Generally I turn to one of my regulars, but if they are busy or I am in the mood to try something new then ...
My first look is for a young 18-28 "B" cup 5'5" or under in height, cheerleader body type (more muscular than a spinner, but not as curvy as say a Dorthy Monroe <<< yes I know Dorothy is spelled wrong but that is how she spells it) that might be offering a very special good special and I like women that screen with P411 or can do things based on my reviews on Eccie without a lot of extra BS.
Next I look at her pictures, do they appear accurate or do they look 3 years old, or does she appear to be hiding a particular body part or feature (mommy tummy, face, teeth, etc.) If she wont show her face I assume there is something wrong with it and move on. (if you want to be private than show potions of your face on each shot - ie the eyes on one, the nose on one and the mouth on one and the teeth on another) that way you get to see everything without the feeling you are trying to hide a defect. If the pictures are all over the board like she is skinny in some and fat in others I move on, because either she is trying to deceive and hide something or she is too lazy to keep her profile current or she lacks the intelligence to know how to market herself. And for me being deceitful, lazy or unintelligent means you should be on back page. If I find one or more, I read their reviews and move to my sexual likes. MSOG, BBBJNQNS, GFE, CFS, and I read her reviews and profile to see if she will be YMMV or if she seems to be professional with all people --- like is a young girl gonna be hot for an old man or does she really like young cock and will just "put up with an old man fucking her". I understand ... hell I don't wanna fuck old ladies either that's why I am here. Better to turn down a 50 year old then come out and give a half ass fuck and get bad reviews. I will narrow down to 1 or 2 or 3 and I will reach out and make contact, and typically the first one that can get back to me and has an opening that matches mine I book.
I either look at A to C or I may widen the age range or I may decide to go to a regular and save the strange for another time. But if I keep searching the process is the same.
1) only post current, accurate pictures -- which means the picture should be no more than six months old, and your hair color, cut and style should be the same as in the pictures, and they should be appropriate to your current weight. Pictures should be at least one picture of showing each - Face, Teeth, bare breasts and nipples, a standing breast shot and laying breast shot (cover or not), and standing body shot front and a laying body shot a body shot, rear that shows the butt area and vag shot playboy style not hustler.
And then any personality pictures or videos are cool too ... making a video I would not make it a lingerie shoot - you have shown that in your pictures. What a video can really show is what your personality is like ... hell have someone interview you and just ask you questions ... and let us hear you laugh and react and hear your voice ... if you want it on you tube make it PG - it is about personality more than sex - if you want to use it to ask sexy question then post it on your website.
2) Don't make me hunt for do's and don'ts you know the majors ... gfe pse bbbj cbj nqbs nqns cim swallow or spit, greek, cfs, bbfs, stripper slide ss, if you are cfs daty, dato tuma, fiv, we assume you have all the positions covered but if for some reason one doesn't work for you let us know. Definitely need to let us know if you will not remove your bra because your nipples are too sensitive or if your MSOG is one extra pop only and not a true msog, because the assumption is going to be 1 hour and not 1 pop unless you price it that way.
3) and lastly and something that never gets in the profiles ... I kinda like to know what you guys like ... are you the kind of girl that likes to go doggy and get a little hair pull, do you like to suck cock and guzzle cum, are you a cowgirl that loves to be on top and ride me like crazy, do you like me to take control or do you wanna take control, do you want me to grab you and just fuck your brains out or do want to receive as well as give ... you ladies are all different ... stop trying to be everything to everybody ... be who you want to be and let the guys that are turned on by that come to you and be satisfied. Because, bottom line - the ones that we both have a good time and we both get our rocks off get to be regulars and the others get to go find someone else because I will probably never call them again.
So, if you are 40lbs over weight and don't care get new pictures made, adjust your rates accordingly and get calls from guys that just don't care
or if you do care then get your ass to the gym and lose the 40 lbs. hell it is 2 months of busting ass and, $100 bucks tops --- your product is YOU --- market it honestly and openly and let the guys that are attracted to YOU come and cum

Any deceitful advertising will only hurt you in the long run ... each woman is her own unique brand of sexy
examples of a few profiles that I think have mistakes:
(every profile will be missing something from above these are just ready examples)
first three pictures are blonde the rest brunette ... who is going to show up at my door ... do I get to pick? Lots of face shots but very few body shots ... is she hiding a weight issue or is there a body part she doesn't like and is hiding, and the age of all the pictures looks like it could run from 18-22 ... if I had to guess I would say the last picture in the baseball uniform is the most current - she looks older than in the other picture more like a 22 year old, she looks like she has lost weight from some of the others so if she real hasn't I am going to be disappointed if I call her and she is chubbier. She also leaves me wondering what her bare breasts look like and nipples size and I would like to know what her pussy looks like my guess would be it would be a selling point. she would be at the top of my list, but I will wait and she will eventually post more pictures that will answer my question or she will quit because she couldn't make a living at it, because like me everyone was waiting to see before making a move.
Aurelie ... smoking hot it would appear she is just my type ... but with one picture I wont even look back at her for a month or 2
she would appear to have everything I seek but no face no call ... my assumption is I wouldn't like her face.
here is another provider that should be on my radar that I can't because her pictures are most likely a huge mix of old, very old and current. the pink hair I assume is long ago pics from early days. Not a big fan of the red hair on her so likely wouldn't call if either of those two girl were to show up. The girl I would want to see is the one with glasses and the pink and black striped bra with mesh. I also would like to know what the bare kitty looks like and what the bare breasts nipples and ass look like ... and if her pictures were just more uniform she would make my list.
she should be on my list but her pics appear to be a huge span of years. My guess is that her 4th picture is how she looks now, but the fact that that picture looks so different from all the others that now I want to know how old all the others are I guarantee they are not all within 6 months so am I going to spend $300 to see ... I think that is a big reason why flavor of the month does so well ... the pics are all current and what you see is what you get.
she seems good and is well reviewed but without a face shot I am not calling her until everyone is off my list in six years or so.
the first picture looks like a 21 year old and the rest look like 27 and all the 27s hide the face ... what are we hiding ... look at the last two pics ... see how in the last one her butt looks huge and in the second to last it looks small, that is because of perceptive ... the pillow in the back ground give our eyes a frame of reference making her butt look more accurate in size and thus it appears smaller. Also, missing bare breasts, bare kitty and teeth shots and you can tell she is hiding something what is it?
this girl should be all over everyone's radar but with out a face shot and seeing the teeth and the breasts and nipples she will wait for review to trickle in and if she is not a pro getting high marks she is over before she starts ... with proper profile and pictures her trial rate would be stronger.
here is one that has all the pictures except a kitty shot .. she got a lot more sampling quickly BUT she was hurt by bad reviews ... if I had to guess she didn't tell us what she would and wouldn't do so people assumed what GFE was to them and or she is 18 and really wasn't into some of the older guys she wound up seeing so had she known I really don't want to see a 50 year old or I only wanna do a CBJ and everyone went in knowing that she might be straight yesses ... or maybe this business isn't for her ... useless the latter is the case I bet if she fixes her profile her negative reviews will start to fad away.
I fully admit that all of what I said about any and all of the profiles above may be wrong or factually incorrect BUT what was said was said not to hurt or insult but to instruct. As a marketing professional with over 25 years experience analyzing businesses and helping each business find it's own unique niche, I only commented to show how others can view seemingly innocent mistakes or omissions ... I will however bet that I could triple the call rate of any of the above profiles if they would just redo their profiles to incorporate the above ideas --- the first rule of advertising is "if you don't tell them who you are, they get to decide for themselves who you are." that why Walmart is always the lowest price ... and like a good neighbor state farm is there ... etc. and the second rule is "you can never be something your not!" Apple can never be the largest manufacturer of computers ... that ship has sailed ... but they can be the king of the iphone ... ipad ... iPod etc ... you can't be 22 and 27 ... you can't be a red head and a blond and a brunette you can't be a spinner and 30 lbs over weight ....
whatever you are
BE YOU ... someone will call