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Old 03-05-2015, 01:49 AM   #1
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Default Everyone's a hooker for something...

So, I recently moved away from a regular 9-5 gig into a position doing independent consulting. I'm doing pretty well, but some of the hours got me thinking - especially as I post here at 2:15AM knowing damn well I'm going to be pulling an all-nighter.

Part of why I'm good at what I do is that I love it. It's often said of those in my profession (which I won't delve too deeply into) that we do for love what others won't even do for money. Part of that means I end up getting attached to my projects. It kills me to leave something unfinished or unpolished when I *know* I could do better if I had just a few more days or hours to kick it up a bit.

But money dictates, and I can't let emotional attachment affect me.

Once a client's hours are done, I move on. I have to, or I'll get bogged down under a mountain of unpaid work, because *nothing* is ever really finished, especially in my field. I left my old position because at this point in my career, I want to make money. I might not enjoy this work *quite* as much as the work I left, but it's close, and I can honestly say I enjoy my job far more than most. I'm damned lucky, and I've worked damn hard to take make more luck. But when it comes down to it, it's the detachment that's the hardest part.

Which got me to thinking about the hobby. Obviously, from a client's perspective, we know what we get out of it, and what we pay for that. And detachment is critically important - everyone's heard the horror stories that come when someone gets emotional about someone they met in the hobby. I like many of the girls I've met, I'd even go so far as to say I personally *care* about one or two that I've known for years. But even with the best, you always carry around the knowledge that you might have to cut it all off at a moment's notice.

Hold 'em, fold 'em, walk away, run. You know the drill.

At some zen level, everyone knows that ALL this shit, RW to virtual to BCD, is temporary, and the hobby is just that, condensed and sped up.

This hobby and this site was the little "private" corner of my life where people freely admit that the only true four-letter word starts with an "L", because when it comes down to it, *that's* the shit that will fuck you over if you let it.

Girls sometimes tell me about the guys who show up, and don't ever even *touch* them... they just want to talk. Quite honestly, I can sympathize with those guys, but I wonder sometimes why they don't just get a shrink. The danger? The mere *possibility* that something will happen? They're looking to make an emotional connection, or to at least unload some emotional baggage... which is why I suppose they don't want to involve sex. But... then... why go on eccie or bp in the first place?

I'm kinda curious if any ladies have any thoughts on the subject... I know I'm rambling a bit, but it's late, and I've got a deadline tomorrow, so I need to wrap this up.
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Old 03-05-2015, 09:05 AM   #2
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Perhaps some Psychologists are quite more expensive, especially after hours.
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Old 03-05-2015, 10:56 AM   #3
Hope I haven't bored you!
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You failed to to support the title of your thread in the rambling narrative.

In regards to some guys pay to just talk......... Some are of the mindset that they might be able to connect to the whores that listen where they can't to a shrink or psychologist. Most of these gals can feign interest in what they are saying while sucking their dick. No reason not to do both.

What those are guys are never getting is any type of advice or real connection no matter how much they pay.
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Old 03-05-2015, 11:42 AM   #4
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Ill take a stab.... i may be totally wrong... but here goes ...
Going to dr..pysch shrink whatever its called .... is EXPENSIVE!!! (200× 15mins is a lot) ive heard of folks paying over 200 for someone to listen to them for 15-20minutes and they clockwatch ... at the same time, they are seeking MEDICAL attention, and i understand the reason for the fee

Going off of what i heard, i think theres little human interaction there. I guess its like the worst type of nongfe clocking watching, strictly business date, one can have. Plus, theres no anonymity. The dr knows EVERYTHING about you. Sure hippaa laws may prevent them discussing such, but it can be an uneasy feeling.

On the other hand, Ive personally had guys that would just chat. And theres that real human interaction exchanged. I cant sugarcoat stuff to save my LIFE... ive tried. Lots of times. Lol but the gents that know me, know that im genuine and not a time waster. Im not a great "actress",im a REAL person, can be opinionated (when its warranted), we are both "anonymous" to the other, and yea

Sometimes when folks are going thru it, and they need to chat... they have to seek out which avenue is right for them. Baby steps...

as best i could, i hope i gave you another prespective...before rambling myself

as whisper mentioned, no need not to be able to do both. If you dont wanna hwar me chat, and you just wanna vent.... stuff 'him' in my mouth
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Old 03-06-2015, 12:47 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
You failed to to support the title of your thread in the rambling narrative.

In regards to some guys pay to just talk......... Some are of the mindset that they might be able to connect to the whores that listen where they can't to a shrink or psychologist. Most of these gals can feign interest in what they are saying while sucking their dick. No reason not to do both.

What those are guys are never getting is any type of advice or real connection no matter how much they pay.
And guys get that with a Shrink?
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