Originally Posted by Russ38
This? Is funny. You made me laugh and my lips hurt. No....get y'all heads outta the gutter. I had my lips done yesterday. Every three years or so this kind of thing is necessary. Damn, and it HURTS too.
I should post a picture of the blood and the iced, rubber glove for the swelling and PAIN! I'm am so disappoint I didn't think of iced rubber gloves when I was a working girl for my little kinksters. So disappoint.
Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
Damn near impossible to follow a smackdown like that with anything worth a damn, and this is a good example. 
I like his puns. I tried to find the video of Bill telling Sookie most vampires are very old and puns were once the height of fashion. Instead I found the video of the first time Sookie met Eric. Very hot. So I guess thanks are in order.