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Old 02-16-2015, 08:31 AM   #1
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Default Let's open a big ole can of worms!!!

I've been hobbying almost a year now and have thoroughly enjoyed meeting numerous providers who all left a lasting impression on me in one way or another. With the exception of one or two, all were positive impressions. There are 3-4 that have become my favorites including one who is no longer active who I still see. In the year that I've been hobbying, I've had to learn what certain "abbreviations" meant as I'm sure any newbie would. The one that always stumped me were two simple letters.....WK! And the fact that it was always used as a negative comment towards a hobbyist. BTW, it stands for "White Knight" for those of you who may not know.

In this setting, where we hobbyist like to play, I am interested in the different definitions you have for what a "WK" is? The Urban Dictionary states that it is "A person (usually a male) who sees the typical maiden in distress, and believes that he can help her." Another..."A male who always sticks up for females regardless of how wrong they may be." Webster's Dictionary states that it is "someone or something that rescues or saves another person or thing from a bad situation"

In our setting, my definition of a WK is a hobbyist who has developed a relationship with a provider(God forbid, according to some people), one who post reviews on that provider, comments on other posts on the provider, defends her in posts where she is being attacked or may possibly get the dreaded "NO" review when she may not deserve it, and see her on a somewhat regular basis. If my definition is correct, throw the book at me.....guilty as charged!!! If not, give me your definition and we'll see where we have varying opinions! I just ask that if you have a different opinion, play nice and keep the shots above the belt!!! Have a great week ladies and gents!!!
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Old 02-16-2015, 08:38 AM   #2
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My definition of a White Knight is a bit different.

A White Knight is someone who has been hooked and is being used by a lady. He thinks he's helping her, but often makes things worse. He thinks he'll garner some special favor or gets something no one else gets from her. WK's tend to make themselves look foolish by defending the lady or posting fake reviews in order to negate a "No" review.

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Old 02-16-2015, 08:43 AM   #3
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WKs are pansies. Both of your definitions are right.
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Old 02-16-2015, 08:51 AM   #4
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Yours and urban dict are pretty spot on really but ask what a WK's value really is? For the girl it's boost to marketing and a partial shield to help divert fallout (even when it's justified). To those that been around for awhile or generally know about such things its a exasperated sigh and eye roll while glossing over the typical WK banter. To the haters or those with a grievance it's a name used to separate the weat from the chaff.
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Old 02-16-2015, 08:58 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by davidfree986 View Post
WKs are pansies. Both of your definitions are right.
Lol! Like the pic!!!
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Old 02-16-2015, 10:22 AM   #6
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To me it is someone who has lost sight of the fact that this is a pay for play world and nothing more. Someone who thinks they are being noble by defending someone whether they are rewarded or not. Someone who thinks that eventually, if they WK enough they can take the relationship with their favorite hooker beyond p4p.
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Old 02-16-2015, 11:02 AM   #7
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All of the above.

Most of the people who agree with me on the internet, I've never met bcd and have no plans to. Not sure if that qualifies as a WK since I can defend myself fine on my own and it's more of like-mindedness than a rescue/defense thing.

If someone starts using me as their avatar or posting my pics in threads. I politely ask them to stop because personally I find it creepy (except genuisman bc he does it for many of the ladies here). But otherwise, I have my own avatar and I can post my own pics.

Some chicks need to feel like they have fans and followers and some guys need to be a fan or follower. And then they find each other...
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Old 02-16-2015, 11:11 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by rcinokc View Post
To me it is someone who has lost sight of the fact that this is a pay for play world and nothing more. Someone who thinks they are being noble by defending someone whether they are rewarded or not. Someone who thinks that eventually, if they WK enough they can take the relationship with their favorite hooker beyond p4p.
+1, bingo, these are hookers, whores, johns, and tricks. Everything in this profession boils down to money and sex and the exchange of said items/activities. If everyone understood that principle, this would be a much better environment.
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Old 02-16-2015, 12:48 PM   #9
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Actually there is another type of white knight who will come to any (usually a lady) persons defense when a keyboard bully tries to show how tough he/she is.
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Old 02-16-2015, 01:05 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by DarkeyKong View Post
+1, bingo, these are hookers, whores, johns, and tricks. Everything in this profession boils down to money and sex and the exchange of said items/activities. If everyone understood that principle, this would be a much better environment.
That pretty much sums it up, this is a fantasy hooker board for money not a dating website.
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Old 02-16-2015, 01:20 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by rcinokc View Post
To me it is someone who has lost sight of the fact that this is a pay for play world and nothing more. Someone who thinks they are being noble by defending someone whether they are rewarded or not. Someone who thinks that eventually, if they WK enough they can take the relationship with their favorite hooker beyond p4p.
Revert back to post #3 in this thread

I agree with your premise and I doubt it happens, the OTC sex that is. Most guys that are WKs will not admit to being WKs, for either and individual or studio, and there is a reason for that. I am also pretty sure that they are gullible enough to get strung along like little kids with the providers making empty promises for defending their honor. I got news for you idiots..it ain't coming! Those guys need to pull up their big boy panties and realize what this hobby world is all about, not what they hope to perceive it to be.
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Old 02-16-2015, 01:21 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by mm03 View Post
A White Knight is someone who has been hooked and is being used by a lady. He thinks he's helping her, but often makes things worse. He thinks he'll garner some special favor or gets something no one else gets from her. WK's tend to make themselves look foolish by defending the lady or posting fake reviews in order to negate a "No" review.
Thank you, you saved me typing time
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Old 02-16-2015, 01:48 PM   #13
nicholas linnear
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I was kind of hoping WK had some connection to The Lord of the Rings☺
As Rob the cook said,
"Fuck da dumb shits" and
"There ain't no shame in my game"
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Old 02-16-2015, 02:21 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by surfindick View Post
Actually there is another type of white knight who will come to any (usually a lady) persons defense when a keyboard bully tries to show how tough he/she is.
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Old 02-16-2015, 03:14 PM   #15
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This WK shit is truly counterproductive in a free market society.
Important this industry and this market, the business operator will succeed or fail based on their product positioning and product quality.

WK customers are socialist by thinking all business should get equal treatment, marketing and yes reviews. They are falsely proving up a business destined to fail. It could hurt the provider in the long run by not letting her find a business the is passionate about.

Please support a free market hobby environment and be truthful and honest. We all win that way.

And for you liberal mindset types....life is not fair or equal. If a lady is going to make it here based on her product and services, great. If not, there is a BP market for her or other industries.

Sorry for typos....I was driving.

Nod to THN for taking care of her own business. You are an example of success here (no WK, just facts)
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