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Old 03-27-2015, 02:26 PM   #211
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Originally Posted by shanm View Post

That's the short and long of it. However, there are differences.
Cruz is a bible thumping maniac, do we really want someone who believes in an afterlife to have his hand on the button?

He's a corporate dummy who will most likely continue Reagans policy of fortifying the rich and terrorizing the poor.

He uses Obamacare AND the subsidy for his insurance, but wants to repeal it when he gets into office. What does that tell you about the integrity of his character?

He's prone to verbal gaffes. If there is one thing even idiot republicans can't deny about Obama, its that he is a very fluid speaker, quick witted and carries the charisma of a Unites States president. Cruz has none of these.
I agree there is quite a few differences. I don't think there is even the slightest chance Cruz will get the nomination let alone win the election. I am amused at how all of the things that the Reps complained about with Obama seem to be just fine when its a Rep.
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Old 03-27-2015, 02:42 PM   #212
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
That is not relevant to any solution. That is postulated as an excuse for doing nothing. It's sort of like explaining why it's ok for Obaminable to lie by claiming that Bush did also. The illegal alien "problem" began when people were not allowed to receive "work permits" for various occupations in this country, and without doing a lot of research on it, the timing suggests that it had something to do with attempts of "unionize" the workers. It was about that time.

When you make something against the law, one does not make it "attractive" to violate the law with impunity and then offer them "amnesty" to exonerate them from their illegal activities. That's only executed for the purpose of "eliminating" the situation ... they are no longer "illegal" because they have been given "amnesty" ... so NOW the politicians don't have a "problem" that involves any "illegal conduct."

Removing Iran and Syria from the terrorist list so "we" can negotiate with terrorists?

It's like the Galveston Tourist Bureau renaming sharks to "selachimorphas" in their brochures and claiming the Galveston beaches are no longer populated by "sharks" off shore!
Your bizarre pontificating completely ignores the reality of the situation.

Some particulars please on the implementation of your plan to deport 11,000,000 men, women and children that are living all over our country. How exactly will we go about that, genius? In other words, for example, the population of say....Ohio....or Georgia....the entire population.

,And, please.....in order to ensure that all 11,000,000 don't come back.....dazzle us all with some exactitude on sealing that border and how you propose that will be accomplished? Big fence? Dogs? Helicopter gunships and the US Marines? Oh wait, there are only 175,000 Marines last time I was up to speed on such things....since we're looking at roughly 2,000 miles of border...that won't be enough folks, will it?

And you are, of course...and as usual...., an idiot if you think that the reason the vast majority of these folks come to the US to have a baby or get the mostly imaginary benefits that you and the rest of the clown posse constantly bleat about. Can't you just see Jesus Campos and Juan Herrera talking about those tax bonuses they are going to get as they plan their trip to the US while sipping a beer in Guanajato? The level of stupidity you exhibit when you throw shit like this out just astonishes.

Moron....They come for the work so they can take care of their families. Go take a drive. Step out onto any construction site you come across, commercial, residential, a renovation...whatever....and tell me who you find there....take a drive through North Carolina apple raising country during harvest time and tell me who you find out there breaking their backs picking apples by the bushel from dawn until dusk.

Stop trying to use big words that you have difficulty spelling and start thinking things through for yourself. Practical solutions for the real world is what Clint Smith calls it....never mind.
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Old 03-27-2015, 04:16 PM   #213
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Originally Posted by timpage View Post
Your bizarre pontificating completely ignores the reality of the situation.
As predicted your pretentiousness oozed out and your snotty liberal self-anointed intellectual superiority complex over road your common sense, which I knew it would, and rather than offering any substantive ideas you seek to ridicule others' ideas in a lame-ass attempt to make yourself appear superior.

As I asked: You won't closed borders or open borders? We'll deal with step 2 next.

I saw you mention no solutions of your own, or even suggestions other than maintaining the status quo by default as has been the case for 50 years.

What's the problem ... can't mow your own lawn? Or do you have a lawn?
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Old 03-27-2015, 05:50 PM   #214
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
As predicted your pretentiousness oozed out and your snotty liberal self-anointed intellectual superiority complex over road your common sense, which I knew it would, and rather than offering any substantive ideas you seek to ridicule others' ideas in a lame-ass attempt to make yourself appear superior.

As I asked: You won't closed borders or open borders? We'll deal with step 2 next.

I saw you mention no solutions of your own, or even suggestions other than maintaining the status quo by default as has been the case for 50 years.

What's the problem ... can't mow your own lawn? Or do you have a lawn?
Overrode, firstly. Perhaps he is superior to you intellectually if you are constantly using the wrong words. We can't ridicule your ideas. You don't present any to ridicule. You don't start with do you want closed or open borders. That's another false dichotomy, which you love to use. Those aren't the only two choices. Why do you guys always bring it down to two choices, as if that's all there is. YOU didn't mention any solutions either. You mentioned a problem and that's not the same thing. Stop trying to yell louder than anyone else, take a deep breath and relax. Do we need to do something about our border situation? Absolutely. Is getting 11 million people to leave realistic? No. Let's get the people who are here on the tax rolls, get them out of the shadows and get them paying taxes. Obama put forth a plan, republicans shit on it. It was a realistic plan. We need REAL plans, not pie-in-the-sky ideas that have no chance of getting off the ground in the real world. That very back and forth is the source of most of our problems. They hem and haw and nothing gets done in the meantime. And we end up here.
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Old 03-27-2015, 09:40 PM   #215
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Originally Posted by UnderConstruction View Post
Overrode, firstly. Perhaps he is superior to you intellectually if you are constantly using the wrong words.
You forgot this one:
"You won't closed borders or open borders?"

He even put the apostrophe in!
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Old 03-27-2015, 10:23 PM   #216
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Originally Posted by shanm View Post
You forgot this one:
"You won't closed borders or open borders?"

He even put the apostrophe in!
I missed that one. He's a real gem. And he did include the apostrophe, not sure what for since want doesn't have one, which means he meant to write won't for some reason. Even thought it makes no sense in that usage. He's making a lot of errors lately. I think instead of taking his meds they give out at the home, he's just throwing them in the garbage when the orderlies aren't looking.
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Old 03-27-2015, 10:32 PM   #217
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Originally Posted by UnderConstruction View Post
I missed that one. He's a real gem. And he did include the apostrophe, not sure what for since want doesn't have one, which means he meant to write won't for some reason. Even thought it makes no sense in that usage. He's making a lot of errors lately. I think instead of taking his meds they give out at the home, he's just throwing them in the garbage when the orderlies aren't looking.
You have to understand that by the time LLIdiot made that post (4:16 pm), he had already had a full day. His nursing home attendant wakes him up between 3 and 4 am every morning for his first soiled diaper change.

Perhaps he wakes himself up crying! By 4 in the afternoon, LLIdiot is totally exhausted!

And don't forget, he also has Patriarchal duties that he needs to tend to (the Klan, errr Clan can be a rowdy bunch). That is over and above posting his irrelevant bullshit and getting his diaper changed multiple times each day.

Show a little compassion, will you?
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Old 03-28-2015, 12:19 AM   #218
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No matter how you want to excuse it or rationalize it, they are criminals. They should be treated as such. The only reason - the ONLY reason - the US is not enforcing the law is that politicians want them to vote. That is the ONLY reason. Government today is about obtaining and retaining power. That is all. There is no other motivation for government.
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Old 03-28-2015, 12:35 AM   #219
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
No matter how you want to excuse it or rationalize it, they are criminals. They should be treated as such. The only reason - the ONLY reason - the US is not enforcing the law is that politicians want them to vote. That is the ONLY reason. Government today is about obtaining and retaining power. That is all. There is no other motivation for government.
Wrong. The farm and agriculture lobbies know that if you put a serious dent in immigration, things would grind to a halt in those industries. Vote? Are you kidding me? The ones who are actually illegal won't go near an official building, let alone to vote. They go to work, they come home. They aren't voting.
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Old 03-28-2015, 03:44 AM   #220
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Originally Posted by UnderConstruction View Post
Overrode, firstly. Perhaps he is superior to you intellectually if you are constantly using the wrong words. We can't ridicule your ideas.
Actually that is incorrect. Typos are not "wrong words" .. they are typos. When you have only the typos (spelling) to criticize in texting, tweeting, or blogging (which this is) then you have nothing of substance with which to respond.

My history on this board (and others) is I see typos/misspellings and I don't say anything unless someone like you, turns themselves into a spelling monitor and starts attempting to assert their "superior knowledge" based on typos/spelling or begin ridiculing someone's ideas because of typos and spelling (form over substance). Then I do it for the irony, and the petty minded person set that standard. Now that I know YOUR STANDARD, I'm sure you will be more cautious in your FORM.

I don't really care how you type, but I type with thinking and touch on the keyboard, don't usually pay attention to spell check, and when I have time, which is not often, I will look it over to see any glaring mistakes. 90% of the time when I am posting on here I am "multitasking" with several windows open, and even a different browser operating and there is more than one computer operating.

I'm not really concerned about "impressing" you or anyone else on here. I'm just interacting, and expressing my opinions. I'm not going to change yours and you are not going to change mine .. either about the world or myself. I don't define myself by Eccie or anyone on Eccie. This is a hobby, and one of several. This hobby I can do while working at my desks...some at home and some at my office. The others i cannot not.

As a practical matter, you make factually inaccurate statements on the substance of a topic, to which I will respond. If your response to my comments is that I misspelled a word by the transposition of two letters and not to the substance of my response, then that is an indication that you can't really respond to the substance of my response, but ONLY TO THE FORM. That's your problem, not mine.

All the little, petty, childish, kindergarten, playground games on the internet, which unfortunately are congesting the media (news reporting is taking the form of gossipy blogs) contribute nothing of value to the discourse, and people like you try all kinds of tactics to attempt to marginalize others who hold differing beliefs. You, and they, do that because they cannot compete on a substantive level, and resort to pettiness and childishness thinking it is "cute." It's not.

It actually works in some instances, which is why you and others keep it up. That also fits into the name calling and ridiculing. If it saves you some time and effort, it doesn't work on me, and a lot of other folks I know. It just underlines your lack of substance and that of the others who utilize that tactic in an attempt to prevail in a discussion.

Cutesy, petty comments only score points in your mind and like minded persons, who also "notch their own belt" and declare themselves winners. If that were "the standard" in our society there would be no super bowl or "national championship." Every team would be a winner of every game. And Eccie blogs are neither the "super bowl" or a "national championship' of anything. It's a hobby and past time.

Now if you desire to have an informed and respectful discussion of the issues raised on here, by you or others, that would be mature and responsible. It might also be more informative and interesting. And I certainly hope I didn't distract you with any typos.
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Old 03-28-2015, 03:55 AM   #221
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Originally Posted by bigtex View Post
You have to understand that by the time LLIdiot made that post (4:16 pm), he had already had a full day. His nursing home attendant wakes him up between 3 and 4 am every morning for his first soiled diaper change.

Perhaps he wakes himself up crying! By 4 in the afternoon, LLIdiot is totally exhausted!

And don't forget, he also has Patriarchal duties that he needs to tend to (the Klan, errr Clan can be a rowdy bunch). That is over and above posting his irrelevant bullshit and getting his diaper changed multiple times each day.

Show a little compassion, will you?
UC ^^^^^^^^^^ CASE IN POINT.
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Old 03-28-2015, 04:01 AM   #222
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Originally Posted by UnderConstruction View Post
Wrong. The farm and agriculture lobbies know that if you put a serious dent in immigration, things would grind to a halt in those industries. Vote? Are you kidding me? The ones who are actually illegal won't go near an official building, let alone to vote. They go to work, they come home. They aren't voting.
#1: How do you know they are not voting?
#2: You are attempting to legitimize and excuse illegal entry into this country.
#3: How do you know who is "actually illegal"?


"California opens driver's license applications to illegal immigrants"

I think the facility at which DL's are obtained and issued is "an official building."

"California is one of 10 states that now provide licenses to immigrants in the country illegally. The licenses issued to immigrants without legal status will include a distinctive marking and are not considered a valid form of federal identification."

Hopefully there are no typos to distract you!

And this is an example I mentioned in which you are simply factually wrong with one of your global pronouncements in order to "score" a point.

I already referenced bigtex's childishness as another.

Apparently bt thinks the other person hogging the computer at the nursing home where he is warehoused is me, and he just wants the other person to get off the home's computer so he can post some more worthless shit on here.
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Old 03-28-2015, 05:34 AM   #223
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
UC ^^^^^^^^^^ CASE IN POINT.
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Old 03-28-2015, 10:45 AM   #224
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Originally Posted by UnderConstruction View Post
Wrong. The farm and agriculture lobbies know that if you put a serious dent in immigration, things would grind to a halt in those industries. Vote? Are you kidding me? The ones who are actually illegal won't go near an official building, let alone to vote. They go to work, they come home. They aren't voting.
But you said it is illegal to hire them? I don't think you have a clue what you are talking about. You sound like the reincarnation of WPF.
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Old 03-28-2015, 11:59 AM   #225
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Actually that is incorrect. Typos are not "wrong words" .. they are typos. When you have only the typos (spelling) to criticize in texting, tweeting, or blogging (which this is) then you have nothing of substance with which to respond.

My history on this board (and others) is I see typos/misspellings and I don't say anything unless someone like you, turns themselves into a spelling monitor and starts attempting to assert their "superior knowledge" based on typos/spelling or begin ridiculing someone's ideas because of typos and spelling (form over substance). Then I do it for the irony, and the petty minded person set that standard. Now that I know YOUR STANDARD, I'm sure you will be more cautious in your FORM.

I don't really care how you type, but I type with thinking and touch on the keyboard, don't usually pay attention to spell check, and when I have time, which is not often, I will look it over to see any glaring mistakes. 90% of the time when I am posting on here I am "multitasking" with several windows open, and even a different browser operating and there is more than one computer operating.

I'm not really concerned about "impressing" you or anyone else on here. I'm just interacting, and expressing my opinions. I'm not going to change yours and you are not going to change mine .. either about the world or myself. I don't define myself by Eccie or anyone on Eccie. This is a hobby, and one of several. This hobby I can do while working at my desks...some at home and some at my office. The others i cannot not.

As a practical matter, you make factually inaccurate statements on the substance of a topic, to which I will respond. If your response to my comments is that I misspelled a word by the transposition of two letters and not to the substance of my response, then that is an indication that you can't really respond to the substance of my response, but ONLY TO THE FORM. That's your problem, not mine.

All the little, petty, childish, kindergarten, playground games on the internet, which unfortunately are congesting the media (news reporting is taking the form of gossipy blogs) contribute nothing of value to the discourse, and people like you try all kinds of tactics to attempt to marginalize others who hold differing beliefs. You, and they, do that because they cannot compete on a substantive level, and resort to pettiness and childishness thinking it is "cute." It's not.

It actually works in some instances, which is why you and others keep it up. That also fits into the name calling and ridiculing. If it saves you some time and effort, it doesn't work on me, and a lot of other folks I know. It just underlines your lack of substance and that of the others who utilize that tactic in an attempt to prevail in a discussion.

Cutesy, petty comments only score points in your mind and like minded persons, who also "notch their own belt" and declare themselves winners. If that were "the standard" in our society there would be no super bowl or "national championship." Every team would be a winner of every game. And Eccie blogs are neither the "super bowl" or a "national championship' of anything. It's a hobby and past time.

Now if you desire to have an informed and respectful discussion of the issues raised on here, by you or others, that would be mature and responsible. It might also be more informative and interesting. And I certainly hope I didn't distract you with any typos.
That depends on what 'is' is. Typos aren't 'wrong words'? You're just so goddamn dumb that it's hard to take you seriously. You're wrongheaded in so many ways.

Oh and as for typos: A typographical error (often shortened to typo) is a mistake made in the typing process (such as a spelling mistake)

I'm pretty sure a mistake, by definition, is WRONG. You keep spinning away, though. The form is as important as what's contained within. By communicating your intentions and facts in the BEST form, it makes them much easier to understand. Form absolutely does matter. I can't respond because if you are prone to making errors in your form, what does that say about possible errors in your logic or arguments? See where I'm going? It's all part of the same thing. It can't be separated.
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