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Coed Discussions - Upstate New YorkBoth male and female members can mingle and interact here. Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!
I think, cannot say for certain, that at least 12 or more Oscar/Academy Awards since 1947 have been given to movies (actresses?) around the theme "providers with a golden heart despite a contradictory exterior". Klute with Jane Fonda is one I remember and there are more.
I am happy to become the butt of eternal naysayers, but what I want to learn from the honored providers here: How many have they met who are actually or potentially these golden-hearted beings, who possess the capacity to redeem whoever they touch?
I have lived my life in absolute idiocy and delusion perhaps, but still would like to have it straight from the horse's mouth as it were: is Hollywood completely wrongheaded, or does it mirror a reality that lacks enough chance to show itself, e.g. on ECCIE, or in real life?
Lived life in systems like Buddhism strongly affirm that within many, if not most providers, burn fiercely the bodhisattva flame. I want to know, before I die.
I think, cannot say for certain, that at least 12 or more Oscar/Academy Awards since 1947 have been given to movies (actresses?) around the theme "providers with a golden heart despite a contradictory exterior". Klute with Jane Fonda is one I remember and there are more.
I am happy to become the butt of eternal naysayers, but what I want to learn from the honored providers here: How many have they met who are actually or potentially these golden-hearted beings, who possess the capacity to redeem whoever they touch?
I have lived my life in absolute idiocy and delusion perhaps, but still would like to have it straight from the horse's mouth as it were: is Hollywood completely wrongheaded, or does it mirror a reality that lacks enough chance to show itself, e.g. on ECCIE, or in real life?
Lived life in systems like Buddhism strongly affirm that within many, if not most providers, burn fiercely the bodhisattva flame. I want to know, before I die.
If your quest for the spirit is as you represent, you would know if only you would drop your penchant for excessive language.
Is there not bodhisattva flame in all beings? And so what if there is, when it outwardly mainfests itself in the faces of greedy jimmies and whores?
Some good whore movies are Wall Street, Inside Job, All the President's Men, American Sniper, Forrest Gump, Birdman, there are so many...
Some good whore movies are Wall Street, Inside Job, All the President's Men, American Sniper, Forrest Gump, Birdman, there are so many...
now that is what partly what I wanted
will put on my list to see after "another 9 1/2 weeks". Hope its as twisted as
"9 1/2 weeks" was. That did have whore in it, but was not about whores. Just about twisted relations.
Been trying to get a hooker (ether one of two) to see "50 shades of grey" with me. WTF. Looking like will wait till can see it on the web for free dam it.
thanks for the list JC
But would like some debate from gals and guys on secret games movie
Been trying to get a hooker (ether one of two) to see "50 shades of grey" with me. WTF. Looking like will wait till can see it on the web for free dam it. :shiny
50 Shades of Grey has been on the Interwebs for free since it broke all those records a couple weeks ago. Watched it, was OK but thought it was over hyped. Thought The Interview and American Sniper was better. Watched Birdman and found it boring....don't know why it won the Oscar?......
Best Little Whorehouse in Texas
Pretty Baby
Pretty Woman (as someone above said)
Cannery Row
Basketball Diaries (I know it's not what most of you were thinking)
The Center of the World
...and then there's one I saw that takes place down under where a high class escort wants one last job and to leave for paris, needs a second person, grabs a street whore, at the job the john gets killed and they witness it...
Are you the arbiter elegantiae of this universe? Do you dictate how everyone should order their lives, their language or their understanding of spirit? Are you the omniscient deity placed in charge to regulate us all, and order us around, teaching us how to understand this that or the other, in order to discover the spirit of something in movies, that we have named, or that is the subject of this thread?
You are most offensive, and perhaps you had better spend some time in self-examination to try and find out how you will netotiate your own issues. As for spiritual practice etc. kindly leave each to his own devices. Focus on your own death stages. How are you doing so far? I see you and a few others with the least likelihood of being able to being able to repeat a free and fortunate human existence. I understand this bodhisattva nature all too well. It is not a flame in you at all, I am sorry. The desire to injure, to make others small, is a VERY clear and dangerous warning signal. It is the path of contraction, an(g)ha, aughein [Gk.]. This is reality you will need to deal with and no amount of pretence, playing arond with buddhagarbha will stand you in good stead. Thee stages we all shall enter are real and exceedingly demanding, so be real from now on. Do you understand in real terms, that you have penetrated yourself, bindu, nada and kalA? If so, please go on talking about flames Otherwise shut up about things you know nothing about and merely blaspheme to show off to those who are unfamiliar. Being a lawyer or some such gives you nothing but an ability to talk and throw around your weight. be very careful about overreach, You are hanging yourself with a very long rope. Again, do not make enemies, as you strive to do so earnestly, right and left.
I am here on this board to seek out bodhisattvas. They will find me or they will not. I shall succeed or I shall fail. You are pure garbage, and you will receive the fruit of your actions in spades in very short order. Don't scream when that happens.
Returning to the movies, OSD brought us exactly what I long had wanted to ask some of our very honored members. This recurring theme in Hollywood of the provider who at the core is not interested in money but in larger human concerns. Here, on ECCIE, there are at least 2 camps, with one firmly in the group mentioned above, and the other equally strong in their belief that there can be no provider who is altruistic at the core, her whole reason for being in business being the money.Hollywood is here to sell a foolish fantasy, never found in real life. Perhaps there are many other members who believe in a middle ground.
So, may I slightly modify the Hollywood issue, and ask the question: How realistic are Hollywood portrayals of the providers? Are they true to life or pure fantasy, as in Klute, and the many Oscar winners of this particular genre? Any reactions to these types of films? Please, members with positive thoughts and not the usual group of venomous fools who always take over the discussions with purely personal attacks. I reply to personal attacks with equally personal rejoinders directed at said members, and their twisted logic, but otherwise, do NOT derail threads.