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Old 04-05-2015, 10:01 PM   #1
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Default Keep using BP and a STING is inevitable?

I was hanging out with a trusted friend of mine in real life today and as we had drinks, I got to talking to him about BP for the first time. He said he used it a lot in Houston a couple years ago and eventually he got busted. He said the pics looked hot yet legit. He showed up to the hotel incall. It was the same girl from the pics. Just as he was getting the donation ready, LE ran through the door, tackled him, and he got booked for solicitation. He said since then the charges are even worse for johns.

It really sucked because it stuck on his record too. I feel sorry for him and also lucky that that never happened to me. But it kind of creeped me out to hear his account. I feel sorry for him and how unlucky he was.

My friend's experience kind of made me begin pondering the inevitable nature of a hobbyist relying on BP for a long enough time possibly getting busted the way he did. I'm going to spend the next few weeks thinking it over. You see, before hearing his account, I always assumed that they only go after the providers--never the johns. But I've known this guy for a year and his story seems legit.
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Old 04-05-2015, 11:01 PM   #2
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The le does run scams and busts often on back page...if they arrest you it will go on your record...maybe TV. You could lose your job, marriage ...jail. They often raid massage parlors or set up a sting there too. The choice is yours.
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Old 04-05-2015, 11:28 PM   #3
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I have been noticing alot of "new" girls posting lately on BP & most of the regulars have since disappeared ironically, maybe there was a raid recently here in SA. It's no coincidence either the number of BP girl reviews, you just can't know who to trust nowadays. It's the main reason why I stick to my regulars. Be careful out there guys. If she looks TGTBT, then don't take the chance.
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Old 04-06-2015, 07:34 AM   #4
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I have seen bust on the new on few occasion. Any where from 15-30 guys each time. Have a really good buddy who said they swing that ever few mths.
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Old 04-06-2015, 07:51 AM   #5
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OP - this is not an alert, but it definitely is alert "worthy."

Um.... there is always -- ALWAYS!!! -- an element and a level of risk in pursuing the hobby.

= = = = =

Shoot --- there you are in a bar, and you hit on the good looking (no beers yet!) young lady sitting on the bar stool next to you. You take her to your place. You fu*k the sh*t out of her. Next morning she tells you she is 16! Has a fake i.d. and all that. And the bartender/bouncer/doorman didn't notice. Now she wants you to pay her off -- monthly! Whaddya gonna do? Tell the cops you are being blackmailed, of course. NOT! You still fu*ked a MINOR!

OK, the above is rather far-fetched, but it could be real, couldn't it.

= = = = =

Meanwhile back to hobby risk.

Let's face reality. IF LE wants to make a point, they will.

Doesn't matter if it is street stuff, spa, studio, Independents, what the heck. In a hotel, on the street, at a spa, in an apartment complex, hotel, auto (car date anyone?) etc.

LE can always make an arrest. The officers just let the DA and the Courts "sort it out." Meanwhile, those caught up in the LE net must suffer the consequences, even if months late all charges are dismissed. The arrest records persist for years.

So, having written all of that, caution and research are the essentials that can help keep you safe.

It is not without reason, for example, to assume that "managed" providers may also be very risky. Not just because the "manager" is around, but because often times there may be additional "stuff" going on -- drugs, minors, trafficking, etc.

Even true Independents have been known to get caught up in LE reality on occasion. Worse, there are documented instances of hobbyists (and their wives or s.o.'s) informing LE of certain vital data.

Providers and hobbyists have been known to assist LE in setting up stings.

None of the above happens often -- but it has been known to happen.

What can the savvy provider and savvy hobbyist do to minimize risk?

Simple, for the most part.

SCREEN! SCREEN! SCREEN! And that works in both directions!

Always assess risk with who you plan to play with.

Assess the neighborhood where the action is planned.

Confirm the reality of the situation -- is he well known, well vouched? Is she?

Don't overlook your personal security when you are in between hobbying!

Guard phones, computers, tablets! Guard your pockets! Don't leave notes, data, evidence (condoms, for example) where people who should not be seeing those items can see them.


When your gut says "DANGER!"

Play it safe.

Disengage, reset, don't listen to the little head or the gnawing feeling that the "rent is due!
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Old 04-06-2015, 09:43 AM   #6
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A thought provoking thread, for sure.
CK, years ago I was called for jury duty on a statutory rape case in a distant county, similar to your hypothetical. She was UA in a bar with fake ID; he was more than twice her age. In the end, they both done wrong. No one would want such involvement.
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Old 04-06-2015, 07:27 PM   #7
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Does not meet the criteria for an alert.

Moved to the proper forum.
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Old 04-06-2015, 08:28 PM   #8
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All good points really. It's a shame LE can't get true criminals. It's easier to get speeders, now this fucking cel-phone-in-the-car-bullshit, stings, etc. It generates revenue and keeps the blues outta more dangerous work.

I tell ya; this town is turning into shit.
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Old 04-06-2015, 08:46 PM   #9
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There's a guy on the Weat Texas forums who has about a zillion two word posts, and they're worthy here: Fuck BP.

He has a lotta other good stuff too, but this is what I remember. And it's never failed me.
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