Originally Posted by Jackie S
The Castro Brothers know weakness when they see it. They will exploit every opportunity at their disposal to insure that for relations to become normal, (what ever that might be), the Cuban Regime gets everything it wants and the USA gets humiliated on the World Stage.
Don't think for one minute that the rest of the world isn't watching.
Since when do YOU give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks?
Obviously you think the 80 year old Castro brother are on a two-walker mission to bring down the world, the US first. They've been incredibly successful this far. And to think, they've been living off that 4085 a year rent on Gitmo.
US-Cuba is happening, regardless of the amount of whining, bellyaching and crying you and your little band of estrogen warriors do, Jackie.
And it's high fucking time.
WAAAAHHHH! Waaahhhhh! waaahhhh!