Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It is okay to bring lawsuits for anything if they have merit. FYI, there aren't many laws out there "banning" gay marriage. What you really have are laws that define what "marriage" is. So it is not a ban.
As for as deviants go, anything that is outside the norm is by definition deviant. So fly your freak flag proudly and accept your deviance. Unless of course that playing with hookers is far more mainstream (you have to include everyone, not just conservatives) that you want to believe then what we are doing is normal and not deviant. Since the Secret Service can do it, it must be pretty normal. Shoving your cock up some guys ass is still in the small minority.
Hmmm. I missed this one.
If a law defines marriage as a union of a man and a woman, it is in effect stating that a man cannot marry a man, thereby banning it.
As far as homosexuality being "deviant" -- as cited over 50% of U.S. adults believe homosexuals have the right to marry. If a person believes they have the right to marry, they are accepting their lifestyle IMHO. They might not like it or agree with the lifestyle but they are accepting of it. Then you have to factor in a percentage of those that don't support gay marriage but accept the lifestyle. Probably a significant number too.
As I asked before, swingers are as uncommon as homosexuals. So are swingers living a deviant lifestyle?