Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
Did they have the stepsisters cut off their toes to try to fit into the shoes? What about when they attend the wedding? Do birds peck their eyes out?
If not, they messed up the re-remake of the original Grimm's Fairy Tale just like Disney did 
Oh damn you got me. I had no idea. I just remember the one being read to me every night when I was little. I could recite that particular book (the Disney version) word for word front to back because I loved it so much. This movie is what I would have pictured the "real" (from my memory anyway) Cinderella to look and feel like based on the cartoon version. Considering what they did to Sleeping Beauty with Malificent (a really great twist on the Disney version, but very different) I was all warm and fuzzy feeling when Cinderella followed the traditional version so closely.
Thanks for the lesson though, Spice! I'll tell one of the ones we had to drag with us to the movie. He'll definitely like the Grimm's version better.