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Old 02-24-2015, 11:34 AM   #16
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Default "LA BESTIA"..............AQUÍ VENIMOS...GRACIAS OBAMA...


McConnell hasn't blinked yet.........

And the open border policies of Obama (and lefties like yourself) is what makes America look like a 3rd world country. In real 3rd world countries they have strict border and visa controls and don't hand out amnesty and citizenship like candy. Try sneaking into Mexico and working or get citizenship. Try being an illegal and getting Food Stamps in Guatemala.

And you are too dumb to know (during a shutdown) most government workers will continue to work and those that don't, get back pay for NOT working....some 3rd world country.

Why are you such a dumb shit who wants to run down this great country?

Take a gander at what your open border/executive amnesty policies have brought to our borders - Looks pretty 3rd world to me, you (and Obama) are the ones driving America to 3rd world status, why is that?

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Old 02-24-2015, 12:13 PM   #17
JD Barleycorn
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Originally Posted by bigtex View Post
Damn TrendingIdiot I was hopeful that this was about you shutting it down and bidding a fond farewell to the Eccie Political Forum.

Damn, you had my hopes up!

Oh well, I knew it was too good to be true.

As your revered Patriarch (LLIdiot) would say, you may now "carry on."

What! Nothing to say on the matter or is it too hard to defend Obama's illegal action? Obama said so himself 22 times before he did it.

"Talk about fiddling while Rome burns... Boehner doesn't have the fucking balls. All that time in the tanning machine has addled his mind.

This is all that needs to be said:

"When Speaker Boehner tied immigration to DHS funding he knew exactly what he was doing; saying unless I get my way, I'm going to shut down a large part of the government," Schumer said in a statement. "'To now blame Democrats when members of his own party, conservative leaders and others have all asked him to back off this game of chicken is disingenuous at best." "

What does Boehner have to do with this? Do you even know what is going on? The House has already passed its bill and now its sitting in the Senate waiting for the democrats to "get off their high horse" and just discuss it before a vote. This is about the democratic party defending what is illegal and hurting the country playing politics.
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Old 02-24-2015, 12:19 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by timpage View Post
McConnell blinked....and rightfully so.

Any thoughts on just how bankrupt an ideology you subscribe to when it involves taking positions like "let's shut the government down?" Yes, then we can look like Guatemala or some other third world fucking country. Pathetic.
I'm glad you've admitted just how bankrupt your party is. The democrats are the ones trying to shut down the government over an illegal action by Obama.
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Old 02-24-2015, 01:18 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post

McConnell hasn't blinked yet.........

And the open border policies of Obama (and lefties like yourself) is what makes America look like a 3rd world country. In real 3rd world countries they have strict border and visa controls and don't hand out amnesty and citizenship like candy. Try sneaking into Mexico and working or get citizenship. Try being an illegal and getting Food Stamps in Guatemala.

And you are too dumb to know (during a shutdown) most government workers will continue to work and those that don't, get back pay for NOT working....some 3rd world country.

Why are you such a dumb shit who wants to run down this great country?

Take a gander at what your open border/executive amnesty policies have brought to our borders - Looks pretty 3rd world to me, you (and Obama) are the ones driving America to 3rd world status, why is that?

Listen, once and for all, you simple minded cunt. It is possible to believe that America is exceptional in the history of the world and is an example of freedom, while simultaneously acknowledging that we are imperfect. If you can't wrap your tiny fucking brain around that concept, nothing you say has any merit, none. Throw off the yoke of binary thought and join us in the motherfucking twenty-first century. Obama isn't the leader of some insidious effort to bring down America. He simply has the idea that people should be equal and that healthcare should be available to as many people as possible. You don't want equality? You don't want your fellow citizens to have access to healthcare? If you don't, you're a fucking asshole. As for your precious taxes, you don't have the first clue where one red cent of it goes. You don't have a breakdown that tells you that, so don't even bring that shit into this discussion. We pay taxes and it goes into one big pot. We all benefit from those taxes. Quit whining about someone less fortunate than you who gets food stamps. You're the party of no abortion. Well, those kids grow up and need to be fed. Deal with it. You're all for keeping them but once they are born you don't give two fucks. I've had it up to here with that bullshit. Grow the fuck up. You can't have it both ways. What we have isn't perfect, but it's what we have. If you don't like it, get the fuck out, no one is stopping you. Do you even realize that we couldn't have these discussions in certain countries without fear of someone knocking on our door and dragging us out into the night, never to be heard from again? You haven't lost any freedoms under Obama. You're still free to be an idiot, just like you were under Bush and Clinton and all the rest.
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Old 02-24-2015, 01:21 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
I'm glad you've admitted just how bankrupt your party is. The democrats are the ones trying to shut down the government over an illegal action by Obama.
The republicans are the ones who added the immigration factor into the equation. Democrats were perfectly happy to pass the funding bill. They won't be dictated to. Republicans would do the same thing. In fact they have, many times.
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Old 02-24-2015, 01:50 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
I'm glad you've admitted just how bankrupt your party is. The democrats are the ones trying to shut down the government over an illegal action by Obama.
Not quite, Admiral shit-for-brains. It's your group of chuckle-heads looking for a way out of it now. Suck on it. But, it's admirable that even somebody as stupid as you would try to shift the blame for something that looks as bad as this....all the while your buddy whirly-tard is touting it as good government policy. Fucking idiots.
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Old 02-24-2015, 02:17 PM   #22
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What a fucking rant from a moron.

Get in step with America you open border nut.

I'll stand with most Americans.
According to the latest IBD/TIPP poll, 73% of the public say Obama should work with Congress on reforms. Just 22% say he should “sidestep Congress and act on his own using executive orders” — something the president has repeatedly pledged to do…

The age group most fervently opposed to him on immigration is the young voters he has successfully courted in the past. Fully 80% of those age 18 to 24 want him to work with Congress on reform, and just 15% side with Obama’s plan to bypass Congress if they fail to act…

When asked more specifically about an executive order to “slow deportation of undocumented immigrants by providing them with legal protection and work permits,” 63% of all those polled say they oppose Obama’s issuing such an order, with a majority of Republicans and independents strongly opposed.

Originally Posted by UnderConstruction View Post
Listen, once and for all, you simple minded cunt. It is possible to believe that America is exceptional in the history of the world and is an example of freedom, while simultaneously acknowledging that we are imperfect. If you can't wrap your tiny fucking brain around that concept, nothing you say has any merit, none. Throw off the yoke of binary thought and join us in the motherfucking twenty-first century. Obama isn't the leader of some insidious effort to bring down America. He simply has the idea that people should be equal and that healthcare should be available to as many people as possible. You don't want equality? You don't want your fellow citizens to have access to healthcare? If you don't, you're a fucking asshole. As for your precious taxes, you don't have the first clue where one red cent of it goes. You don't have a breakdown that tells you that, so don't even bring that shit into this discussion. We pay taxes and it goes into one big pot. We all benefit from those taxes. Quit whining about someone less fortunate than you who gets food stamps. You're the party of no abortion. Well, those kids grow up and need to be fed. Deal with it. You're all for keeping them but once they are born you don't give two fucks. I've had it up to here with that bullshit. Grow the fuck up. You can't have it both ways. What we have isn't perfect, but it's what we have. If you don't like it, get the fuck out, no one is stopping you. Do you even realize that we couldn't have these discussions in certain countries without fear of someone knocking on our door and dragging us out into the night, never to be heard from again? You haven't lost any freedoms under Obama. You're still free to be an idiot, just like you were under Bush and Clinton and all the rest.
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Old 02-24-2015, 02:22 PM   #23
i'va biggen
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We don't need Homeland security Bush won the war.
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Old 02-24-2015, 02:26 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
What a fucking rant from a moron.

Get in step with America you open border nut.

I'll stand with most Americans.
According to the latest IBD/TIPP poll, 73% of the public say Obama should work with Congress on reforms. Just 22% say he should “sidestep Congress and act on his own using executive orders” — something the president has repeatedly pledged to do…

The age group most fervently opposed to him on immigration is the young voters he has successfully courted in the past. Fully 80% of those age 18 to 24 want him to work with Congress on reform, and just 15% side with Obama’s plan to bypass Congress if they fail to act…

When asked more specifically about an executive order to “slow deportation of undocumented immigrants by providing them with legal protection and work permits,” 63% of all those polled say they oppose Obama’s issuing such an order, with a majority of Republicans and independents strongly opposed.
What a chickenshit. Keep hanging with the majority. I'll continue to think for myself. He just vetoed the Keystone pipeline. Repubs don't have the votes to override it and he knows it and they know it. Majority wants him to work on reforms but you fail to mention what those reforms are.
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Old 02-27-2015, 08:18 AM   #25
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What happened Whirly? Are your ass-clowns blinking yet?

Fuck you.
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Old 02-27-2015, 11:39 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Shut down the government? What's not to like?
I'm pretty sure they shut it down on holidays and weekends - I never see anyone at the post office, at least.
I would prefer they shut down the division in charge of prostitution abatement rather than Homeland Security, however.
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Old 02-27-2015, 11:45 AM   #27
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Schumer said....that's hilarious. You might as well of posted "Waxman said" or "Debbie Wasserman-Schultz said" or "Shelia Jackson Lee said" or "Nancy Pelosi said" or...you get the idea

+ 10
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Old 02-27-2015, 11:48 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
We don't need Homeland security Bush won the war.

Remember, Bush did not win the war.
Your lover, Bathhouse Barry ended it !
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Old 02-27-2015, 11:53 AM   #29
I B Hankering
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Default Your "preference" presents a paradox:

Originally Posted by DSK View Post
I'm pretty sure they shut it down on holidays and weekends - I never see anyone at the post office, at least.
I would prefer they shut down the division in charge of prostitution abatement rather than Homeland Security, however.
16 arrested on prostitution, drug charges in joint Mobile police, Homeland Security investigation

Investigators with MPD's narcotics and vice unit and the Department of Homeland Security teamed up for the investigation, which took place on Jan. 20 and 22, said officer Terence Perkins.

Officials did not make any human trafficking-related arrests but picked up 16 people on five felony and 16 misdemeanor charges. A majority of the arrests were on prostitution-related charges ...


Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery, and involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to exploit human beings for some type of labor or commercial sex purpose. Every year, millions of men, women, and children worldwide—including in the United States—are victims of human trafficking. Victims are often lured with false promises of well-paying jobs or are manipulated by people they trust, but instead are forced or coerced into prostitution, domestic servitude, farm or factory labor, or other types of forced labor.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is responsible for investigating human trafficking, arresting traffickers and protecting victims. DHS initiates hundreds of investigations and makes numerous arrests every year, using a victim-centered approach. DHS also processes immigration relief through Continued Presence (CP), T visas, and U visas to victims of human trafficking and other designated crimes.
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Old 02-28-2015, 07:42 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by rioseco View Post
Remember, Bush did not win the war.
Your lover, Bathhouse Barry ended it !
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