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Old 04-20-2015, 06:24 PM   #151
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
Convorting? Is that some new sex shit? I think it's CAVORTING. I wish I had a $1 for every time I've corrected your spelling. I could probably bang one of these whoooores. All on the back of your spelling fuckups.
You're the one fucking up again, dipshit. You're so unhip it's a wonder your ass doesn't fall off more often. Guess that's what happens when you live in dogpatch. The Freelance Faggot from Arkansas just learned a new word!

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Old 04-20-2015, 06:43 PM   #152
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
No disrespect to ExNyer but you are one of the biggest ass kissers on here- you are praising someone's comments and posts on a hooker board???? You sound like someone's butt buddy- almost like you begging to be accepted or begging to suck someone's cock- bend over for COG he will screw you in the shooter- you really sound like a fanboy.
I'm sorry you feel that way..but I disagree with the analysis you have put forth. When someone makes a great post that I agree with, I will continue to offer up my "amen" much like you do in church on Sunday after being with hookers the week before.
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Old 04-20-2015, 06:45 PM   #153
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
I'm sorry you feel that way..but I disagree with the analysis you have put forth. When someone makes a great post that I agree with, I will continue to offer up my "amen" much like you do in church on Sunday after being with hookers the week before.
Now that's a good burn right there.

I wonder if he praises god each time he's able to get that feeble dick up for one last go round?

As for you, you're an asskisser, he's not wrong about that.
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Old 04-20-2015, 09:21 PM   #154
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Originally Posted by shanm View Post
So let me get this straight...... you say that you don't "defend the crusades".
And you follow it up with......a lengthy defensive argument FOR.the.crusades?

Dementia much?
Can't read, can you?

I didn't defend the Crusades. I pointed out the hypocrisy of Muslims acting like the Crusades were some particularly awful thing, when in fact the Muslims attacked the Christians first and for a much longer period of time.

Those are two separate arguments, mope.

It is certainly not an argument FOR the Crusades.

But nice attempt to mischaracterize what I wrote, fool.
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Old 04-20-2015, 10:04 PM   #155
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
Can't read, can you?

I didn't defend the Crusades. I pointed out the hypocrisy of Muslims acting like the Crusades were some particularly awful thing, when in fact the Muslims attacked the Christians first and for a much longer period of time.

Those are two separate arguments, mope.

It is certainly not an argument FOR the Crusades.

But nice attempt to mischaracterize what I wrote, fool.
The Crusades were a christian response to over 500 years of muslim conquest, beginning with the muslim invasion and occupation of the Byzantine empire in 634 AD.

You gotta cut out mope though.
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Old 04-20-2015, 10:04 PM   #156
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Originally Posted by shanm View Post
Completely intellectually dishonest. Do you know the meaning of the word "ethnicity"? Here I'll quote you the dictionary definition:
An ethnic group or ethnicity is a socially defined category of people who identify with each other based on common ancestral, social, cultural or national experience.

An ethnic group.....based on common ancestral, social, cultural or national experience.

The Muslims and Hindus had been living together since way before even the Mughal empire (in the 15th century). The Mughal empire is what the British took control from. That makes them have a common heritage (ancestral, social, cultural and national) that spanned more than 5 centuries, and therefore they have a common ethnicity.
Get it now, "mope"?

If I intended to use the word religion or race, I would have used religion or race.

Fun fact, India actually has more muslims than Pakistan.

I'll keep telling you what you don't know as long as you pretend it's something you do know. Seems to be a daunting task but I'm well up for it.
Nice definition of ethnicity, putz. (Do you like that better than "mope", mope?)

Now try and apply it to India.

You must be the ONLY person in history to think that merely living in India makes all the Hindus and Muslims share a common ethnicity. Take a look at the VERY FIRST paragraph from the Wiki entry for "Indian people":


Key quote:

"The Indian nationality consists of many regional ethno-linguistic groups, reflecting the rich and complex history of India."

Clearly you are confusing "nationality" with "ethnicity".

Read down this list of ethnicities and pick out the number of instances of "India" in the third column. Here are some of the major ethnicities: Biharis, Hindustani, Malayali, Kannada, Marathi, Sindhis, Tamils, Telegu.

But, according to you, all those ethnicities disappeared because they were ruled by the Mughals for 500 years.

Which makes about as much sense as saying that all European ethnicities disappeared because they were ruled by the Roman empire for centuries. Or that Persians, Kurds, Turks, and Arabs are all the same ethnicity because they were all ruled by the Ottoman empire for 500+ years.

Nice try, putz. Talk about intellectually dishonest. Do you have any more special definitions you would like to distort?

Originally Posted by shanm View Post
Fun fact, India actually has more muslims than Pakistan. Yes, we all know that. And your point is?

Oh so now you're defending a British imperialist conquest of India? What's next? The enslavement of millions of Africans was okay because in the end the remaining 1% got blue passports?

No, shithead. That is yet another intellectually dishonest argument. Pointing out that Muslim oppression of Hindus was halted by the British is not a defense of British conquest. It is merely pointing out how the Muslims lost control. Mope.

It's obvious that you are in dire need of a history lesson. The Mughal empire was one of the few examples in which different religions and cultures lived together harmoniously. It was, in some instances called the golden-age of Muslim-Hindu relation.

The Mughal Empire was a time period of peaceful religious and cultural flourishing between the Hindus and Muslims of India, culminating in a golden age of Islamic-Hindu cross cultural pollination.

It had a prosperous economy and some of the greatest resource supplies in the world at that point. Why the fuck do you think the British wanted to take it over? It certainly wasn't this:

as you ASSininely claim.

You said it yourself

Why do you think the ruling class was reduced to "being a minority in India" when the British were done with the empire? hmmm something doesn't add up.

Your absolute hatred for Muslims becomes clearer with every post. What the fuck does Muslim conquests in the 11th century have anything to do with today? As if the world was all so peachy elsewhere.
And did you really try to quote blogs as official sources?
Suddenly it all makes sense now.

Nope you mope. No one wants to put anything in your mouth. You said:

That was your response to my claim that the makeup of engineering classes is mostly immigrants, which includes Arabs and Pakistanis. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what you meant by "a much lesser extent". You were intentionally claiming that Pakistani's and Arabs probably aren't as smart as "Koreans, Chinese, Indians, Japanese". Truth is, most people can't even tell the difference between an Indian and a Pakistani,(also arabs). As proven above, they have common mixed ancestors and, more often than not, they look very much alike. So tell me, how the fuck do you distinguish between an "Indian and a Pakistani" just by looking at them. Anyone with an IQ in the triple digits can tell what you meant by that, so don't try to dance around with a bunch of nonsensical words.

Still trying to put words in my mouth. Desperate dishonest arguments.

So you're saying that "mental illness" is exclusive to blacks and whites? There's no way a Muslim could be mentally ill, is that correct? It must have to do with the fact that he's a Muslim?

Still trying to put words in my mouth. Desperate dishonest arguments. There were 20 hijackers on 9-11. Were all 20 mentally ill? Is every memnber of ISIS mentally ill? The mentally ill don't act in concert idiot.

Never mind the more than 1.7 billion Muslims that live their lives as ordinary human beings all around the world.

What you're arguing for is the basic definition of bigotry. I refuse to believe that the 200,000 ISIS militants are somehow representative of a 1.7 Billion populace (that's 0.0001% btw). Call me crazy!

No, I just call you stupid. And dishonest.

And, of course, a mope.

You love to argue your own personal anecdotes, don't you? what's funny is that you don't even pretend to offer any evidence for your own anecdotal claims.

Desperate dishonest arguments. What were your statements about engineering classes? Not anectodal?

Let me ask you a question? Do you think that it is easy for a Muslim to get even an American visa nowadays? well, my anecdotes (and common sense!) would tell me NO. They are highly screened and most people that get green cards or American citizenship go through a lengthy vetting process. In that vetting process, people that are qualified and seen as contributory to the nation are allowed to enter. Am I saying that that is true for every single case? No. But it is true for the overwhelming majority of them. Feel free to drop some anecdotes on how your latest Pakistani cab driver got in by marrying a white woman.

I'll agree with you if you say that there needs to be more security on immigration checks. Hell, I even agree when you said we "have to be more selective about it". But what you're arguing for is a systematic denial of any immigrant, (maybe one who could even find the cure to cancer) simply based on the fact that he/she is a Muslim.

Still trying to put words in my mouth. Desperate dishonest arguments. I didn't say ALL Muslims. I named particular troublesome countries, Yemen, Somalia, Iraq.

Fun fact, the youngest microsoft certified computer professional in the WORLD is a 9 year old Pakistani kid named Babar Iqbal. He got that title by replacing the other youngest MCP who is (you guessed it) another Pakistani kid named Arfa Karim.

Who gives a shit? What does that have to do with anything? He can work out of the Microsoft facility in Lahore.
Your only tactic is to put words in my mouth or take things to illogical extremes. Or come up with your own special definitions of ethnicity to avoid admitting the obvious.

You would have to double your intelligence to become a half wit.
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Old 04-20-2015, 10:08 PM   #157
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
COG a blind man can see that you have an agenda with me that has gone beyond personal. You have been trying to demonize and assisinate my character ever since I exposed you in 2012 for being a filthy liar. Remember when you told everyone that you had this high level inside source that Rick Perry would not only win the republican nomination but go on and defeat Obama and become the next POTUS???
I called you out on your bogus sources and ill advised prediction and you have been a thorn in my side ever since - get over it pal. However you have crossed the line where an apology will not fix anything - you have a black heart and ice water running through you veins. You are sick vindictive old man who wants to tear me apart - I am asking you to refrain from your lies and innuendos. You know nothing about me and yes I am a God fearing Christian and how dare you continue to attack my faith.
I don't even remember you responding to that. I stated later in the year that my informant's source failed to account for Perry's incredible stupidity. But I don't remember you at all. And I certainly haven't had it "in for you" since then. I'm having fun. Exposing GFC hypocrites is fun. You're the most fun, because you know I'm right, which is why you melt down and get so defensive when I point it out.

But keep thinking you're a GFC. bring it up again and I will point out that you are not . . . again. And I know the Bible quite well. I have studied it at length. That is why I don't believe very much of it. And I'm better than you at pretending to be a GFC. I just don't do it anymore. Because, like you, I am not one.
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Old 04-20-2015, 10:09 PM   #158
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
I don't even remember you responding to that. I stated later in the year that my informant's source failed to account for Perry's incredible stupidity. But I don't remember you at all. And I certainly haven't had it "in for you" since then. I'm having fun. Exposing GFC hypocrites is fun. You're the most fun, because you know I'm right, which is why you melt down and get so defensive when I point it out.

But keep thinking you're a GFC. bring it up again and I will point out that you are not . . . again. And I know the Bible quite well. I have studied it at length. That is why I don't believe very much of it. And I'm better than you at pretending to be a GFC. I just don't do it anymore. Because, like you, I am not one.
This is true. The more you read and understand it, the more you can't possibly believe most of it.
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Old 04-21-2015, 12:32 AM   #159
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
Nice definition of ethnicity, putz. (Do you like that better than "mope", mope?)

Now try and apply it to India.

You must be the ONLY person in history to think that merely living in India makes all the Hindus and Muslims share a common ethnicity. Take a look at the VERY FIRST paragraph from the Wiki entry for "Indian people":


Key quote:

"The Indian nationality consists of many regional ethno-linguistic groups, reflecting the rich and complex history of India."

Clearly you are confusing "nationality" with "ethnicity".

Read down this list of ethnicities and pick out the number of instances of "India" in the third column. Here are some of the major ethnicities: Biharis, Hindustani, Malayali, Kannada, Marathi, Sindhis, Tamils, Telegu.

But, according to you, all those ethnicities disappeared because they were ruled by the Mughals for 500 years.

Which makes about as much sense as saying that all European ethnicities disappeared because they were ruled by the Roman empire for centuries. Or that Persians, Kurds, Turks, and Arabs are all the same ethnicity because they were all ruled by the Ottoman empire for 500+ years.
Misleading, as usual.
Go back and re-read what I wrote. I never said that India doesn't have different cultures or different religions. The "ethnicity" is specific in the context we used. It's related to your (not so) covert suggestions that there is a difference in Indian/Pakistani "smarts" even though the British divvied them up barely 60 years ago. There isn't. Stop trying to change the argument from what it once was mope. All anyone has to do is click back a few pages and they can see for themselves.
They are the same people, disparate only due to religion, and religious customs. Does that make them different? yes. Does that make them different in the context of this debate? No, it doesn't.
We're talking about their brains mope, not which sky-daddy they are praying to currently. Try to keep up.
Speaking of, you ever even stepped outside Alabama mope?

Your only tactic is to put words in my mouth or take things to illogical extremes. Or come up with your own special definitions of ethnicity to avoid admitting the obvious.
I grow tired of arguing with you. I'd sooner run my head into a brick wall. Arguing with you probably kills more brain cells.

Your only tactic is to put words in my mouth or take things to illogical extremes
My fucking tactic? This isn't a rescue mission putz, you can't be rescued from your own stupidity.
I'm just calling it like I see it.
Here's an idea, "why don't you speak fucking engrish so I can understand you???"

Your problem is going in circles, being unsure of what you actually mean and just being terrible overall at getting your point across. Your whole argument is filled with denials and deflections. No one is putting anything in your whore mouth. Learn how to debate properly, then come back.

I don't know how this circle-jerk started , but you'll be finishing it all by yourself. Everyone on here with an iq of above 10 has commented and called you a racist. People who don't even comment on here have stopped by, just to tell you that you are a xenophobic twat. Here's a pro tip "If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole." -Raylan Givens.

And you do nothing but fill the pages will PC blather.
hah! I must have missed this! Found it trying to sift through the vomit you posted earlier.
It's obvious you and I don't know each other well. Being "PC" is the quality I hate most about liberals, and I've stated that before, multiple times. I have no problem calling muslim terrorists sand niggers, (how's that for being PC?). My problem begins when I see idiots like you prattle your obviously racist, myopic views without any actual substance or evidence for what you believe in. Overdosing on Fox news isn't considered evidence.

So, as far as the "debate" goes, you don't know the subject, don't know the opponent and clearly don't even know yourself. That might be the dictionary definition of "cluster fuck". I'll have to look it up. in the meantime, enjoy yourself MOPE
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