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Old 11-14-2014, 11:06 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
WE, the Republican party is NOT my party. There can be no compromise when it comes to matters of Liberty.
Great another slogan not based in reality.

When you have more than one person in society, compromise encroaches on one or the others' Liberty, probably both if done correctly. .
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Old 11-14-2014, 11:14 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
The pipelines are full; why do you think the industry is using the more expensive (and environmentally risky) truck/rail alternative ?

Are you claiming the Keystone line isn't needed by the industry; and they are willing to pony up billions of dollars for a pipeline that isn't needed?

Not at all. What I'm saying is that particular project is being used as a political tool.
Keystone got turned into a political buzz word.

All the while other pipelines are being built and no one is saying anything about it because they really don't give a shit.

Don't believe me? Try and find a rig welder in Houston that isn't busy. He doesn't even have to be that good. He just has to be able to weld downhill.
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Old 11-14-2014, 11:15 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by boardman View Post
Not at all. What I'm saying is that particular project is being used as a political tool.
Keystone got turned into a political buzz word.

All the while other pipelines are being built and no one is saying anything about it because they really don't give a shit.

Don't believe me? Try and find a rig welder in Houston that isn't busy. He doesn't even have to be that good. He just has to be able to weld downhill.
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Old 11-14-2014, 12:20 PM   #34
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Yes it is booming ....because demand is high...I don't understand what that has to do with Keystone....

Are you saying Keystone isn't needed ?

Originally Posted by boardman View Post
Not at all. What I'm saying is that particular project is being used as a political tool.
Keystone got turned into a political buzz word.

All the while other pipelines are being built and no one is saying anything about it because they really don't give a shit.

Don't believe me? Try and find a rig welder in Houston that isn't busy. He doesn't even have to be that good. He just has to be able to weld downhill.
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Old 11-14-2014, 12:27 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Ok actually I am one who thinks that with 2 years remaining obama's legacy is not over despite a majority Republican House and Senate. Let's not forget that Reagan worked with a majority Dem House and Senate and Clinton also had a majority republican House and Senate during his term.
In the long run this could be a shining moment of Obama if he is willing to compromise with the GOP on certain policies. i think every POTUS regardless of part, has to find common ground on issues if they want to leave an impressive legacy- sometimes you have to swallow your pride and meet the opposition in the middle.

With that in mind- I would like to ask both sides: guys like Whirlaway, IFFORD, J.D, Jewish lawyer, COG etc as Conservatives what issues do you think your party could compromise with the Dems/

And for the Liberals- Yssup, I'havabiggin, BigTex, etc would issues do you think the Dems should meet the GOP half way to get a compromise?

Guys, I know we take jabs at each other from time to time, but let's face both parties have good ideas- even though I consider myself Independent I do think there are some GOP policies that would work and likewise I think there are some liberal policies that could work as well.

I will go first and mention 2 obvious policies that I would like to see Obama come to a mutual compromise with the GOP:

1) obamacare- I don't think it should be 100 percent repealed- I think there are many parts of it that needs to be removed and revamped where it won't be a job killing bill. Obamacare has some good laws and provisions but it's far from perfect.

2) KeyStone Pipeline; I am pretty confident that this will be signed into law by obama- I personally don't think the pipeline would be a bad idea if all the proper analysis has been completed.

honestly if the GOP House and Senate were smart they would compromise with Obama as much as possible in the next year and go in 2016 with the attitude that 'hey we got this country back on it's feet..re-elect us to keep the trend going- if the Congress does nothing the next 2 years- american voters will think you guys had majority House and senate and you have done nothing- time to re-elect someone else

In all seriousness what is there to compromise on? Obama burned some bridges when he took his "I won and you didn't" route back in 2009. He doubled down by telling the GOP to go win some elections. They did, in 2010 and 2014 and he won't admit even that fact of life. The GOP ran on opposing Obama, stopping his programs, and repealing Obamacare. You want to them to sell out so soon? The American people oppose Obamacare, the American people oppose Obama, the American people are sick and tired of the way things have been going (the lies, the gross incompetence, the cronyism, etc). Obama should come to the GOP and ask for help not the other way around. We know that Obamacare was, as we have been saying for four years, perpetrated on a fraud. It should be repealed. There should also be indictments on the IRS, the State Department, the NSA, the EPA, the HLS, and especially the Justice Department. The can be no healing until the wound is opened to the daylight and allowed to drain.

On the Keystone pipeline, all the investigations were taken and completely last year (2013) and Obama still has not signed any bill. They have been bottled up in the Senate. Yes, it should be passed and Harry Reid investigated for his involvement in the Chinese solar industry and the Bundy Ranch fiasco. There should be an investigation into billionaire Steyr and his promise of a quid pro quo by the democratic party. He gives them 100 million dollars and they spike the Keystone pipelin.

You forgot to mention amnesty. This is the hill that the GOP should be willing to die on. NO AMNESTY! Any attempt to circumvent Congress and their constitutional authority under Art. 1, Sect. 8 should be answered with impeachment.

How about ISIS. It was the intentional neglect by Obama that allowed them to reconstitute and threaten the Middle East. We need to up our game immediately and destroy them. This sets up our intentions to Russia and China. Show them that we still have it and are willing to use it.

Dismiss Valerie Jarrett and Eric Holder immediately. That means that they leave the White House and don't come back, they don't talk to Obama, and they can take Susan Rice with them when they go. Yes, that means a real shakeup in the White House which would be a good gesture to indictate that Obama wants to be taken seriously in this whole compromise thing. He has to make a painful gesture.

And lets knock off this global warming shit. Not that many are buying into the lie anymore.
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Old 11-14-2014, 12:29 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
I know that....so what is the big fucking deal? You want a pipeline running through this country so Canada can export oil to Central America? Wow , what a Patriot!
Oil refined in Houston and sold for a hefty US profit? You bet!

Better us than the Chi-coms.
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Old 11-14-2014, 12:39 PM   #37
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The short version is that when Obama and the democrats were on top, NO COMPROMISE!. Now that the GOP is on top, CAN WE TALK? (sorry Joan)
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Old 11-14-2014, 02:22 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Yes it is booming ....because demand is high...I don't understand what that has to do with Keystone....

Are you saying Keystone isn't needed ?
Please tell me how processing Canadian Tar Sands oil and then selling the refined products elsewhere is helping this country.

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Old 11-14-2014, 02:36 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
I worked for Enterprise ...
Which Enterprise Rent-A-Car did you work at? I think I saw you washing cars there last week. Did they fire you or did you advance your career and move to Hertz?
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Old 11-14-2014, 02:41 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Great another slogan not based in reality.

When you have more than one person in society, compromise encroaches on one or the others' Liberty, probably both if done correctly. .
Tell, WPF, what compromise is there with indefinite detention without due process? Or warrantless searches? Or confiscating the fruits of my labor? Or an unelected body manipulating currency for the benefit of the 1%? Or programs passed by lies and corruption?

How does one compromise in those areas? And on each one, Democrats and Republicans worked together.

So tell us all, WPF, without bringing up your irrelevant strawmen, where is the compromise?
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Old 11-14-2014, 02:51 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Budman View Post
Which Enterprise Rent-A-Car did you work at? I think I saw you washing cars there last week. Did they fire you or did you advance your career and move to Hertz?
Last time I saw him was last summer and he was sniffing warm bicycle seat at Memorial Park. I'm glad he found something that pays.
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Old 11-14-2014, 03:18 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Budman View Post
Which Enterprise Rent-A-Car did you work at? I think I saw you washing cars there last week. Did they fire you or did you advance your career and move to Hertz?
Enterprise Products. 34 years ago. They are a huge player in the pipeline business.
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Old 11-14-2014, 03:23 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post

How does one compromise in those areas? And on each one, Democrats and Republicans worked together.

So tell us all, WPF, without bringing up your irrelevant strawmen, where is the compromise?
Can you comprehend what is written. I basically said that compromise will infringe on Liberty. It is the nature of the beast. Anarchy or compromise? That is the question. God Damn you are slow
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Old 11-14-2014, 04:14 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Budman View Post
Which Enterprise Rent-A-Car did you work at? I think I saw you washing cars there last week. Did they fire you or did you advance your career and move to Hertz?
Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Enterprise Products. 34 years .
You've been washing cars for 34 years. Jesus dude. It's impressive that you've held a job that long but I would think you could have moved up to window washer or possible inside sales. Oh well. Keep up the good work and don't give up. Oh, you missed a spot.
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Old 11-14-2014, 04:19 PM   #45
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It is North American trade. A wealthier neighbor to the north is a good thing. Isn't that the major problem in Mexico - not enough wealth spread around?

It boosts world supplies driving cost down for American consumers. It means we have more than enough gas for several generations going forward, until such time that alternatives make sense. It means energy security for the US. It will create 40,000 good paying construction jobs as well as 111,000 spinoff jobs. It is estimated it will pump an additional $3.4 billion into our GDP.

Why wouldn't you want it? There are no costs to the American taxpayer, minimal environmental risks.

Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Please tell me how processing Canadian Tar Sands oil and then selling the refined products elsewhere is helping this country.

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