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Old 02-01-2015, 02:47 PM   #46
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Why should am entire religion be held responsible for the acts of a few?
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Old 02-01-2015, 03:00 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
So you're willing to scrap the Constitution when it doesn't suit your agenda. You're no better than Obama. And what court has ever sided with a city trying to zone out a house of worship on solely religious grounds? Not going to happen. I understand conservative thought quite well. That's why I am not a conservative. I believe in freedom.
Do you believe in open borders to achieve this freedom?
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Old 02-01-2015, 03:03 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by UnderConstruction View Post
Why should am entire religion be held responsible for the acts of a few?
For the same reason that all White people in this country are held responsible for the plight of not only the Indians in this country, but all Black people in this country.

BTW: How many is "a few"? In numbers please, not %.
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Old 02-01-2015, 03:07 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Seriously, are you a member of the KKK or a Redneck- or are you just plain stupid???

There are some Christians who I can categorize in the same boat. Should we kick Jehovah Witness and Mormons out? Jehovah Witness forbid pledging allegiance nor do they celebrate Christmas- ditto for Seven Day Adventist.
I assure you have not read the Quran- I doubt very seriously you have read the Bible.

However, let's talk about the peaceful Judeo-Christian religion that you follow:

Adulterers could receive capital punishment (Leviticus 20:10). Doesn’t that seem harsh by today’s mentality? Or consider the stoning of rebellious sons (Deuteronomy 21:18–21). Doesn’t that seem just a bit extreme? Moreover, the Bible seems to endorse slavery in a number of places (Exodus 21:2).

If you read the Quran and not taken old quotes that come from Hadiths- which is what radicals often use- you will discover that Islam is very similar to Christianity- perhaps more similar than Christianity to Judaism:

Both Islam and Christianity
1) revere Jesus and assert Jesus' holiness, in the sense that he lived in the world while being pure and free of sin;
2) believe that Mary, Jesus' mother, was decent, pure, and holy;
3) declare that Mary, a virgin, miraculously conceived Jesus;
4) assert that Jesus performed a number of miracles.

Jews believe none of the 4 above.

It's also nice how you cherry pick verses to make it seem like the Quran teaches not to trust Christians- did you forget these verses:

Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians -- whoever believes in God and the Last Day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord. And there will be no fear for them, nor shall they grieve" (2:62, 5:69, and many other verses)

and nearest among them in love to the believers will you find those who say, 'We are Christians,' because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant" (5:82).

"O you who believe! Be helpers of God -- as Jesus the son of Mary said to the Disciples, 'Who will be my helpers in (the work of) God?' Said the disciples, 'We are God's helpers!' Then a portion of the Children of Israel believed, and a portion disbelieved. But We gave power to those who believed, against their enemies, and they became the ones that prevailed" (61:14).
In reality you are the Nazi lover... nice try Ozombie

The Ghosts of Auschwitz in the Muslim World


January 30, 2015 by Daniel Greenfield 110 Comments

In exile in Argentina, the world’s most wanted man was writing a defense of the indefensible.

He rejected “so-called Western culture” whose bible “expressly established that everything sacred came from the Jews.” Instead he looked to the “large circle of friends, many millions of people” whose good opinion of his crimes he wanted.

These millions of people were not in Germany. They weren’t even in Argentina.

His fellow Nazis had abandoned him after deciding that the murder of millions of Jews was indefensible and had to be denied instead of defended. But he did not want to be denied. He wanted to be admired.

“You 360 million Mohammedans to whom I have had a strong inner connection since the days of my association with your Grand Mufti of Jerusalem,” Adolf Eichmann, the architect of the Holocaust wrote. “You, who have a greater truth in the surahs of your Koran, I call upon you to pass judgment on me.”

Eichmann knew he could expect a good verdict from a religion whose prophet had ordered the ethnic cleansing of Jews and which believes the end will

“not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them. When a Jew hides behind a rock or a tree, it will say, ‘O Muslim, O servant of Allah! There is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!’”

There was Eichmann’s Hadith Holocaust with even the rocks and trees finding Jews for the Islamic SS.

A more literal judgment came Eichmann’s way five years later in Jerusalem when Israeli agents used extraordinary rendition to seize him and bring him to trial. But the Muslim world had issued its own verdict long ago when the Mufti of Jerusalem had come to Europe urging the extermination of the Jews.

“This is your best opportunity to get rid of this dirty race… Kill the Jews,” the Mufti had ranted to fellow Muslims.

On the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, the ghosts of Eichmann and the Mufti of Jerusalem, who had visited its gas chambers while the Holocaust was underway, still linger there.

A Holocaust survivor in Auschwitz recalled being told that the Mufti’s arrival was a working visit.

“When we have won the war he will return to Palestine to build gas chambers and kill the Jews who are living over there,” an SS officer told him.

Eichmann’s Nazis lost, but the Mufti’s Islamists continue their genocidal agenda. Mein Kampf may be banned in Germany, but it’s a bestseller in the Muslim world.

The edition is often the translation of Louis Heiden aka Luis al-Haj, a Nazi convert to Islam whose introduction proclaims, “National Socialism did not die with the death of its herald. Rather, its seeds multiplied under each star.” The reference was meant literarily. The old Egyptian flag had carried a crescent and three stars on a green field. The new flag of the Arab Republic had two green stars.

Haj worked under Johann von Leers aka Omar Amin, another Muslim convert in the Nazi Ministry of Propaganda, who praised the persecution of the Jews under Islam as “an eternal service to the world”.

An earlier edition had been published by the brother of future dictator, Gamal Abdel Nasser.

In two years in Egypt, Mein Kampf had sold 911,000 copies, an extraordinary accomplishment in a country with a working age population of 13 million suggesting that as many as one in fourteen adults might have bought a copy. By American equivalent bestseller standards it had outsold the Da Vinci Code.

During those same years the vast majority of Egyptian Jews had been ethnically cleansed by Nasser.

At the beginning of the decade, Muslim Brotherhood godfather Sayyid Qutb had written his own Mein Kampf titled, “Our Struggle against the Jews” in which he claimed that Allah had sent Hitler. The claim has more recently been repeated by the Muslim Brotherhood’s Yusuf al-Qaradawi on Al Jazeera in ’09.

“The last punishment was carried out by Hitler… Allah willing, the next time will be at the hand of the believers,” he said.

Today everyone agrees that the Nazis were evil. By the fifties, even Eichmann’s fellow Nazis were looking to jettison the Holocaust and improve their brand. But the Nazis back then were often treated the way that Muslims are today.

Media coverage emphasized distinctions between the radical and moderate Nazis. (Hitler was, of course, a moderate.) Nazi grievances were treated as legitimate. Their crimes were lied about and covered up.

In 1933, the Associated Press’ wire report claimed that the persecution of Jews had already ended. Another wire story headlined “Jew Persecution Over Says Envoy” cited Secretary of State Hull’s relief that the Hitler regime was doing its best to curb further persecution of the Jews.

Hull would later apologize when the Republican Mayor of New York City referred to the Fuhrer as a “man without honor”. Mayor LaGuardia might have been suffering from Fuhrerphobia.

Jewish protests were treated as shrill and baseless alarmism. “U.S. Investigation Shows No Cause for Protest,” the AP headlined its coverage.

“Notwithstanding assurances given by German government leaders and by Hull that the Nazi excesses against the Jewish race had ceased in Germany, Jewish leaders went ahead with plans for mass protest meetings,” another wire story read. “All requests that these meetings be canceled fell on deaf ears.”

A week before the story, the first official Nazi concentration camp of Dachau had opened.

The media coverage should sound familiar. It’s how Iran’s nuclear buildup is being covered. It’s how Muslim violence against Jews is covered. It’s discussed reluctantly and immediately dismissed. Jews are written off as pests who refuse to listen when Kerry, like Hull, tells them there’s nothing to worry about.

That is how the Holocaust really happened.

Auschwitz just shows us the final stage. It doesn’t show us the sympathy for the Nazis, the willingness of some on the left to see them as allies in overturning the existing system and the anger at the selfishness of the Jews in putting their own desire not to be killed ahead of world peace.

It was easier to appease the Nazis. It is easier to appease the Muslim world. The Jews were not seen as a canary in the coalmine; instead, like the Czechs and then the Poles and then everyone else, they were an obstacle to making a deal with the devil. Today it’s the Nigerian Christians, the Burmese Buddhists and a long list of others around the world including the Jews of Israel who stand in the way of peace.

The ghosts of Auschwitz are still haunting Sudan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Gaza, Iraq, Iran and a hundred other places. The victims are Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Yazidis and numberless others. The Nazis began with the Jews. The Muslim saying is, “First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people.”

Auschwitz is what happens when we fail to take threats like that seriously because we want peace at any price. The price of peace was Auschwitz, it was millions dead, countries carved to pieces, peoples enslaved for years and others for generations. The price of peace was ignorance, apathy and then war.

Eichmann found support for Auschwitz in the “surahs of your Koran.” So did the Jihadis who murdered Jews in Paris. If we forget that, then we forget the real lesson of Auschwitz.
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Old 02-01-2015, 03:11 PM   #50
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This is rapidly digressing into a thread ....

..... on a conspiracy of the U.S. to orchestrate an attack on itself to justify ....

..... occupying Afghanistan.

There were those who theorized a similar plot regarding the attack on Pearl Harbor.
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Old 02-01-2015, 05:29 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
I hate to even ask, but I just have to ask.

If OBL wasn't behind the plot, who was?

Do you mean that Obaminable killed an innocent unarmed man?

Clinton was wrong. Obminable was wrong. Bush was correct. Hmmmmmmm?

I am asking you to think about this one more time. A man basically living in a cave- has the resources- Bin Laden even stated he wasn't behind the attack: http://edition.cnn.com/2001/US/09/16...ef=storysearch

The whole OBL behind 9-11 was a pure red herring and people like you believe everything your government tells you. Do some research on look up the Gulf of Tonkin. Lyndon B Johson got on national TV and stated our men have been attacked and bodies are floating in the water..." It was later proven to be a LIE- so 58,000 American troops died based on a lie. Do you remember Iraq has weapons of mass destruction- another LIE!
Also, I don't want to turn this into another thread but here are about 31 points that you can't dispute:

1. There have been close ties between the Bush and Bin Laden families, going back decades.

2. OBL was one of many recipients of US taxpayer funds, funneled to the Afghan Mujahadeen anti-Soviet fighters by US Central Intelligence in the 1980s. He became one of many on the CIA's mujahideen *database*, which gave rise to the CIA's colloquialism for this database "al Qaeda" (meaning 'the base' in Arabic').

3. In 1999 - while OBL was one of the US' most wanted suspect, ABC reporter John Milller was able to sashay into bin Laden's mountain hideout and conduct a series of interviews *on camera*. Miller was treated well. This interview occurred *after* the US Embassy bombings in Africa, while OBL was on the FBI's most wanted list in connection with those attacks. Then make the comparison: for 10 years, the combined might of the US and coalition military, the intelligence community and Interpol failed to locate OBL, let alone capture him.

4. One of the first items on the Bush Administration's agenda in January 2001, shortly after Bush's inauguration was to order the FBI and intelligence agencies to "back off" investigations involving the bin Laden family, including two of Osama bin Laden's relatives (Abdullah and Omar) who were living in Falls Church, VA., which is, coincidentally perhaps, right next to CIA headquarters(!).

5. The Bush Administration instructed the FBI to disband their bin Laden unit in summer of 2001. John O'Neill, the former head of the FBI's OBL investigation unit was killed in the World,Trade Center, 9/11/2001.

6. According to an article that appeared in the French newspaper Le Figaro and numerous other reliable print media throughout the world (barring the U.S., oddly), in summer 2001, Osama bin Laden was visited by CIA station chief Larry Mitchell and other US personnel while in hospital in Dubai, where he was apparently undergoing kidney treatment. However, after being with OBL for several hours, his visitors left without him, despite his being on the FBI's "Most Wanted" list for his alleged involvements in the US Embassy and other bombings.

7. Osama bin Laden was last seen on the night of September10, 2001, one day prior to 9/11, at a military hospital in the Pakistani city of Rawalpindi where he was probably receiving kidney dialysis treatment. This military hospital is attached to an intelligence facility, jointly staffed by ISI agents and a US military/intelligence unit which reported to Washington DC on a daily basis. This was reported by CBS and many other media outlets.

8. Shortly after the 9/11 attacks, members of the bin Laden family resident in the US were spirited away from US jurisdiction via private jet (despite there being an ongoing ban on all private and commercial flights). This seems illogical: if OBL was truly wanted by the authorities, any immediate members of his family would have *surely* been the first ones brought in for questioning by the FBI: after all, being family members, any one of them might have been able to give law enforcement valuable information leading to his possible arrest. But this possibility was eliminated by the decision to keep OBL's family members away from questioning by U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

9. It does not require a massive military operation involving 10s of thousands of troops, air support and the accompanying huge logistical effort, just to capture ONE MAN. There was only person in Afghanistan with a link to 9/11. The plans to invade Afghanistan had been on President Bush's desk prior to 9/11

10. Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda were instantly blamed for the 9/11 attacks without a single solitary shred of evidence, and for an attack which was totally out of pattern regarding other attacks of which OBL/al Qaeda have been previously accused.

11. September 14, 2001: "I did NOT have anything to do with the attacks on America on September 11." Osama bin Laden in his own words.

12. The "smoking gun" videotape featuring Osama bin Laden, "found by US Marines" in Jalalabad, Afghanistan in October 2001 has been debunked as either faked, or misrepresented, by experts worldwide. The translations provided by the Pentagon for OBLs words have also been debunked as inaccurate.

13. OBL was apparently a most capable horseman, and horseback riding in the rugged mountainous regions on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border was his preferred means of transport (little else is possible, there being few paved roads in the region). Shortly after the 9/11 attacks, when the Bush Administration was blaming OBL for it, a plan was presented to senior Pentagon officials to send in a team of expert US military endurance equestrian personnel with accompanying support, and provided with the best intelligence available. This request was flatly turned down by top Pentagon brass, even though it was suggested that this would have been the best way of reaching and capturing OBL.

14. OBL "escaped" from coalition troops in Afghanistan and the Afghanistan/Pakistan border region on no less than four separate occasions, even after having being surrounded and heavily outgunned. For this to happen once would be a major military faux pas in which heads would have surely rolled. Twice would have been an extraordinary coincidence: the US military is highly trained and skilled in these operations. Four times suggests that elements within the chain of command have been compromising operations in order to to protect him. Furthermore, such repeated incompetence within US military units assigned to capture him is extremely unlikely.

15. The FBI did not charge Osama bin Laden in relation to 9/11 because "we have no hard evidence linking him to the crimes of 9/11" (Rex Tomb FBI head of publicity, 2005).

16. The US Department of Justice did NOT INDICT Osama bin Laden for 9/11, because "there is no evidence that would stand up in a court of law that links (OBL) with 9/11".

17. According to the CIA, there was no evidence that Osama bin Laden's considerable personal financial resources were used to fund the attacks.

18. We've never made the case, or argued the case that somehow Osama bin Laden was directly involved in 9/11. That evidence has never been forthcoming". Dick Cheney, WhiteHouse.gov, Interview of the Vice President by Tony Snow, March 29, 2006

19. President Bush, on a number of occasions displayed his disinterest regarding Osama bin Laden: "I am not particularly interested in Osama bin Laden", "I am not really worried by Osama bin Laden" and "He doesn't concern me". Unless OBL was in secret custody, or dead, these statements are bizarre, considering that the US presence in Afghanistan was justified to the American people by the famous "smoking gun", (and 100% faked) videotape in which bin Laden confesses prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks.

20. In September 2008, it was widely published in the media that new evidence from former U.S. officials reveals that the Bush administration failed to adopt any plan to block the retreat of Osama bin Laden and other al Qaeda leaders from Afghanistan to Pakistan in the first weeks after 9/11. If OBL was the prime suspect in the 9/11 attacks, this seems a most illogical and counterproductive course of inaction.

21. The CIA admits to faking a Bin Laden video.

22. Alec Station, the specialist CIA unit charged with stalking Osama bin Laden since 1996 was disbanded in late 2005. No logical reason has been given for this. Had a change in OBL's status before 2005 rendered the unit redundant?

23. Former FBI translator and whistle-blower Sibel Edmonds, the "most gag-ordered person in US history" has also reported that Osama bin Laden was "working for the United States right up until 9/11".

24. The 2011 OBL "assassination" scenario in Abbottabad, Pakistan is most problematic. It has no support apart from single sourced media pronouncements, and there was no body, no photos, no video, no witnesses, and none of the sailors on board the USS Carl Vinson from which bin Laden's body was allegedly dumped iton the ocean saw anything pertaining to a "burial at sea" that day or night.

25. Nobody in the district in Abbottabad had seen anyone resembling Osama bin Laden, including visitors to the property, gardeners, kids playing in the area, and neighbors walking their dogs.

26. The 'Situation Room' OBL photo-op was clearly a staged PR event, with blatant evidence of photoshopping.

27. The alleged photos of the "dead Bin Laden" are being withheld despite FOIA law suits.

28. Stratfor emails dispute the idea that 'OBL' was secretly buried at sea.

29. For 10 years, there was a $25 million reward for the capture of OBL, dead or alive... and nobody came forward. $25 million buys A LOT, and nobody was interested our money? (Yeah…right!).

30. All pictures at the Abbottabad crime scene have been classified, under a court decision by Justice Boasberg on account of "national security" concerns (!), and thirdly, when we the people inquired "where is his body", the government replied that Osama bin Laden's body was dumped in the ocean, using the convenient - but sanctimonious - that "the United States military had disposed of the body in way respectful of the Islamic tradition".

31. If OBL conformed to the status given to him by his accusers, all efforts would have been taken to capture him alive since the potential intelligence that could have been garnered from interrogation would have been a goldmine of information. Bin Laden was not captured alive for interrogation, and he was unarmed.
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Old 02-01-2015, 07:36 PM   #52
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If some of you truely believe the things you're saying about religions in this country...this country has more reason to fear you than it does any foreign citizen...

I'm sorry that I, and my brothers, ever put our lives in harms way for you...

Good bye...
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Old 02-02-2015, 01:38 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
Do you believe in open borders to achieve this freedom?
No. Open borders lead to chaos. I do think anyone who wants to come here to be a part of a free society should be allowed in. But a screening process is necessary.
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Old 02-02-2015, 01:39 AM   #54
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Great post at #51, WE!
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Old 02-02-2015, 06:33 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
I am asking you to think about this one more time. A man basically living in a cave- has the resources- Bin Laden even stated he wasn't behind the attack: http://edition.cnn.com/2001/US/09/16...ef=storysearch

The whole OBL behind 9-11 was a pure red herring and people like you believe everything your government tells you. Do some research on look up the Gulf of Tonkin. Lyndon B Johson got on national TV and stated our men have been attacked and bodies are floating in the water..." It was later proven to be a LIE- so 58,000 American troops died based on a lie. Do you remember Iraq has weapons of mass destruction- another LIE!
Also, I don't want to turn this into another thread but here are about 31 points that you can't dispute:

1. There have been close ties between the Bush and Bin Laden families, going back decades.

Interesting that your link doesn't reference your 30+ point list. IYO, Who is responsible for 9/11?

Originally Posted by Wakeup View Post
If some of you truely believe the things you're saying about religions in this country...this country has more reason to fear you than it does any foreign citizen...

I'm sorry that I, and my brothers, ever put our lives in harms way for you...

Good bye...
Thanks for your service Wakeup!
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Old 02-02-2015, 06:58 AM   #56
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Were the founding fathers freedom fighters or terrorists?
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Old 02-02-2015, 07:40 AM   #57
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that question, posed as some pensive query requiring deep thought, is quite likely the most ill informed, least thoughtful, imbecilic post of all time. all I can say is, from this side of the screen, you have assumed a posture of incisive brilliance, but let me clue you in, it isn't so.

the revolutionary war was fought between armies, civilians weren't sought as targets

now from the british side, it was viewed as treason against the crown, and some, such as benastre Tarleton, viewed those harboring revolutionary sentiment, whether combatants or not, as worthy targets.
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Old 02-02-2015, 11:54 AM   #58
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UBL admitted he was behind 9-11, WE. Your "Truther" nonsense remains nonsense, WE. None of your lies are sourced, WE. If UBL was working for the U.S.A., WE, why did your boy, Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator, launch cruise missiles to assassinate UBL, WE?


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Old 02-02-2015, 02:41 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
I am asking you to think about this one more time.

Do some research on look up the Gulf of Tonkin.

John O'Neill, the former head of the FBI's OBL investigation unit was killed in the World,Trade Center, 9/11/2001.
I am not asking you to disclose your age, but in what decade were you born?

80's ... 90's ... Like that.
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Old 02-02-2015, 02:47 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by Wakeup View Post
I'm sorry that I, and my brothers, ever put our lives in harms way for you...
I'm sorry you perceive your role as such ...

... I always thought you and your "brothers" exposed yourself to "harms way" to assure that everyone posting on here, and their "brothers" had the right to express their opinions openly and candidly about any topic, whether you agree with their opinions or not.

If you and your "brother" were putting yourself in "harms way" in support of ONLY the viewpoints upon which you and your "brothers" AGREE, then you were not serving OUR COUNTRY ... you and your "brothers" were serving your own beliefs ... which for some unknown reason you hold in higher regard than others..... if I recall the oath you and your "brothers" took was not selective in your allegiance.
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