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Old 03-19-2015, 08:29 PM   #1
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Default NIE that led to invasion of Iraq now declassified

Seems as though we really didn't know shit but that didn't stop us from going ahead anyway. And for those who said it wasn't a lie because bush thought he was telling the truth, read this. He embellished at best and lied at worst.

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Old 03-19-2015, 09:11 PM   #2
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Old 03-19-2015, 09:18 PM   #3
Jackie S
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Originally Posted by UnderConstruction View Post
Seems as though we really didn't know shit but that didn't stop us from going ahead anyway. And for those who said it wasn't a lie because bush thought he was telling the truth, read this. He embellished at best and lied at worst.

Saddam and his entire Regime were despicable characters. We forget that every time a conflict arose in the Middle East, he would start lobbing Scud Misslles into Israel. He invaded Kuwait with the full expectation that nobody would rise up against him. The entire a country of Iraq was one big concentration camp, ruled in a manner that only Joseph Stalin would admire.

Was getting rid of him, his two Sons, and the entire Regime worth it? Considering what might now arise, (another Religious Thugocracy), it seems the World in general was better off with Saddam keeping the iron fist of repression firmly against the Islamic Radicals.

Compared to President Obama, I think Bush's legacy will stand up better in future years. But that is not saying much, considering the pitiful job President Obama is doing in not only making us a joke in foreign policy, but by his divisive domestic actions, leaving racial divisions and wounds that have set us back decades in our quest to become a truly homogenous society with one common goal, freedom and opportunity for all.
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Old 03-19-2015, 09:39 PM   #4
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Shiteater, you borrow that pic of Hillary from your spank bank collection?
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Old 03-19-2015, 09:44 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
Saddam and his entire Regime were despicable characters. We forget that every time a conflict arose in the Middle East, he would start lobbing Scud Misslles into Israel. He invaded Kuwait with the full expectation that nobody would rise up against him. The entire a country of Iraq was one big concentration camp, ruled in a manner that only Joseph Stalin would admire.

Was getting rid of him, his two Sons, and the entire Regime worth it? Considering what might now arise, (another Religious Thugocracy), it seems the World in general was better off with Saddam keeping the iron fist of repression firmly against the Islamic Radicals.

Compared to President Obama, I think Bush's legacy will stand up better in future years. But that is not saying much, considering the pitiful job President Obama is doing in not only making us a joke in foreign policy, but by his divisive domestic actions, leaving racial divisions and wounds that have set us back decades in our quest to become a truly homogenous society with one common goal, freedom and opportunity for all.
We have failed to understand that nothing will ever change over there. We've propped dictators up, we've torn the down. Same shit, different day. It's an entirely different culture. That effects everything we try to do over there. Their history is different from ours. Their expectations for their government are different than ours.
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Old 03-20-2015, 01:49 AM   #6
JD Barleycorn
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Are you still talking about the war that Kerry, Edwards, Clinton, and Biden voted FOR?

Intelligence is a funny thing, you either have it or you don't. Seriously, how many times have we gone to war, started an offensive, and attempted a rescue on flimsy evidence or strong evidence that turned out to be wrong? Gulf of Tonkin comes to mind. The assault on Ponte Du Hoc. The landing at Anzio. That aspirin factory in the Sudan.
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Old 03-20-2015, 02:06 AM   #7
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I thought the headline here is that the report was declassified.

There are substantive portions of the report that were either not declassified or were redacted by the blogger who posted this political blog article three months after it was released for publication (with or without the redacted portions).

Does this partially released report prove Bush lied?

Or does this partially released report prove that Bush caused ISIS to turn from a JV organization to the formidable military force that our President as CIC is afraid to dispatch our military to obliterate like he has obliterated terrorism in the past?
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Old 03-20-2015, 02:18 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Are you still talking about the war that Kerry, Edwards, Clinton, and Biden voted FOR
At least for the time being it is probably more "comfortable" for them to be "talking" about the war that Kerry, Edwards, Clinton, and Biden" approved and authorized, than to be talking about the JV terrorists who are kicking everyone's ass in the Middle East and Northern Africa while Obaminable talks about making voting "mandatory" in the United States.

Perhaps he liked the look of ink-stained fingers in the air!!!

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Old 03-20-2015, 09:43 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Are you still talking about the war that Kerry, Edwards, Clinton, and Biden voted FOR?

Intelligence is a funny thing, you either have it or you don't. Seriously, how many times have we gone to war, started an offensive, and attempted a rescue on flimsy evidence or strong evidence that turned out to be wrong? Gulf of Tonkin comes to mind. The assault on Ponte Du Hoc. The landing at Anzio. That aspirin factory in the Sudan.
Why would you assume I give a shit if Democrats also voted for it? That makes them just as culpable. Gulf of Tonkin was bullshit from the beginning. I've stood at Pont(no E) du Hoc and looked out over the water. I've seen the rows and rows of grave markers. Iraq couldn't hold that war's jock strap. In fact, it's a spit in the face to those men and women who served. Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11. Our 'patriotism' was used against us. We wanted our pound of flesh and they were all too happy to give it to us. Do us a favor though, don't compare it to a real war.
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Old 03-20-2015, 04:37 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by UnderConstruction View Post
Why would you assume I give a shit if Democrats also voted for it? That makes them just as culpable.
I don't think the "point" is their party affiliation ...

..... I think it's their work affiliation and "the boss" they have had in common ...

Kerry, ----------, Clinton, and Biden.

Dopey, Dinky, and Dud.

I think Edwards was "otherwise occupied" mentally.
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Old 03-20-2015, 09:26 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by UnderConstruction View Post
We have failed to understand that nothing will ever change over there. We've propped dictators up, we've torn the down. Same shit, different day. It's an entirely different culture. That effects everything we try to do over there. Their history is different from ours. Their expectations for their government are different than ours.
I hope we can someday learn that lesson and GTFO of the Middle East. We don't need their oil anymore, we are swimming in the stuff, and Tesla has proven that electric cars outperform all but the best internal combustion engines, so if someone makes a better battery we will have more oil than we will ever need.
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Old 03-20-2015, 09:36 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
I hope we can someday learn that lesson and GTFO of the Middle East. We don't need their oil anymore, we are swimming in the stuff, and Tesla has proven that electric cars outperform all but the best internal combustion engines, so if someone makes a better battery we will have more oil than we will ever need.
It's 2015 and we still haven't learned the lesson. As evidenced by JD SHITSINHISCORN and his merry band of truthers. To truly believe that we are absolutely blameless is naive to the point of being scary. And before he cums all over his keyboard, I'm not saying that we deserve retribution because of our meddling, but you can begin to see it for what it is. We would never put up with what we have done to the middle east. We wouldn't stand for it. And yet, we are perfectly ok with treating other countries that way. It's disingenuous. And of course, if you try and have this rational, balanced approach that actually involves critical thought, you are a traitorous, unpatriotic turd. I'm ok with that. I don't think it's unpatriotic to love this country, but not do it blindly.
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Old 03-21-2015, 04:19 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by UnderConstruction View Post
To truly believe that we are absolutely blameless is naive to the point of being scary.
Extreme positions on a continuum are always incredible and non-relevant, and rarely, if ever, result in a meaningful contribution to a solution based on a reasonable evaluation of the reality. Even though extreme positions on a continuum can be useful in testing a proposed hypothesis upon which a solution might be based. For the most part productive "problem solving" requires an assessment of the reality based on FACTS not accusations and speculation.

Example on point: If you drive a motor vehicle propelled by hydrocarbon (oil) products, then you are partially to blame for the events that have unfolded in the Middle Eastern countries since oil was discovered there, U.S. companies produced it, and selected families in the various countries got rich from it.

So YOU are not "absolutely blameless"!!!
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Old 03-21-2015, 05:51 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Extreme positions on a continuum are always incredible and non-relevant, and rarely, if ever, result in a meaningful contribution to a solution based on a reasonable evaluation of the reality. Even though extreme positions on a continuum can be useful in testing a proposed hypothesis upon which a solution might be based. For the most part productive "problem solving" requires an assessment of the reality based on FACTS not accusations and speculation.
Who in the hell in LLIdiot trying to impress?

On a friggin' hooker board, nonetheless!
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Old 03-21-2015, 06:00 AM   #15
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Do I see more mindless babble from a bag of hot air?
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