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Old 11-25-2014, 06:15 PM   #1
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Default Racist Liberal Priviledge

Beware of Our Betters


Thomas Sowell | Nov 25, 2014

Jonathan Gruber's several videotaped remarks about the gross deceptions that got ObamaCare passed in Congress should tell us a lot about the Obama administration. And the way that the mainstream media hesitated for days to even mention what Professor Gruber said, while they obsessed over unsubstantiated charges against Bill Cosby, should tell us a lot about the media.

Whatever did or did not happen between Bill Cosby and various women is not likely to affect the lives of 300 million Americans. But ObamaCare does.

For both the politicians and the media, this was not just an isolated incident. Gruber's videotaped discussions of the complicated deceptions built into ObamaCare with his help, designed to take advantage of what he called the "stupidity" of the public, are all too typical of the role played by the political left.

Neither the politicians nor the intelligentsia -- including the media -- want that role exposed for what it is.

Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi acted as if she had never heard of Jonathan Gruber, and had no idea who he was. But she too had been caught on tape, a few years ago, citing him as someone whose support of ObamaCare was supposed to show that the "experts" knew how good it was.

President Obama gave a somewhat more sophisticated version of the same act. He pointed out that Professor Gruber was not part of his staff. But he did not mention that Gruber had been to the White House 19 times, and the Obama administration had paid Gruber about $400,000 of the taxpayers' money for his supposedly unbiased expert opinion.

Gruber's own statements seem to indicate that his mathematical models were enough to baffle the Congressional Budget Office in its efforts to figure out how ObamaCare works. That kind of expertise apparently does not come cheap. Moreover, the 400 grand is chump change compared to the millions that Jonathan Gruber has reportedly raked in from state governments for his expertise.

Barack Obama is currently playing the same political game of parading experts by citing a list of prominent law professors who say that he is not exceeding his Constitutional power by granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants.

Someone at the Fox News Channel has checked out these professors and found that every one of them whose political registration could be traced is a Democrat. But the names of these profs are still being paraded as if they were simply eminent scholars seeking the truth. Maybe. But maybe not.

Whether the issue is ObamaCare, amnesty for illegal immigrants or "global warming," when you hear that "all the experts agree," that may mean nothing more than that the fix is in. And "all" may mean considerably less than 100 percent -- or even 50 percent.

No one can know for sure what motivated Professor Gruber to do what he did, or what motivated the media to stonewall as if he had never spilled the beans, or the liberal law professors to give Obama cover while he violated the Constitution.

But running through all of their actions seems to be a vision of the world, and a vision of themselves, that is a continuing danger to the fundamental basis of this country, whatever the specific issue might be.

Probably few people on the political left are opposed to the Constitution of the United States, much less actively plotting to undermine it. But, on issue after issue, what they want to do requires them to circumvent the three words with which the Constitution begins: "We, the people..."

Many on the left may want to help "the people." But once you start from the premise that you know what is best for the people, better than they know themselves, you have to figure ways around a Constitution based on the idea that the people not only have a right to choose their government and control government policy with their votes, but also that there are vast areas of the people's lives that are none of the government's business.

Jonathan Gruber's notion that the people are "stupid" is not fundamentally different from what Barack Obama said to his fellow elite leftists in San Francisco, when he derided ordinary Americans as petty people who want to cling to their guns and their religion. We need to see through such arrogant elitists if we want to cling to our freedom.
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Old 11-25-2014, 07:19 PM   #2
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Check this shit out... LOL

It was the subject of a New York Times article which might have seemed like small potatoes to the layman, but it was a moment of great significance in the eyes of Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan.

The Times recently chronicled how Barack Obama had personally called Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) during 2013’s government shutdown. On that call, Reid got an earful from the president who complained that someone on his staff was leaking information to the press. That agitated an aide who was surreptitiously listening in on this telephone call to the point that he took it upon himself to pipe up and correct the impression of the President of the United States.

Noonan found this whole episode indicative of a culture in Washington that no longer places a premium on standards of conduct.

Read more and check out the links... http://hotair.com/archives/2014/11/2...hanging-fruit/
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Old 11-25-2014, 07:57 PM   #3
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Biden ‘Ticked Off’ by Obama’s Harsh Hagel Firing
By Brendan Bordelon
November 25, 2014 8:28 AM

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Vice President Joe Biden is less-than-pleased with the way President Obama handled the very-public firing of defense secretary Chuck Hagel.

As a long-time colleague and friend of Hagel from their days in the Senate, Biden appeared frustrated and upset during Hagel’s unusual Monday morning termination at the White House. An administration official told Politico the vice president was “ticked off” by the humiliating way Obama gave his defense secretary the boot.

The former Nebraska senator lasted less than two years at the Defense Department, with President Obama recently concluding that Hagel ”just wasn’t the man for the job” after his dispassionate performance in meetings to determine U.S. strategy against the Islamic State.

Hagel recently broke with the White House on that strategy, penning an October memo described as “sharply critical” of the administration’s plans in Syria. The defense secretary was concerned that the administration’s failure to prevent attacks against moderate rebels by Syrian dictator Bashar Assad could imperil U.S. plans in the entire region.

Administration officials also downplayed the notion that Hagel’s firing was part of a broader White House shake-up following the disastrous Democratic showing in this year’s midterms. “There is no shake-up,” a senior administration official told Politico. “For good or ill, this is it.”
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Old 11-26-2014, 06:54 PM   #4
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Obutthole farts again...


What Obama's Ferguson Sermon Left Out

Michelle Malkin | Nov 26, 2014

In his 967-word statement to the nation about the Ferguson grand jury decision on Tuesday night, President Obama devoted precisely one sentence to the risks and sacrifices police officers make to keep the peace.


Obama delivered a tepid, obligatory acknowledgement that "our police officers put their lives on the line for us every single day." But he sandwiched it between a finger-wagging admonition that cops need to "show care and restraint" and a pandering discourse justifying the "deep distrust" that "communities of color" have toward law enforcement because of the "legacy of racial discrimination in this country."

Note: Multiple African-American witnesses told the panel that teen Michael Brown, suspected of robbing a local market, charged Officer Darren Wilson before his shooting death. The grand jury concluded that there was no probable cause for indicting Wilson after considering hundreds of pages and scores of hours of witness and expert testimony.

Yet, Obama's first priority was to dwell on racial injustice against "communities of color," and his first instinct was to warn police officers to restrain themselves.

Only after expending 756 words on the need to "understand" the "problem" that "communities of color" have with police did Obama address the thugs of color "throwing bottles" and "smashing car windows" and "using this as an excuse to vandalize property" in the name of social justice.

The Nobel Peace Prize winner had nothing to say about the hate-filled "F**k the police" refrain from rioters of color in Ferguson and anarchists of pallor in Oakland and Occupy Wall Street pot-stirrers of privilege poisoning social media.

The nation's self-styled healer of souls was mum in response to black radical grievance-mongers' calls to vengefully burn Ferguson to the ground -- a seething sentiment echoed the next day by Brown's stepfather.

Mr. Hope and Change stayed silent about the lynch-mob instigators calling for Wilson to be shot and his family murdered.

And while the uniter-in-chief has given several public shout-outs to Brown and his family, he has delivered no special national address addressing the families of police officers ruthlessly targeted by domestic terrorists and racist radicals.

Obama used his bully pulpit this week to bemoan the "real issues" of discrimination by some police officers. But he said nothing about the murderous strain of racial animus against America's men and women in blue.
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Old 11-26-2014, 10:57 PM   #5
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Some opinion from Jerry... http://www.jerrypournelle.com/chaosm...ng-barbarians/

Civilizing barbarians...

By Jerry Pournelle | November 26, 2014 - 12:44 am

“Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency.”

President Barack Obama, January 31, 2009

If a foreign government had imposed this system of education on the United States, we would rightfully consider it an act of war.

Glenn T. Seaborg, National Commission on Education, 1983

At least one black leader, a State Senator, has declared that we are now in a race war, blacks and their sympathizers vs. everyone else. She has no authority to declare any such thing, and she certainly does not speak for anything like a majority of African Americans, nor, I suspect, for anything like a majority of liberal intellectuals, but it is an astonishing thing to say.

We are not in a race war, but there are similarities to a barbarian invasion. We have a barbarian culture within the United States. The most common cause of death of black males is to be killed by another black male. There are other sub cultures in which homicide is common. Generally the barbarian culture does not interact with the majority of the middle class, but in so-called ghetto areas American citizens cannot avoid interactions with the barbarian culture. They live there, and they can’t avoid it.

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Old 12-07-2014, 03:04 PM   #6
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The "Racist Liberal Privilege" President stoking the fires of division on BET. A good community agitator that was taught by world class Communist/Socialist/Marxist Revolutionaries.

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Old 12-16-2014, 06:24 AM   #7
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20 Things Liberalism Is….
John Hawkins | Dec 16, 2014
John Hawkins
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Liberalism is…

1) ….idiots who think the police can keep us safe from criminals without ever accidentally hurting thugs who are resisting them and think the CIA can get information out of terrorists by giving them lattes, fluffing their pillows, and hugging them until they give in.

2) ….encouraging sexually deviant behavior at every turn, teaching young children about fisting and graphic gay sex, laughing at people who encourage modesty, and then demanding that college kids give formal consent before they kiss each other.

3) …a bunch of morons "occupying" a public park for months or blocking traffic who can't explain why they're doing it beyond talking about "peace," "justice," "fairness" or some other broad term that everyone who disagrees with them believes in as well.

4) ….butch, unveiled lesbians marching down the street with signs supporting Palestine, despite the fact they'd hang from lamp posts in 5 minutes if they actually lived there.

5) ….an extremely wealthy Democrat President who lives a more opulent lifestyle than the Queen of England when he's not golfing with rich celebrities and attending $30,000 a plate fundraisers lecturing everyone about how his opponents are the party of the rich.

6) ….screaming that people who work hard, play by the rules and pay taxes are heartless and greedy because they're not giving enough of their money away to support people who feel entitled to have other people pay their way through life.

7) ….guys like Michael Moore and Noam Chomsky getting filthy rich in a capitalist country by selling really dumb people on how awful capitalism and rich people are for the country.

8) ….people who can't explain and deliver the most basic scientific explanation of global warming or give a good answer to any tough scientific questions about it accusing other people of being "anti-science" for not agreeing with them on the subject.

9) ….a celebrity or politician with a half dozen armed security guards ensuring that nothing happens to him or his mansion demanding that guns be banned.

10) …liberal "feminists" who claim to represent all women turning out to typically be the bitterest, most hyper-sensitive and least feminine women you'll ever meet.

11) ….fighting to keep teachers and armed guards designed to protect the student body out of schools while also fighting to keep every Commie, terrorist, and moral degenerate you can imagine in the classroom teaching kids.

12) ….judging whether a comment is "racist" based mostly on liberal ideology, party affiliation and how chummy liberals are with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

13) ….lecturing other people on doing things "for the children" while you advocate spending so much money today that "the children" will never have Social Security, Medicare or even the same level of prosperity we're experiencing today.

14) ….imbeciles lecturing everyone else on right and wrong when they're incapable of seeing a difference between cops and criminals, America and Isis, and Christians and Satanists.

15) ….people who demand that we treat men as guilty until proven innocent in rape and sexual harassment cases while they just shrug off all the accusations against Bill Clinton.

16) ….Democrat politicians who talk incessantly about how other people don't care about the poor while they do nothing about crime in poor neighborhoods, fight to keep poor Americans from having the choice to move their kids to better schools, and bring in illegal aliens to take their jobs.

17) ….howling about "tolerance" while you accuse everyone who disagrees with you of being a racist, try to put Christian bakers out of business for refusing to make cakes for gay weddings and urge newspapers and colleges to stop anyone you disagree with from being heard.

18) …. eating pork chops while writing hate-filled messages to people who put pictures of themselves hunting feral hogs up on the Internet.

19) ….slamming America as racist, sexist, homophobic, backwards, horrible and morally inferior to most of the rest of the world at every opportunity, but refusing to ever move to another country under any circumstances.

20) ….a PBS-watching, Starbucks-drinking hippy who works on his Apple, reads a book about Che Guevara on his Kindle, has dinner at Applebee's, then drives the Prius his parents bought for him to a protest where he can complain about how awful capitalism is and how much he hates corporations.
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