Originally Posted by gimme_that
Yeah that's cool. But abraham got shot in the back of the head cause he was slipping and tripping.
Id rather someone voice their opinion on something than to be silent and nuetral. But everyone who had a strong stance toward something in history met tragedy. Why is that? Because people who never got off the pot want to reap the benefits.....but don't want to fight for the struggle of having an opinion on something. I guess we are glad abraham lincoln had an opinion on stopping slavery. Or maybe he should have been silent an unopinionated such as you in this instance.
Its a discussion board.....not everyone will agree with everyone. Kumbaya.....
You say the dumbest things. Especially when it comes to treatment of woman. Add in your race baiting.... What the hell were you saying about Lincoln? You trying to confuse people more than Annie?
It isn't about having an opinion, it is about having an informed opinion, not just dust between your ears.
As the ole ball coach would say, some people are just a waste of humanity.