Originally Posted by the.best.gfe.ever
if someone is bashing them they may feel that it may be in favor of their buisness relationship to defend us...
There are two sides to that, speaking up because of talent of service, or speaking up to defend.
A lot of this business is word of mouth, but to think that someone would have to defend a provider, is like saying a Fat man stopped a armed robber at a McDonnalds.... Hey it might happen... but more than not that is not going to happen.
Guys are giving information from reviews that are not to be discussed to providers, and providers are asking for info and giving favors for that info. Then getting pissed about it and dragging it up on the forums.
To be honest, it is a matter of pride on the provider. If she does a good job, nothing anyone can say will make a difference.
If she gets in a rut and lets herself go... Yea... it is going to cause a problem to her business. Forget to shave your kitty, schedule a back to back and a guy goes in for DATY and smells latex... HHAHAH i'm just saying.
We can talk about guys who are weak and hand out info for favors, or we can talk about the real context of providers wanting to Snoop where they do not belong.
I'm interested if this is going to turn....