to see in public. What's your best feature? Are you a good Kisser? Why? Your Favorite Movies? What do you like to do on a date? that answers don't matter the questions don't matter - what we are after is personality - I can tell you after 5 minutes of video I know more about you than if I read 100 reviews - personality wise anyways - TRUST ME JUST DO IT!
Reviews - it is already part of your profile so if you are lazy or too busy just count on us to find them - if you want to communicate you are an above average provider I would find some good reviews and offer 3 or 4 hyperlinks to take me straight to them of hyper link to your review page.
Contact - complete and detailed - Email: include 2 references or P411 with 2 okays (show me what you want me to send) tell me how long to expect for and answer... Text (what to send) ... phone ... can I call you (details) you know we are idiots - and speed of response is what we are looking for from you so the faster the better
Location: Availability - outcall list everywhere you will go ... incall where are you located generally or do you multiple notels in areas ... hour of service are you 24 / 7? 8 am to 5 pm, after 5pm only etc.
MISC - you may want to list NBA or Newbie Friendly or Non Smoker or what ever here but you already have tons of info so I would just add that to the headline.

and if I were you I would write all this up and save it and then when ever you want to place an ad just pull it up add your new selfie and fix any changed info resave and post the ad. Play with your specials and see the responses you get ... try an ad with just a strong BNG offer ... try an ad with a deeply discounted over night reg. $2000 this week $800 ... you might find that you can book 5 overnights for $800 easier than 80 BNG's for $100 - and it is the same money ... if you are not normally MSOG or you up charge for MSOG try offer MSOG for the no MSOG rate ... once you have a solid quality ad ... all you really have to do is play with different offers to see which brings you the business you want.

Damn ... if I was a pimp my hoes would be rich!
Wow. Thank you for a detailed answer and useful tips. This should be a sticky!
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Old 04-26-2015, 12:08 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by 5T3V3 View Post
I am not a Jackass ... I am a smart ass ... I would expect YOU to know the difference

I see you still missed the sarcasm in that... smh keep trying you may understand one day....

let me breAk it down in tard language... What is the picture of your handle? now who is really not the expert in sarcasm...
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Old 04-26-2015, 12:52 PM   #74
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Damnit ... I had my money on a "dumbass" comment. Damn. Just damn.
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Old 04-26-2015, 01:31 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by TGBeldin View Post
I will open any thread or post I see by Tiffany Johnson or JayceeRivers or Jessica Knightly or Old-T or Stimulatethemind or several others. London Rayne was a must read as was Sedona. They built up a credibility by what they posted and I wanted to read more.
Thank you for including me in that august list, but I don't think I belong in such company. Those are some of the true goddesses of this universe. All I do is speak my biased mind from time to time. I am not in their league as a poster.

By the way, you bring up wonderful memories mentioning Sedona. I was fortunate enough to meet her once. Awesome lady in every sense of the word. I haven't heard her name in many years, but she was quite the thoughtful wordsmith.
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