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Old 03-31-2015, 09:32 AM   #91
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
permit me to answer your question with a question.. why is it when police are sent to minority neighborhoods to quell violence, they are often met with hostility? like Rudy Gulliani said recently concerning Fergosun, the white cops are there to try and help, yet you react as if they are your problem.. when Martin Luther King was killed.. African Americans went on rampages in many cities.. destroyed their own neighborhoods.. took 20-30 years before any businesses would start again, in those areas.. and your answer is blame "Whitey".. always someone else to blame.
Because of the unprofessional manner in which minorities are treated by police, to answer your first question. And I was hoping you'd come up with a better question than that.

As for your Martin Luther King question, I do agree that African American aggression is often aimed in the wrong direction... When the police beat the shit out of Rodney King, and he didn't receive justice from an all European American jury, meeting European violence with equal and overwhelming violence was obviously the only thing that European Americans were going to understand the only way that Rodney King was going to get justice. Now, I disagree with what they did to the Koreans and other minority races, I feel they should have been more discretionary in where they aimed their violence... The Hispanics weren't to blame, the Asians weren't to blame, the Native Americans weren't to blame, the Indians weren't to blame, and African Americans weren't to blame for what happened to Rodney King....

Back to how minorities are treated by police.... Minorities and European Americans do drugs at the same rate, and European Americans do hard drugs at a much higher rate, yet minorities are arrested at a rate that's 4 times greater than that of European Americans. Take a look at this video... (He's one of the few European Americans who actually get it).

I respect what the police do and most of the police officers who have pulled me over have been professional. I've never been arrested, charged, or convicted of anything and there's only been one officer who's asked me to step out of the car and proceeded to illegally frisk me without cause.

To further answer your question about minorities attitude towards police, not all African Americans feel the same way about police. But for the ones who do have a negative opinion about the police, its difficult to have respect for police when all they seem to be interested in is harassing and profiling you (Which is the case with some African Americans), while your European counterparts get away with murder and law enforcement turns a blind eye.
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Old 03-31-2015, 09:43 AM   #92
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you say your personal dealings with the Police have all been positive.. not so with me.. I've been stopped, interrogated, harassed a few times for no cause.. yet you make the blanket statement that minorities are treated unfairly.. what gives?

you think ALL white people are to blame for 3-4 white cops that beat Rodney King.. you suggest that.. outrageous... so Reginald Denny deserved to be attacked, almost killed? you spout savage views, Sir.
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Old 03-31-2015, 09:57 AM   #93
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
you say your personal dealings with the Police have all been positive.. not so with me.. I've been stopped, interrogated, harassed a few times for no cause.. yet you make the blanket statement that minorities are treated unfairly.. what gives?

you think ALL white people are to blame for 3-4 white cops that beat Rodney King.. you suggest that.. outrageous... so Reginald Denny deserved to be attacked, almost killed? you spout savage views, Sir.
I said most of my dealings with police have been positive, not all. And it's not like I have a lot of personal experiences with police so.....

What I'm saying is, if after 500 years these people still can't get it right, and writing letters and asking politely isn't working, then obviously different tactics need to be employed.

Honestly, I think the best thing that people of African descent can do is get the hell away from people of West European descent. It's not their job to give anyone equal rights and they've shown themselves time and time again to be incapable of doing so.
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Old 03-31-2015, 10:06 AM   #94
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Originally Posted by VerySoon View Post
Honestly, I think the best thing that people of African descent can do is get the hell away from people of West European descent. It's not their job to give anyone equal rights and they've shown themselves time and time again to be incapable of doing so.
then why aren't you doing so, Mr. Pan-Africa? you are choosing to live in America, "ruled" by Western Europeans you despise, a Country where millions, perhaps billions of people around the globe would holler for joy if they could trade places with you. furthermore, somebody earlier called you out for seeing white ladies, you responded that you never said "white", you mentioned Western European.. then a few posts ago you bragged about showing up to an NBA incall, shagging the white provider twice..

you are a Fraud.. everyone else that participated in the thread got bored of your bullshit.. I'm bored as well, so I will not post again.
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Old 03-31-2015, 10:23 AM   #95
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
then why aren't you doing so, Mr. Pan-Africa? you are choosing to live in America, "ruled" by Western Europeans you despise, a Country where millions, perhaps billions of people around the globe would holler for joy if they could trade places with you. furthermore, somebody earlier called you out for seeing white ladies, you responded that you never said "white", you mentioned Western European.. then a few posts ago you bragged about showing up to an NBA incall, shagging the white provider twice..

you are a Fraud.. everyone else that participated in the thread got bored of your bullshit.. I'm bored as well, so I will not post again.
Who says I'm not on my way out of here? And who says that I'm necessarily moving to a country in Africa? (Though I am eyeballing a few African cities). It's going to come down to which non West European country has the best hobbying scene. I should be able to working online full time withing the next year or so, so what's a single 20 something entrepreneur to do other than follow the beautiful women and good food??

As far as "choosing" to live here... Yes, technically I guess you could say that. But the U.S. is my country of birth, moving to another country is a big step, I'm only in my twenties, and it's not like I'm 50 or 60 something. Moving to another country is a long process that takes time and planning.

In regards to people trading places with me, I couldn't care less about that. I don't base my decisions on what other people want for their own lives. America is a good place to make money... That doesn't necessarily mean it's the best place to spend the rest of your life, especially with the inception of the internet and making money online. If people around the world have bought into the U.S. selling itself as the best place to live, then I say to those people, "Have at it and good luck!"
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Old 04-01-2015, 05:48 PM   #96
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Nope..I show up and they say thank god I get suck some sweet black cock today...please dont review because my white clients will get upset...j/k...really I do not give shit about aa rules to many ladies does see us so fuck off to the ones that dont
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Old 04-01-2015, 10:36 PM   #97
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I see a lot of "No AA" on Backpage ads with fake pictures. Most of the higher end providers have the class and brains not to put "No AA" in their ads. It's such a weird, off putting thing to say, especially because we can decide who we do and don't wish to see discretely over the phone. I imagine it turns off potential clients of all races.
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Old 04-02-2015, 06:45 AM   #98
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Originally Posted by !!Sexy Erotic Morgan View Post
I see a lot of "No AA" on Backpage ads with fake pictures. Most of the higher end providers have the class and brains not to put "No AA" in their ads. It's such a weird, off putting thing to say, especially because we can decide who we do and don't wish to see discretely over the phone. I imagine it turns off potential clients of all races.
Well said. I've noticed that there's definitely less "No AA" among the higher end/ECCIE providers in comparison to Backpage. In regards to what you said regarding turning clients off of all races, I personally haven't seen providers because I saw that they had a "No Indian" or "No Hispanic" disclaimer on their ad. There's no challenge for me in seeing them and they've shown the world how ignorant they are.
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Old 04-02-2015, 12:52 PM   #99
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White boy needs to wake up I don't think he is in the real world yet...
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Old 04-02-2015, 10:49 PM   #100
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If you look at my reviews you can tell that I don't have an NBA policy. How nice for you Very Soon that you can blame white people for anything bad that happens to you. You have probably never failed at anything, because if you did it was because you are black. What a bullshit copout!

I am 50 years old and I have seen true racism against blacks in my lifetime. I never once thought it was ok. Most white Americans don't think it was ok. But it is pretty much over with in 2015 America. There will always be some people that will never change. But that is the exception and not the rule. Remember that several hundred thousand white American soldiers died in the Civil War to secure the abolition of slavery. White civil rights activists gave up their lives in the 60's to secure your civil rights. But you never mention that in your tirades against whites.

People like you foment the perceived problem of racism in America. It is your excuse for failure in society. How weak! And maybe just maybe NBA policies are the fault of black men. When you think of a Pimp what race do you envision him being? Are black men known for being respectful to women. All you have to do is listen to some Rap music to know the answer to these questions. If there are providers that don't want to see black men maybe it is because of the behaviours of Black men and not because of racist white clients.

I know that all that I am saying will fall on deaf ears. Even after the Black attorney general, Eric Holder, declined to indict Officer Darren Wilson on civil rights charges, people like you still believe in the "Hands up, Don't shoot" narrative in Fergusen, MO. You have to believe it, because it justifies your hatred of a race that has done nothing to you.
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Old 04-03-2015, 09:42 AM   #101
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I hate to turn this into a race thread but, a couple of observations here:

Originally Posted by Mavs fan View Post
If you look at my reviews you can tell that I don't have an NBA policy.

Hmmm? You're don't have an NBA policy because you see black providers? Are you using this as a basis to say you're not racist? Well, at least you didn't say you have a black friend. The new minimum requirement is to have 3 black friends (with one of them being close enough to have been invited to your home and interact with your family, if applicable).

I am 50 years old and I have seen true racism against blacks in my lifetime. But it is pretty much over with in 2015 America.

I am going to have to disagree on this one buddy.

"True racism" is alive and well, you can't base it on your experience because you are of a different generation. That's like saying the youngsters today don't have "real music". "Their" music is just as real to them as your music was as real to you in your day. The fact that the face of racism has transformed and evolved does not negate or nullify it's effects. It is the nature of time, as it progresses, it evolves. You are every bit Mavs Fan as you were when you were 18 but I guarantee your body has changed. So, to say that somehow your experience of racism from your point of view is more genuine than what is is today is an error. Also you can't say it is "pretty much over". It is definitely not as long as we remain on this Earth. Once again it has progressed with society to were overt racism isn't the norm anymore. In some ways, that is even worse!

People like you foment the perceived problem of racism in America.

How can you say this is a "perceived" problem? You can't really comment on the effects of something if you're not the targeted individual. If I was shot in the leg, you can't tell sufficiently describe how I felt when it happened. Racism is a very real problem and good guys like ourselves coming to terms with reality and finding a way to conquer it instead of turning a blind eye to it is the answer.

Are black men known for being respectful to women. All you have to do is listen to some Rap music to know the answer to these questions. If there are providers that don't want to see black men maybe it is because of the behaviours of Black men and not because of racist white clients.

I am a college educated young black male who happens to love hardcore gangster rap music. However, I would challenge anyone here to say that I disrespected any provider I have seen in any way. Don't let the media dictate your outlook on black culture and society. There are absolutely black pimps but they're only more recognizable than the white pimps due to their flashy nature. Last but not least, black men are absolutely known to be respectful to women. Traditionally, in black American culture, the matriarch is held in higher regards than the patriarch of the family (we won't get into why here).

Even after the Black attorney general, Eric Holder, declined to indict Officer Darren Wilson on civil rights charges, people like you still believe in the "Hands up, Don't shoot" narrative in Fergusen, MO.

No one knows what happened here, I personally believe the ruling was justifiable, we just can't dismiss an entire argument based on how we feel.

You have to believe it, because it justifies your hatred of a race that has done nothing to you.
Again, just because you may have not personally done something to someone, you can't project your actions on an entire race, it makes your outlook similar to the OP

Overall, I do think racism is real and it is prevalent. However, I believe that we allow frivolous things like television and entertainment dictate our outlook on certain things. I am an agent and proponent of free love, unequivocal, unprejudiced, absolutely free love amongst the masses. We have a long way to go as a society to rise above all the bullshit, but, we can't project negativity on ones who hold archaic ideologies because we are no better than the next man if we respond to negativity with negativity. In an attempt to rebuttal this young man, we can't dogpile him because it would only reinforce what he already feels. We can only provoke him to change his view by constructively sharing our wisdom, knowledge, and understanding based on our personal experiences. However, must maintain objectivity in our approach.

I am in full disagreement with the OP, however, I do fear in an attempt to rebuttal him, you've aligned yourself with him in more ways than one. But, I could have a complete misunderstanding of your points here, hey, we're all human!

Oh yeah, and provider's, if you're down with the free love thing, hit me up! Lol j/k! (Unless you'll do it)

Also, this was all done from a phone so forgive me if I screwed up some things.

PS......my last race thread, I find it to be an immense waste of time on a hooker board! I feel everyone knows where I stand now!
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Old 04-03-2015, 01:52 PM   #102
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It is moments like this when I sit back and read and read and read...then thank my parents for raising me to embrace diversity.

Business is Business and Personal is Personal .. Everyone knows this..

If I had three different people message me right now with their own introduction message and screening info.. unless mentioned.. there is no way I would be able to tell the difference. So to me.. As long as respectful able to be verified.. There are no limitations.

As much as we say we hate these kind of threads.. it is so disheartening and damn near impossible not to get drawn in.

On an upper hand.. I like things that make me think. I educate myself. ( Always have..lol) So this is why I am back on this topic. Instead of feeding off the negative It has helped me understand and learn the view points from all perspectives...

and guess what.. I still have my opinion.. and you still have yours.. doesn't mean we still can't learn a thing or two from one another..


Everyone have a Good Friday and Happy Easter!!!
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Old 04-03-2015, 02:23 PM   #103
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I have a dreeeeeeeam!!!!! Something like this!!!

Now "that's" what I call unity!!!
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Old 04-03-2015, 03:42 PM   #104
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Originally Posted by Mavs fan View Post
If you look at my reviews you can tell that I don't have an NBA policy. How nice for you Very Soon that you can blame white people for anything bad that happens to you. You have probably never failed at anything, because if you did it was because you are black. What a bullshit copout!

I am 50 years old and I have seen true racism against blacks in my lifetime. I never once thought it was ok. Most white Americans don't think it was ok. But it is pretty much over with in 2015 America. There will always be some people that will never change. But that is the exception and not the rule. Remember that several hundred thousand white American soldiers died in the Civil War to secure the abolition of slavery. White civil rights activists gave up their lives in the 60's to secure your civil rights. But you never mention that in your tirades against whites.

People like you foment the perceived problem of racism in America. It is your excuse for failure in society. How weak! And maybe just maybe NBA policies are the fault of black men. When you think of a Pimp what race do you envision him being? Are black men known for being respectful to women. All you have to do is listen to some Rap music to know the answer to these questions. If there are providers that don't want to see black men maybe it is because of the behaviours of Black men and not because of racist white clients.

I know that all that I am saying will fall on deaf ears. Even after the Black attorney general, Eric Holder, declined to indict Officer Darren Wilson on civil rights charges, people like you still believe in the "Hands up, Don't shoot" narrative in Fergusen, MO. You have to believe it, because it justifies your hatred of a race that has done nothing to you.
I stopped reading after you asserted that I was a failure.... I'm half your age and by the time I'm thirty, I will have accumulated more wealth than you ever will in your entire lifetime.

You West Europeans sure do love talking out of your ass.

Originally Posted by melannie_star View Post
It is moments like this when I sit back and read and read and read...then thank my parents for raising me to embrace diversity.

Business is Business and Personal is Personal .. Everyone knows this..

If I had three different people message me right now with their own introduction message and screening info.. unless mentioned.. there is no way I would be able to tell the difference. So to me.. As long as respectful able to be verified.. There are no limitations.

As much as we say we hate these kind of threads.. it is so disheartening and damn near impossible not to get drawn in.

On an upper hand.. I like things that make me think. I educate myself. ( Always have..lol) So this is why I am back on this topic. Instead of feeding off the negative It has helped me understand and learn the view points from all perspectives...

and guess what.. I still have my opinion.. and you still have yours.. doesn't mean we still can't learn a thing or two from one another..


Everyone have a Good Friday and Happy Easter!!!
Yes, I have no doubts that there are people who are of West European descent who are very capable of feigning their love for equality, and who will treat minorities with respect as to give the impression that they aren't racist.

Originally Posted by DarkeyKong View Post
I have a dreeeeeeeam!!!!! Something like this!!!

Now "that's" what I call unity!!!
Lol! That's all you "bruh", I ain't mad at you. To each his own!
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Old 04-03-2015, 05:11 PM   #105
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Is it irony when a person says they are not racist but then talk down to an entire race of people? Or is it just plain wilfull stupidity?
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