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Old 02-02-2015, 11:20 PM   #1
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Default Questions about movies and providers?

ok, thread in ISO talks about going to movies. updated every so often.

Talks about going to movies. either with providers or hobbyists. either to just watch or hobby at movies, or part of hobby session.

Just thought you might want to separate responses. would probably make it more clear(for me at least).

different people for each suggestion.

love movies. can't say I've gone to movies with a provider( in either suggestion), but have with family and friends, and also alone.

Have done other things like meals or entertainment with hobbyists and providers either together or separately that were non-hobbying related.

Some people may not want to mix their hobby time and movie time or public displays. While others do.
Some may not want to see movies with members of opposite sex, or people not into movie. some do.

Some in hobby have no problem seeing each other (hobbyists or providers) outside of hobbying and some want nothing to do with each other outside of hobbying.

Wondered about people's thoughts on this subject, and if ISO should distinguish differences for people either way?

I know Dew wrote a fantastic review about going to movies.
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Old 02-03-2015, 12:36 AM   #2
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I have been to a movie once with a Provider (we both agreed the movie sucked, her choice.)

But I have been to many social events with a Provider. Hell, even with a Providers' Mom (told her this would happen once she let the cat out of the bag )

I have had no problems whatsoever doing it. I don't go out to do things by myself unless I really want to see/do something. With my schedule, it is hard to develop things socially in the RW/outside the Hobby.

For me, it is nice being able to have someone to do things with, recognizing the boundaries of our relationship.
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Old 02-03-2015, 12:46 AM   #3
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Chemistry goes a long way. The movies can be an epic experience with the right person and helps if the movie is decent enough. Luckily, she chose me. What a ride. All compliments to the lady.
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Old 02-03-2015, 02:05 PM   #4
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I have gone to a provider's baby shower accompanied by a provider. Even took a present, met parents, husband, etc. had a beer, BBQ, nothing more than meeting new people. Easy to do as a friend of a friend.

Movies no big deal, it's just socializing. I'm not much of one to see movies on my own, and depending on the movie, another person is good to talk to afterwards.

I have had lunch with one or two ladies from here, took one on a bit of a sight seeing tour, and had a great time. She was great company.

All of these had one thing in common, no clock, no play.

If your going to take one of the providers to a movie for a little 'stanky finger' playtime, negotiate rules, time, and rates beforehand.

It's not difficult, it is socializing and commerce.

I realize I used the "N" word and I apologize for offending anyone beforehand.

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Old 02-03-2015, 07:15 PM   #5
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There have been times up here in Dallas Ft Worth where a gal is bored in her hotel room and wants to get out. She will contact me and ask if I can get her out of the hotel and go to a movie to break up the monotony of being stuck in a hotel bored.

It can be fun. The surprise is waiting to see what she wears for the casual outing.
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Old 02-04-2015, 03:11 AM   #6
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thanks for responses. that was a lot of my point. The thread in ISO kind of mixes it all up. everything should be clearer.

Something like the movie review would have to be with a provider you're very comfortable with in my opinion. or people into public stuff.

The non-hobbying things mentioned are more people socializing and hopefully people realize that. Just people with things in common having non-hobby fun together.

I've thought of answering or seeing if someone wanted to do something on that thread, but don't want someone to get the wrong idea.

When I've done things non-hobby related with providers and hobbyists, it went fine.
We didn't have what I've heard for some here( I do not want to know the story, heard enough, hopefully miscommunication for those involved ).

I'm not saying after the non-hobby activities with providers, something hobby related could occur, but that is separate and everyone understands that.
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Old 02-04-2015, 03:12 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by sms918 View Post

The non-hobbying things mentioned are more people socializing and hopefully people realize that. Just people with things in common having non-hobby fun together.

Yup. Things should be clear.

I have personally witnessed when people didn't "realize" that things are as they seem outwardly. Nothing more than time at the movie. Eating out so as not to be alone. Etc.

Everyone should realize what this site is about. Making friends is one thing. Going beyond that is NOT what we are here for. And there are a few people that try to interject more into it than just two people meeting.
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Old 04-21-2015, 08:16 PM   #8
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As long as it's not CristiCutiepie it could be fun
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Old 04-22-2015, 12:41 AM   #9
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Folks should not wear Cologne that may impregnate the providers while on a movie date!

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