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Old 01-16-2015, 08:59 AM   #46
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And what have we learned here? Nothing new...I've seen dozens of these threads in the last 5 years...the same whines and complaints rehashed.

You ladies have to be chuckling over these threads...because we guys offer sex for a living and we know what we're talking about...

Gotta say though...comparing a Provider to a car is spot on...which feels better: sticking your banana in the tailpipe of a Civic or a Ferarri?
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Old 01-16-2015, 10:54 AM   #47
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I've been thinking about coming to Nebraska to play gritball..or have grits' balls on my tits rather.

Originally Posted by hgritstoo View Post

LOL........Please, darlin'! I was halfway through a cream-filled chocolate eclair when I read this!

But you are right, stupidity kills.

BTW, you need to come back to Nebraska for a visit!
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Old 01-16-2015, 02:02 PM   #48
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Same shit different day. No pussy is worth $1000 an but if I want it and have to pay it well then I have a choice to make.
I will never understand how one pussy is worth $200 hour verse $1000 hour but it is all still demand and supply.
I have seen some ladies that charge $200 that is worth $1000 but if they go up I just stop seeing them.
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Old 01-18-2015, 02:31 AM   #49
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Wow, so many fucktards with Stockholm syndrome
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Old 01-18-2015, 07:06 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by Seeking ~P View Post
Why do ya'll even give Raw dog the time of day
+ 1
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Old 01-18-2015, 01:30 PM   #51
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Product: Pussy+Attitude+Atmosphere+Perf ormance+Draw = Price

Pussy= This is self explanatory
Attitude= May differ among guys. Some like a little sarcastic and some like quiet and demure.
Atmosphere= Does the setting and feeling add to your personal likes.
Performance= Again differs as to likes but how well is important.
Draw= This one is tough. Examples: beauty,age,body type,price or unknown factor

Add for all five categories or subtract for lack of=price

There is also an unknown. That is the ingredient that we all look for in a provider. This is different for most hobbyist. We just don't know why we don't like or like her we just do or don't .

Now after all that there is no making sense. It is what it is.
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Old 01-19-2015, 02:10 AM   #52
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Wait, I'm confused.

Originally Posted by Harley Diablo View Post
Same shit different day. No pussy is worth $1000 an but if I want it and have to pay it well then I have a choice to make.
I will never understand how one pussy is worth $200 hour verse $1000 hour but it is all still demand and supply.
I have seen some ladies that charge $200 that is worth $1000 but if they go up I just stop seeing them.
Ok, not confused. I think we can agree that is not what a lady is worth or not worth, but what you are willing to shell out. Two different things.
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Old 01-19-2015, 02:26 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by hgritstoo View Post
Ok people. This is not rocket science.

See the ladies ad? It has a dollar figure on it. Do you like the lady's appearance? Do you like what the lady's reviews have to say about her?

Then set up the date and give the lady the amount she is asking for......and then shut the fuck up about it. If you can't afford what she's asking.....then find another lady you like with good reviews you CAN afford, or wait until your lady offers a special.

If you are not happy with the service you chose from the lady you chose for the price you paid, write a review afterwards. And move on.

It's that easy.
Lol hands down best response.
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Old 01-20-2015, 10:07 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
Wow. That is one opinion I guess. And I am not foolish enough to tell you that some guys don't feel just like you. But your view is far from universal.

19 y/o? I wouldn't think of going there. Immature, doesn't laugh at my jokes because too often she has no understanding of anything that happened before 2010. Might be very cute, very nice, but the odds we have any chemistry is near zero. Give me a lady in the 30-45 year range any day.

When I find a good date in her mid 30s or so I am paying for a lot more than a fresh face and a young body. I am paying to spend time with someone with an experienced and functioning brain. A lady who understands her body, what turns her on, and how to use those two pieces of knowledge to make me have a truly memorable evening. Someone who is a professional in every way.

And while I typically stay under $300-$350 per hour, that is far from the high rent district. There are ladies asking and receiving far larger sums, and enough men willing to pay those prices that they can keep their rates at that level. I know several $25K/night ladies. Though seeing them professionally is WAY out of my price range, I have become very close friends with one who used to get that sum regularly, and through her I have met several others. They have more requests for work than they choose to take.

This is about the closest thing to a free market economy. The inevitable supply & demand pressures will set what a lady is "worth", and if she stays in the business long you can be quite certain she is getting enough business at the rate she is asking to meet her needs (excluding women who are pimped).

So what do you really consider "overpriced"? Reading your comments here it seems you equate "overpriced" to "more than you would like to pay".

25/k a night!! Now come on!! Let's start a list right here right now. Who on this board would pay 25/k a night for a piece of ass! Who would that person have to be too. This is when we get into "silly season". No one her believes that anyone charges that much and if they did how would you know them. 1200 for 2 hours is too much. 25 thousand for a night, please.

Who do you guys think is worth 25/k??

Who believes a chic on this board or any other could get that amount on the regular???

Pm if you don't want to put it out on the board..
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Old 01-20-2015, 10:32 PM   #55
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You really need to have several fucking seats. No one cares that you dont want to pay, but you're attitude is nasty and disrespectful. Disgusting.
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Old 01-20-2015, 10:45 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by Raw dog View Post
25/k a night!!...

Who do you guys think is worth 25/k??

Who believes a chic on this board or any other could get that amount on the regular?
Two different questions. Need to read Camille's post. EVERY woman on this board is 'worth' ten times that amount. My ability or willingness to pay it is a different issue.
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Old 01-21-2015, 12:42 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by Raw dog View Post
25/k a night!! Now come on!! Let's start a list right here right now. Who on this board would pay 25/k a night for a piece of ass!
I would not. But I can name at least three board members who have--and can afford it any time they choose. I don't know their handles, and I suspect they have a total of zero posts among them. They live at a very differnt level of discretion than those who post. These are men who earn 8-digits a year. Yes, eight. The one man I knew best was not on here, but on TER. Never posted there (he is deceased now). Was worth over half a billion when he died. Congressmen, CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, former Cabinet level people, top-end lobbyists and lawyers, that ilk. I am familiar with the DC world, but I have every reason to believe it when people tell me such circles exist in NYC, LA, London--and most certainly in the Middle East.

Who would that person have to be too. This is when we get into "silly season". No one her believes that anyone charges that much and if they did how would you know them.
Nothing "silly" about it to these people. It is STATUS to have the right woman with them at the right events. There are people who believe the world is flat, that the earth is 8,000 years old, and the pyramids were built by martians. If you want to deny the existence of things just because you don't live in that world you are welcome to remain ignorant and wrong. I never dropped $50,000 on a dinner for friends either, but pleanty of actors, rock stars, and athletes do. I have an uncle who onws a nice restaurant in Manhattan. A lot of the Cuban baseball players like it. He has an autographed picture of Yasiel Puig and Carmelo Anthony among others, and tells the story of his top waiter getting a $15K tip from a group of Cubans one night.

How do I know that world? It sure isn't from being able to spend that kind of cash. Dumb luck, really. I met a lady because my job and her day job crossed paths on a project that lasted a couple years on and off. An amazing lady. Bright, charming, speaks multiple languages, used to run an art gallery.
Through her family she was a fringe insider in DC--personal friends with former CIA Directors and Ambassadors, both US and foreign. After a few years of being close, she told me she was one of the $25K/night types. Got me an invite to a formal dinner to prove it. A date to a private fund raising dinner at the Kennedy Center, arm candy for a CEO to impress his peers in Zurich, the +1 at a formal state dinner, a weekend flown to Thailand to perform for the royal family there. She did them all, and that was her going rate. Through her I met a few others in that exclusive companion class. All at least in their late 20s, but almost all upper 30s to early 40s. Nice looking, but not playboy centerfold types--the men who hired them liked a level of arm candy (and these ladies all know how to dress to their best effect), but more than anything they want a lady who will impress their peers with grace and charm and subdues sexuality.

1200 for 2 hours is too much. 25 thousand for a night, please.
Sorry it is outside your budget. Owning a large island in the Caribbean is outside of my budget--but they still exist. You don't care to pay $600/hour, don't pay it. But if a lady has clients on a waiting list at that price, I guess she really IS worth it.

Who do you guys think is worth 25/k??
Actually, I know a few ladies who are WORTH that much. Fortunately for me they don't CHARGE that much.

Who believes a chic on this board or any other could get that amount on the regular???
That is part of the point--these ladies don't advertize on ECCIE. Or any other board. They have no written reviews--if these men knew there was a review she might as well retire then and there. It is all word of mouth, and whispered, not shouted.

Pm if you don't want to put it out on the board..
I don't even know what you mean by that comment.

Why is it some guys are so willing and eager to tell a lady they aren't worth what they ask, or tell a guy he shouldn't pay what they think is a fair price. That always comes across to me as some seriously sour grapes.
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Old 01-21-2015, 12:50 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post

Why is it some guys are so willing and eager to tell a lady they aren't worth what they ask, or tell a guy he shouldn't pay what they think is a fair price. That always comes across to me as some seriously sour grapes.

Because I ALWAYS wanted to use this meme:

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Old 01-21-2015, 02:18 AM   #59
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Here's one example : Avery Moore. Not quite 25K a night, but she's up there. I often ask myself this question: What is the difference between her and the rest of us?

-Possibly experience

She's beautiful, don't get me wrong, but I don't think her looks are what account for her fees. She comes across as a person that you COULD take to dinner and other functions, and who can also entertain you with all her clothes on. When I first thought about entering this business, and before I went public, I looked at her website several times. If I were to make a life-long career out of this, I would definitely be aiming to be where she is now.
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Old 01-21-2015, 07:32 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by Johanna View Post
Here's one example : Avery Moore. Not quite 25K a night, but she's up there. I often ask myself this question: What is the difference between her and the rest of us?


She's beautiful, don't get me wrong, but I don't think her looks are what account for her fees. She comes across as a person that you COULD take to dinner and other functions, and who can also entertain you with all her clothes on.
Avery is a good illustration. 'What is the difference' you ask, 'between her and the rest of us?' Only one thing: she asks for more compensation for her time.

You also come across as one who we could take to dinner. So, again, value has to remain strictly in the eye (or the pants!) of the beholder.
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