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Old 03-26-2015, 08:19 AM   #1
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Default We dont talk about this much but what about STDs

I worry about catching something from a bbbj like herpes as any caught anything from a bbbj. I know it is very hard to catch hiv from that.I had one girl she was nice, fucked great and very sexy, after our session she said she also offered it without a hat. I never saw her again after that. In my mind it just wasnt worth the risk. If a girl offers it with no hat do you think she already has Hiv and just doesnt care anymore
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Old 03-26-2015, 08:29 AM   #2
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It is not talked about much because it is against forum guidelines (#16) to speculate or talk about anyone's potential or real medical condition.

In general terms, IMO, you have to go into every session with the mindset that the other person has an STD and take the precautions you feel you need to take. There will always be at least a chance of getting an STD, no matter what you do as that is the risk you take in this hobby. If you want to be 100% sure, try abstinence.
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Old 03-26-2015, 08:29 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by mikecross View Post
If a girl offers it with no hat do you think she already has Hiv and just doesnt care anymore
That's a REALLY big stretch. Your concerns are legitimate; but I wouldn't go jumping to a conclusion like that, or even one of "... doesn't care," that fast.

STDs happen. They aren't pretty, glamorized, or good for business (on either side), etc. to talk about. Most people here are adults and can handle these things as such should they come up. If you're truly interested, you can search for how previous talks about them have been had here (literally the first thing I did when joining), and for the most part it's civil and informative.
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Old 03-26-2015, 09:21 AM   #4
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It's talked about enough. Just because someone asks for or offers BBFS, does NOT mean you have to participate. Just say NO. Is it frustrating? Yes. Is it dangerous? Yes. Does it mean that the person asking or offering is infected with something? No. It's possible. Hell people that practice safe sex can get STD's. Condoms aren't 100% effective. If it bothers you that much then this isn't the place for you.
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Old 03-26-2015, 09:36 AM   #5
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Ya I can understand why they would have that rule. You cant say mary has Aids dont go there. But this is about providers that dont use protection and how safe is a bbbj
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Old 03-26-2015, 09:46 AM   #6
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Im not trying to make anyone mad but is probably the biggest concern or should be in the Hobby and if we are going to be responsible consenting adults like everyone says then this should be talked about and practiced. If a provider is offering unprotected sex to you then she probably has to someone else and the chances of catching something are really high. Everyon talks about a bbbj how safe are those is all asking. I know there is a risk for herpies with it but other than that what
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Old 03-26-2015, 09:59 AM   #7
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The answer to "What is the risk with a BBBJ" is.. it depends.

If you have no scratches, no little bumps, no areas of irritation-- then your risk for almost anything is very very low. Of course, its pretty rare for a person to always have skin with no irritation whatsoever.

Technically-- a gent could catch any number of things from a BBBJ, but it pretty much has to be a "perfect storm" scenario for most things to be a big concern. Pay attention to who you are seeing, particularly their mouth. Not just open sores on the lips, which are obvious-- but their teeth. Do they appear to take care of their teeth? A woman with great oral hygiene is going to notice the slightest issue before someone who has a case of "trench mouth" will. If the mouth isn't fresh enough to kiss.. I wouldn't let it envelop your favorite appendage either... ijs.
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Old 03-26-2015, 11:10 PM   #8
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It's always a gamble uncovered. You have to ask yourself if the risk is worth the consequence or good feeling associated with it? I think you figured it out... if she offers it to you, how many other people have participated?
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Old 03-27-2015, 02:34 AM   #9
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Google is your friend. Read and be informed. There are chances with anything uncovered or even covered---you have any sexual activity, you could catch something. Trying to have others rationalize the amount of risk, here, is foolish. Decide what risks you are willing to take, based on facts, the environment you are in, and others that may be affected by your choices.

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Old 03-27-2015, 06:09 AM   #10
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I have worried about the changing of the towels on massage tables. I would hate to get crabs.
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Old 03-27-2015, 07:12 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Andyburns View Post
I have worried about the changing of the towels on massage tables. I would hate to get crabs.
There are many STIs that a condom will not prevent such as crabs, genital warts, herpes, ect. and even the ones you think that you are protected from by using one such as gonorrhea and AIDS, it is not 100% guaranteed. The only 100% sure way of not catching anything is abstinence and I do not think that policy is practiced by any member of this site!

You can hope that the provider/sexual partner you see is as clean as you are. For the most part, sanitary and hygiene by can tell and sight and smell, but STD free, you will never know, which is why ANY activity where skin to skin contact is done or on a surface that someone's bare skin was on and you do the same, a toilet seat, for example, you are susceptible to acquiring an STD, depending on type.
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Old 03-27-2015, 08:00 AM   #12
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Crabs...havent heard much talk about crabs in 20+ years. Crabs are very rare now because so many guys and girls go bare down there (or at least keep their pubic hair short and manicured). The big bush and hairy balls may not be completely gone, but are much less popular now. Crabs are very very low on the hobby std worry list.

One is probably more likely to get bitten by bed bugs in a hotel bed mattress then catch crabs during a session.
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Old 03-27-2015, 08:37 AM   #13
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To me the issue is not the exposure. You have to be willing to call full stop when you don't feel safe, AND make a diplomatic exit. The courage to do that is what I hear most guys discuss in these forums. They knew they should not have done it, but the little head....
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