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Old 04-09-2015, 09:59 AM   #1
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Default Finding an Arrangement

So I was disappointed because a provider I REALLY love seeing and thought would go for this didn't...so maybe I am off base...but maybe some long time hobbyists and providers can set me straight:

I am happily married and play discreetly. I can't take out cash a lot without being discovered. So I do the typical thing like asking for 5 or 10 cash back here and there and try and build up some money. But it is so painstakingly slow...but not just that...I feel that some of the fine gals here in the RGV are missing out.

I run all the errands. I am at HEB, Walmart, Target, the mall, etc. Just because I can't pay you 100 dollars cash, if I provide you with 100 dollars worth of the stuff you need to live anyhow or want (gifts/necessities) that means that when Mr. X walks in who DOES have cash you don't need to spend it on gas, clothes, household items, etc...you name it. So in the end...to me...it seems like it works out.

I am relatively young, good looking, have quite a lot of money, and am a total gentlemen and long time hobbyist...so I would be a good "regular" for anyone. But nobody seems interested in this and I really don't see why. Thoughts/ideas/whatevs?

I really want to pamper someone...dates, gifts, etc...here in the lower RGV...but without cash...I guess it ain't happening.
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Old 04-09-2015, 12:23 PM   #2
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Well cash is really king. I do understand the question as to why some providers wont accept gift cards for everyday necessities.
One of the reasons is they can't really tell whether or not some of that $100 card has been used unless they can get it scanned immediately. I would guess if you had the receipt for purchasing it right before the session it could help.
Maybe some providers can add some light to this. I'd like to hear their comments. Because a $100 HEB gift card is worth $100.
Also with 5 posts and 1 review you really have no cred. Maybe after you've established yourself it may get easier.
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Old 04-09-2015, 12:43 PM   #3
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Default I'm in the same boat, kind of...

RJ - I think he was talking about goods, not necessarily gift cards.

I totally understand the difficulty in hiding your activities, because I'm in the same situation. Even more insane... my wife is an Accountant. So any dollars going in and out of our account are carefully raked over by the scrupulous eyes of a true financial professional.

So here's how I do it... Any major cash withdrawal, I come up with a hell of an excuse.

"What's this 200 and then 300 dollar withdrawal in the same week?"

"That 200 was for a bet on the football game, damn my luck! The 300 was for engine repair (or something she doesn't know much about like a tool purchase), and the guy gave me a break for paying in cash or else it would have been 500 bucks." Think of as many "cash only" situations you can, and use those as excuses. I basically take out a weekly "lunch" allowance in cash, and instead of having lunch I get some ass and just take a light snack to work too.

This is a good topic.
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Old 04-09-2015, 02:24 PM   #4
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Have you ever offered to take a panhandler on the street corner to a close by place to eat and offer to buy him a meal? I did and the answer was "shockingly" a no because he really needs the money instead. Geez I can't imagine why *wink wink* Do you see the comparison??? Priorities are way off center.
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Old 04-09-2015, 02:25 PM   #5
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If their incall is not their home, putting cash in a purse is easier than carting the groceries back home. Also, they might need to be non-perishable items.

Gift cards are more compact, but can be a hassle converting to cash.

Cash is just easier.
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Old 04-09-2015, 09:42 PM   #6
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They want the money for other shit. If you were working would you like it if instead of your pay your boss gave you a couple gallons of milk, a box of cereal and a 50$ gas card and said thanks for the memories! You'd tell him to get fucked because you need that cash for some pussy! Just like they need that cash to get their nails done or fix their car so they can drive to my house and fuck me and earn some more cash so they can pay rent so some other dude can come over and fuck them.

It's a pain bro, good luck. Just keep saving them dollars, hundred should be saved up in about a week and I'm sure there's some good pussy to be had for that amount where you live. Plus you will enjoy it more knowing you scrimped and saved for just a moment in that sweet ass.
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Old 04-09-2015, 10:16 PM   #7
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With all the respect due the OP, I wonder about this: happily married, have quite a lot of money, but can't get more than $5 or $10 at a time without being discovered? Just how tightly DOES this happily married spouse control your purse?
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Old 04-11-2015, 09:16 AM   #8
Roy D Mercer
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If your wife has access to all of your accounts you will always struggle to explain spending.
The only way to really do this is to have an account that she can't see, and doesn't know about.
Asorluv hit the nail on the head with this.

If you really want to pamper someone, as you describe, maybe you should look into getting a sugar baby. Most real whores want real cash, and don't care much about the dating and pampering. That's why they sell by the hour.

Maybe have a garage sale, and instead of putting prices on items, just put what you would trade them for. End table- 1 bbbjcim, etc. LOL
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Old 04-11-2015, 10:10 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Roy D Mercer View Post
If your wife has access to all of your accounts you will always struggle to explain spending.
The only way to really do this is to have an account that she can't see, and doesn't know about.
Asorluv hit the nail on the head with this.

If you really want to pamper someone, as you describe, maybe you should look into getting a sugar baby. Most real whores want real cash, and don't care much about the dating and pampering. That's why they sell by the hour.

Maybe have a garage sale, and instead of putting prices on items, just put what you would trade them for. End table- 1 bbbjcim, etc. LOL
This is fucking funny.

Engraved Desk = Overnight session! Lmao
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Old 04-11-2015, 11:06 AM   #10
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Here's another way to look at it...

A barrel of lube is worth 1300 ( http://www.amazon.com/Passion-Natura...barrel+of+lube ).

She might use lube, and you would technically save her 1300. However, she probably won't want to be paid with a barrel of lube.

I know, it's a silly analogy. I just think it's funny that someone can actually buy a barrel of lube.
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Old 04-13-2015, 12:26 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Roy D Mercer View Post
If your wife has access to all of your accounts you will always struggle to explain spending.
The only way to really do this is to have an account that she can't see, and doesn't know about.
Asorluv hit the nail on the head with this.

If you really want to pamper someone, as you describe, maybe you should look into getting a sugar baby. Most real whores want real cash, and don't care much about the dating and pampering. That's why they sell by the hour.

Maybe have a garage sale, and instead of putting prices on items, just put what you would trade them for. End table- 1 bbbjcim, etc. LOL
Every time I log on I read something this guy has said that crack me up!!!
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Old 04-13-2015, 06:44 AM   #12
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A properly motivated, intelligent individual will make it work. There are literally hundreds of ways of moving cash without flagging an SO, even a very nosy one. Unless that SO is suspicious you're up to something, then you're fucked and not in a good way. Texxx has a good method, Debit card purchases can be returned for cash too, all kinds of good ways. Good luck.
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