GAL for get a life?
SD for seriously, dude?
DS for dip sh*t?
NAA for no acronym available?
RNDWM - right now doesn't work for me
NYCHS - no, you can't have a special
DYERMS-Did you even read my showcase?
WPNDYNU- what part of no do you not understand
RMRIAP - read my reviews instead of asking, please
IDJTHMIA- I don't jump through hoops my info is available
INCWO- I'm not in competition with others
NEDNHPIOOWIO- No, Everything Does Not Have A Price, I only offer what I offer,
YDHEM- You Don't Have Enough Money
YSLOMNGW- Your Sucking The Life Outta Me and Not in a Good Way
These sure would save the ladies a lotta time....LOL
Alas, we are better to you guys than you can imagine. We are tolerant for the most part, because, bless your hearts, many of you know not what you do. Not being a smarty pants, just adding some funny to what can often times be a little annoying. Yes, I realize I mostly amuse myself, but some of the ladies will giggle, cause they understand what I say. So, if one person smiles, it's all good. Please don't be offended or label me jaded, as the first not intended and the second is not true. I love being in the hobby and the opportunity to make a living by making others feel good. This is just a little much needed vent.
Have a great day all!