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Old 11-20-2014, 12:25 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by boardman View Post
If it is about skin color then why do many conservatives, even ones on this board, support Herman Cain, Dr. Carson, or Allen West?

To hide and deflect. Sometimes the shame of man causes him to put on pretense. Not to say it's about race for everyone but for about 90% of your party it is.

The same reason I voted for Obama is the same reason you didn't. (wash) That's why I respect in a sense people like Rush and Hannity at least I know they're racist they don't hide it. And know I'm not calling you racist. Some of you are though and I find that ironic for you church goers. I doubt anyone of you would get into heaven. Any racist is wasting their time being religious in my view.
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Old 11-20-2014, 12:39 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Zanzibar789 View Post
To hide and deflect. Sometimes the shame of man causes him to put on pretense. Not to say it's about race for everyone but for about 90% of your party it is.

The same reason I voted for Obama is the same reason you didn't. (wash) That's why I respect in a sense people like Rush and Hannity at least I know they're racist they don't hide it. And know I'm not calling you racist. Some of you are though and I find that ironic for you church goers. I doubt anyone of you would get into heaven. Any racist is wasting their time being religious in my view.
You may have voted for Obama because he is black. I voted against him because I opposed his politics. You're right in that it is a wash whatever the reason.
Now, do his politics come from the fact that he is black, or from his upbringing, educational influences,(liberal colleges) early political influences(Ayers, et al) environment, perhaps even genes as you have eluded to? All of the above? Absolutely! That doesn't mean that those who voted against him did so simply because he is black. All of those other factors played into his politics as much as his race.
I say that the majority of those who voted against him took all those factors in consideration while those that voted for him overwhelmingly did so simply because he is black.
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Old 11-20-2014, 12:41 PM   #18
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Judging by all your juvenile, race baiting and moronic posts......

Are all black liberals as stupid as you?
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Old 11-20-2014, 12:48 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Zanzibar789 View Post
The thief was given something much greater than political amnesty. So lay bear your faith for me I appreciate that now let me educate you despite you being ever the older ever the wiser.

The lesson in greater context is that Jesus forgave a man (for entrance into Heaven itself) that put faith in him despite the man being a criminal (which illegals are for being illegal). Jesus showed that he was beyond politics and his sacrifice was never to save himself it was to truly sacrifice on behalf of mankind. The lesson is there for Obama to follow. Obama being more Christ-like than any Republican in Congress fighting to rip families apart for political gain. Obama is reaching back to try and help with a problem that has existed for 30+ yrs. He's really teaching the Republicans a lesson is a very strategic way and for any who are on the religious right they ought to be ashamed at having learned this lesson from a "Black Muslim".
On the highlighted part we can agree. I'm happy you understand that point which I've been making.

The rest is conjecture based on your undying loyalty for the one you feel is more Christ-like than any other sinner. Putting anyone on that kind of pedestal blinds you to his faults.
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Old 11-20-2014, 12:50 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by TheDaliLama View Post
Judging by all your juvenile, race baiting and moronic posts......

Are all black liberals as stupid as you?
I'm only black below the waist.

Oh, you meant Zany....Sorry!
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Old 11-20-2014, 01:02 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by boardman View Post
On the highlighted part we can agree. I'm happy you understand that point which I've been making.

The rest is conjecture based on your undying loyalty for the one you feel is more Christ-like than any other sinner. Putting anyone on that kind of pedestal blinds you to his faults.

Obama has faults and as progressives we hold him accountable. However, I look at the total picture pro's and con's and Obama by virtue of his polices and desires closer aligns with Jesus' parables and teachings. Obama in my view has good intentions and a good heart he's the one fighting against the old establishments who prefer the status quo.

Conservatism brought this country and world economy on the brink of disaster and crashed markets like nothing we've seen since the great depression. That was all because of conservative Ideas and principals. You cannot blame 2000-2008 on Obama. That's all you guys yall fucked up this country so bad and now you want to blame Liberals. It's quite deceiving and dishonest stand up be a fucking man and admit your party is a fuck up. Obama came along to clean it up and by all accounts despite his occasional fuck ups he's done an outstanding job.
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Old 11-20-2014, 01:13 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Zanzibar789 View Post
The thief was given something much greater than political amnesty. So lay bear your faith for me I appreciate that now let me educate you despite you being ever the older ever the wiser.

The lesson in greater context is that Jesus forgave a man (for entrance into Heaven itself) that put faith in him despite the man being a criminal (which illegals are for being illegal). Jesus showed that he was beyond politics and his sacrifice was never to save himself it was to truly sacrifice on behalf of mankind. The lesson is there for Obama to follow. Obama being more Christ-like than any Republican in Congress fighting to rip families apart for political gain. Obama is reaching back to try and help with a problem that has existed for 30+ yrs. He's really teaching the Republicans a lesson is a very strategic way and for any who are on the religious right they ought to be ashamed at having learned this lesson from a "Black Muslim".
One of the talk show hosts recently remarked that it is currently not "PC" to refer to "illegals" as "illegals", zany. That comedian added that the new and much more appropriate term is "unregistered dim-retards", zany. And you're a genuinely "#Grubered" buffoon if you for one moment imagine that Odumbo's action is anything more than a crass political ploy to augment the ranks of the dim-retard party at the expense of the American citizenry as a whole, zany.
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Old 11-20-2014, 01:57 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Zanzibar789 View Post
Obama has faults and as progressives we hold him accountable.
Just exactly how have progressives held Obama accountable, and for what?
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Old 11-20-2014, 02:10 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Zanzibar789 View Post

Conservatism brought this country and world economy on the brink of disaster and crashed markets like nothing we've seen since the great depression. That was all because of conservative Ideas and principals. You cannot blame 2000-2008 on Obama. That's all you guys yall fucked up this country so bad and now you want to blame Liberals. It's quite deceiving and dishonest stand up be a fucking man and admit your party is a fuck up. Obama came along to clean it up and by all accounts despite his occasional fuck ups he's done an outstanding job.
Bad financial policy did that. Policies like encouraging and supplementing home ownership by those who could not afford to own a home. That came from both sides of the aisle. Moderate Republicans are as much to blame as liberal/progressive Democrats not conservatives.
No, That was not Obama's fault any more than it was any other Senator's fault who supported that policy. However, Obama did have full control of the reins for two years. He chose to use the problems we were facing as a political tool rather than confront them head on. Remember, never let a crisis go to waste? Well, they capitalized on that crisis by expanding government, expanding debt, and increasing the welfare roles to the point that half the population is receiving something.
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Old 11-20-2014, 04:44 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Zanzibar789 View Post
Liberals are more intelligent than conservatives
So what's your excuse?
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Old 11-20-2014, 05:26 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by gfejunkie View Post
So what's your excuse?
The obvious. 1 Cor. 5:6

I was warned this would happen hanging out with Reps. ;-)
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Old 11-20-2014, 09:48 PM   #27
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Default You're the one who should feel very embarrassed, zany:

A finding in a study on the relationship between science literacy and political ideology surprised the Yale professor behind it: Tea party members know more science than non-tea partiers.

Yale law professor Dan Kahan posted on his blog this week that he analyzed the responses of more than 2,000 American adults recruited for another study and found that, on average, people who leaned liberal were more science literate than those who leaned conservative.

However, those who identified as part of the tea party movement were actually better versed in science than those who didn’t, Kahan found. The findings met the conventional threshold of statistical significance, the professor said.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/1...#ixzz3JfvVENi1
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Old 11-20-2014, 10:06 PM   #28
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Who ends a sentence with a colon?

Did you learn that when you earned your "Associated Master's Degree?"

Oh, we all know what you're going to say.

And here it is:
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Old 11-21-2014, 01:19 AM   #29
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You are truly bizarre, InZanybore. So Obama is like Jesus, eh? When did Jesus tell anyone to lobby government for programs? When did Jesus ever say that you should demand other people turn over their money involuntarily in order for government to distribute? When did Jesus lie about his intentions or actions? When did Jesus ever try to cover up wrongdoing by himself or his followers?

Jesus wouldn't side with any political party. He'd be way above that. He would live his life, and do what He thought was right regardless of what government did.

Obama is like Jesus? Only in a deranged, bizarre, Kool-aid sotted mind.
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Old 11-21-2014, 02:08 AM   #30
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Are we talking classic conservative versus classic liberal. Your study doesn't say. One hallmark of the modern conservative is to understand the world as it is rather the way the liberal would like it to be. Which sounds more intelligent? Knowing the world or convincing oneself that things are not what they appear.

Here is the genesis of your research and it doesn't look good for Stanza. It seems that Kanazawa uses the argument that people are are more likely to accept new arguments must be more intelligent (remember what I said about trying to imagine the world different from what it is?). He has no proof that this is true. This is just his opinion. It is also pointed out that he uses the idea of people calling themselves liberal is a way of showing their higher intellect but he never proves that they understand what a liberal is. Remember the difference between a classic liberal and a modern liberal? If you don't then you are in the same boat as Kanasawa.

I would say that your intial posting is pretty discredited but you'll never accept that. You see, your just not that intelligent I guess.

Here is another rebuttal and your chart explained.

By the way, my IQ is above 140. Yes, you won't believe it (and neither will the rest of the idiots) but since I know it is true and you can't accept it, I can be pretty smug about how dumb you really are.

While I think about it, does this guys research explain why people get more conservative the older they get? I didn't think so.
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