Originally Posted by Prazer
Well...let's clarify a few things...
1. This is a service business where a lot of "human interaction" is exchanged...that said the premium price should bring premium service and attitude. Clients should expect and receive premium effort and delivery of service every single time...$250 per hour for an attorney/dr/provider they need to be damn good every time, no excuses..anything but consistently impeccable service should not expect repeat business, favorable reviews or think about commanding top rates.
2. Because this is a service business providers should not be offended at a negotiating of service and fees... This is BS on the part of the provider...they expect our cash to be perfect every time. No exceptions! Several times in my sessions services were promised were refused, Undelivered or not administered to the detriment of my satisfaction and wallet! There should be an appropriate response to make ammends on the session whether refunding a portion of fees or other agreement. When I go to get my car serviced ...I don't always want everything that the dealership offers, so I don't pay for those services I don't want!
3. This is why honest reviews are important. They provide market value feedback. The BS that many spew in their reviews jack up the price while lowering the quality of the session. They unnecessarily up the expectations whole underwhelming the client...ultimately this hurts both client and provider.
Just my 2 cents 
Well put, Prazer.
I take it you do not YMMV providers either! Especially since you cannot be YMMV on their donation, as that will never happen. IMO, all providers should be all inclusive in her donation, but only doing the services that she is comfortable with, which should be clearly written on her profile/showcase, which most do anyway. That way, it will give a guy some of the info he needs to make a decision to see a particular provider for a session or not.
It does not hurt at all to ask a provider about a service that you like which is not listed in the ones she performs, that is not haggling. But, I do agree that there should be some sort of agreement that if a provider does not do what she advertises, a partial refund should be in order (will not happen either).
A provider will tell you that what you are paying for is her time, but in essence, you are really paying for the services rendered, hence, upcharge for Greek, CIM, ect. So, for example, if you are looking for a FBSM with a happy ending that includes everything but FS from a FS provider, should a guy have to pay her full hourly rate? probably, but can it be deemed proper etiquette to negotiate a lower rate for non-FS? Absolutely. You may not get far, but it is not considered haggling IMO.
MOST reviews are an honest opinion from the reviewer of how his session went with a provider, a little bit of embellishment is fine, but unfortunately, we have a few guys who when they do a review, embellish so much so that it reads like a pimp or amateur romance novelist wrote the review for advertising purposes. IMO, while those reviews are great reads, honestly, the reviews from guys like this should not be even remotely considered when making a decision to see a provider for a session or you are in for a big disappointment! It is very telling and you know this when past and/or future reviews from other guys of the same provider differ and many times drastically, then those other reviews read more consistently in the services offered and rendered by the provider.