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Old 03-07-2015, 10:16 PM   #46
Mr MojoRisin
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Originally Posted by TheDaliLama View Post
Zanney is a Nazi Jackass.

Heeeee Haaaaawwwww
Nah, he's not a Nazi. That's even to good for him. Zany is stuck in an altered state of reality similar to a psychosis, where he and Obama run the world together, lol.

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Old 03-07-2015, 10:25 PM   #47
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Speaking of Selma, here is the Messiah hallucinating and claiming his parents met as a result of the 1965 voting rights march. That's weird. I thought Obama was born in 1961.

Zanyzit, you started this thread - can you clear this up for us?

"Listen as Obama speaks with a jive accent and completely fabricates how and why his parents gave birth to him. He tries to give the Selma Voting Rights March credit for his parents meeting and giving birth to him. However, he was born in 1961 and the Selma Voting Rights March DID NOT even take place until 1965."

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Old 03-07-2015, 11:04 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Zanzibar789 View Post
Not one decided to go. Talk about a colossal failure of leadership. Looks as if they have no big tent afterall and it's likely why they'll never win the presidency again. They just dont know how to think ahead. I'm sure if we were commemorating the 50th of anything Jewish there wouldnt be enough seats for congressional republicans. If they cant get behind this effort to commemorate progress in America they are doomed. Very disappointing decision as they missed a real opportunity.

I guess they think the open hostility approach will work. Not even George Bush would condone this type of behavior and in fact he will be there. Kudos to president Bush he always showed true conservative compassion.

For the others who dont think like the President Bush who showed much grace toward minority groups shame on you. The perception like Maher said remains intact: "If you are a Republican you are not necessarily a racist but if you are a racist you are probably a Republican".

Why should they? all they missed is yet another insult to America by the Manchurian Candidate.

if you liked what the Manchurian Candidate said, you are not an American. but then again ,, we all knew that anyway.
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Old 03-07-2015, 11:23 PM   #49
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Yes. The Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. That makes it even more puzzling that none of them showed up. I think the Republicans will regret this.
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Old 03-08-2015, 06:35 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by Zanzibar789 View Post
Let me explain what makes me unique and you not so much. I came from poverty to wealth through hard work. I can empathize with the poor while also condemning the lazy within the ranks of the poor. I can also relate to wealthy whites while supporting the ideals of hard work and and unity at the same time rejecting the notion of racism and bigotry.

I'm uniquely qualified to speak on this issue because I can relate to both perspectives whereas you cannot. Your viewpoint in all things is very limited. Jesus had similar qualities in that he could relate to poor and to wealth. Of course I'm not comparing myself to Jesus but if you're a Christian which most republicans claim to be then the lessons of the gospels are totally lost on you guys. Much of what you espouse is hypocrisy run amuk.

I am not Black, however my father was born in a Tent on the banks of Spring Bayou Swamps in Central Louisiana in 1940. His family was as poor or poorer than the Blacks that lived in his town. They were on Welfare, his family was laughed at. He had to bathe in a wash tub after his old brother and father. He lived in Public Housing when the floods came in the late 40's and 50's. He did not have indoor plumbing or Electricity until the late 50's. He had to go to School just to learn English. His family all spoke French. They grew, raised, fished and hunted for their food. so blah blah blah...
When I was born he was barely making ends meet, I was on School lunch program. I had to wear hand-me-downs,. I was poor...

Anyway he went on to make millions of dollars in today's numbers, Why??? he worked his fuking ass off!!! He got up every fuking day and went to work!!!

Moral of the story and my unique perspective. ANYONE WITH HARD WORK CAN MAKE IT IN AMERICA!!
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Old 03-08-2015, 08:46 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY View Post
I am not Black, however my father was born in a Tent on the banks of Spring Bayou Swamps in Central Louisiana in 1940. His family was as poor or poorer than the Blacks that lived in his town. They were on Welfare, his family was laughed at. He had to bathe in a wash tub after his old brother and father. He lived in Public Housing when the floods came in the late 40's and 50's. He did not have indoor plumbing or Electricity until the late 50's. He had to go to School just to learn English. His family all spoke French. They grew, raised, fished and hunted for their food. so blah blah blah...
When I was born he was barely making ends meet, I was on School lunch program. I had to wear hand-me-downs,. I was poor...

Anyway he went on to make millions of dollars in today's numbers, Why??? he worked his fuking ass off!!! He got up every fuking day and went to work!!!

Moral of the story and my unique perspective. ANYONE WITH HARD WORK CAN MAKE IT IN AMERICA!!
I agree

I can beat any story zany has many times over

but all you have to do is put one foot in front of the other and have a good attitude in this country to be successful
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Old 03-08-2015, 09:18 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Yes. The Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. That makes it even more puzzling that none of them showed up. I think the Republicans will regret this.
Would you show up to hear Al Sharpton Speak?
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Old 03-08-2015, 10:31 AM   #53
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Good point, Dali. No, I would not.
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Old 03-08-2015, 10:50 AM   #54
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I wouldn't show up to a KKK rally either.
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Old 03-08-2015, 10:58 AM   #55
JD Barleycorn
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Considering the nature of our modern media and the demagoguery of the left, any republican who did show up unless they were old enough to be there would be attacked (maybe literally) for being there. The narrative of the press is that all republicans are racist and that would be the first question, "do you think it is in bad taste that you are here considering (the unsaid words) that your party is so racist?"

Like so many here say about Obama when he can't make a decision, damned if they do and damned if they don't.

If you think I'm blowing smoke, I'll give you the Paul Wellstone memorial where the republicans who were his friend were denied admittance because Al Gore was going to turn it into a campaign rally and the other democrats piled on with their own bullshit.
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Old 03-08-2015, 11:04 AM   #56
Jackie S
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Speaking of Selma, here is the Messiah hallucinating and claiming his parents met as a result of the 1965 voting rights march. That's weird. I thought Obama was born in 1961.

Zanyzit, you started this thread - can you clear this up for us?

"Listen as Obama speaks with a jive accent and completely fabricates how and why his parents gave birth to him. He tries to give the Selma Voting Rights March credit for his parents meeting and giving birth to him. However, he was born in 1961 and the Selma Voting Rights March DID NOT even take place until 1965."

Remember when that other bastion of truth, Hillary Clinton, stated that her mother named her for Sir Edmund Hillary because he conquered Mt Everest.

The only problem was when Hillary was born, he had not done the deed yet by some 6 years.

Lying bag of shit bitch.
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Old 03-08-2015, 11:19 AM   #57
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George W. and Laura Bush were right up there on the podium in Selma yesterday. They even held hands with everyone.

And they weren't the only Repubs in attendance. Here's what the Washington Post reports:

"This Saturday, at least 95 House and Senate members were expected to make the Faith and Politics trip, including 71 Democrats, 23 Republicans and one independent. They didn’t have enough seats on their chartered plane, and they rented seven buses."


Seems like the whole premise of zanytard's thread - why weren't any Repubs there - is wrong! I guess zanyzit will have to find another reason to wallow in his unchristianlike hatred of the GOP.

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Old 03-08-2015, 11:31 AM   #58
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I'm not going to read the entire thread but...

Is this like the 50th Anniversary of the Rosa Parks incident when Dims were complaining that no Republicans were showing up....

only to find out none were invited? Until a few days before when the "oversight" was found?
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Old 03-08-2015, 11:34 AM   #59
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And Stanza confirms my comment, you can't win whether you go or come with the left.
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Old 03-08-2015, 09:00 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by TheDaliLama View Post
Would you show up to hear Al Sharpton Speak?
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Good point, Dali. No, I would not.
I wouldn't either. Unless there's pies to throw at him. Or rotten eggs.

Originally Posted by TheDaliLama View Post
I wouldn't show up to a KKK rally either.
Neither would I, despite "some" opinions here to the contrary.

The Manchurian Candidate earned his Nword from me. The proof is now obvious. Just look at his current approval ratings and the absolute RACIST behavior of his Administration, especially his AG Holder.

Would I call any black person, who respects the Rule of Law and works hard and doesn't make excuses about "Whitey" holding him/her down the Nword? No.

Would I call all those looters in Ferguson the Nword? i think the answer is obvious enough.
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