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Old 11-10-2014, 11:20 PM   #1
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Default Some questions for WestCoastWendi.....

While the Rules Scholars are trying to decide if you deserve further protection from accusations that you are indeed someone else recreated here......

Let me just ask?

Were you previously a registered member of this board?

Were you a reviewed Provider?

IF you were a previous member why didn't you learn anything the first time?

What was the connection between you and Johnny Yanks?

Any idea why he outed the possible recreation of yourself?

IF you decide to step up and be honest......

IF you actually are NOT the provider everyone is leaning towards believing you are.... Do you feel providers have the right to change their name to walk away from a bad reputation?

Do you think that eroding the confidence placed in the system hurts other providers that can't get a fair break when they truly have a real problem?

Last but not least...... IF it all is true......

Why? Seems like a miserable failure.......

A lot of clients really dislike dishonesty....... MOST of us understand a real security concern......

It is never good to be thought of as someone hiding something..........

Maybe you should ignore all these questions and guest again.... Give it 4 days and try again....

This time.....

Just run ads.....

Your not a bad looking lady and there would be no shortage of guys that would pay to play.....

Just stay out of CoEd.... You get too emotionally involved and can't pull of the hoax.....
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Old 11-11-2014, 12:39 AM   #2
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everyone wants a piece of this young woman it seems

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Old 11-11-2014, 05:06 AM   #3
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IF you actually are NOT the provider everyone is leaning towards believing you are.... Do you feel providers have the right to change their name to walk away from a bad reputation?

No. I don't. You know, you could have PMed me your questions. I have no idea what you're talking about with Mr Yanks, but as I've stated to you directly, girls in this profession go through a whole hell of a lot more than you care to realize. Maybe Tracy left because she felt unsafe? Maybe she had threats against her personally? Do you know her? Are you friends with her? Have you ever seen her?

Trying thinking with your head and not your ass sometimes. I'm only responding because you dedicated a whole thread to me.
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Old 11-11-2014, 05:07 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by savak View Post

everyone wants a piece of this young woman it seems
It's because I taste good. Duh!
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Old 11-11-2014, 05:21 AM   #5
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would not this be easy to figure out? someone who knew the previous provider could pay for play with this lady and verify or dispel.

But it shouldn't be a mod or some will accuse the mod of getting a freebee if the verdict is she is not the person someone has mistaken her to be.

We have some long term participants (I would volunteer but I don't know who the other provider was) that could surely do this for the good of the community.
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Old 11-11-2014, 06:00 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by WestCoastWendii View Post
IF you actually are NOT the provider everyone is leaning towards believing you are.... Do you feel providers have the right to change their name to walk away from a bad reputation?

No. I don't.

Interesting? So you agree with most of the hobbyist out there. That's a good start!

You know, you could have PMed me your questions.

And get ignored? What fun would that be?

I have no idea what you're talking about with Mr Yanks,

That's Johnny Yanks Ambassador of the WHITE KNIGHTS... San Antonio Chapter. Good guy!

but as I've stated to you directly, girls in this profession go through a whole hell of a lot more than you care to realize.

I believe that. But I question how much of the craziness they bring upon themselves doing some of the most stupid shit. Like creating a MALE HANDLE and writing review(s) about them selves.

Maybe Tracy left because she felt unsafe?

How could anyone believe anything she said? When she had a reputation of lying and being deceitful? But based on her previous actions perhaps she did feel unsafe.

Maybe she had threats against her personally?

What could she have possibly done that someone might threaten her? Unless like a few others around here she was "outing" people!

Do you know her?

I've never met her. But yes I do know her. She is a liar and a selfish bitch and I'm glad she is gone! I happen to know another board member tried to do something nice for her unbeknownst to her and she called the other board member a liar. Big fucking mistake! Even after (2) other board members confirmed that the board member was telling the truth she still didn't give a shit and called BULL SHIT!

Are you friends with her?


Have you ever seen her?

Nope! Almost thou... I drove from Austin to meet her in San Antonio as she was "desperate" for $200 and when I was 15 minutes away she canceled.

Trying thinking with your head and not your ass sometimes.

That sounds like some good advise!

I'm only responding because you dedicated a whole thread to me.
Well with all the COED ThreADS of late at least your getting attention you so desperately want. I really hope that works for you.

We all fuck up young lady. An apology goes a long way. Perhaps you can learn from Rockerick's example. Took a lot for him to come forward. I think you might find there are tons of nice people here in San Antonio / Austin area.

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Old 11-11-2014, 06:17 AM   #7
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If any of these accusations are true, you two guys are such dicks for outing someone if it was for safety issues. Real men here I see. As someone Always puts it, WUSS! Maybe the mods can search rules to see if outing someone like this has any repercussion on your part.

What I've learned in this short time on eccie is that bringing hookers to your place of residence is not a good idea, because EVERYONE talks. You wouldnt like it if your place of residence was repeated publicly right? Safety should be sacred here no matter if you have beef with someone. I also think its hilarious that anyone would think that honestly should be a part of this place of SIN! LMFAO!!!
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Old 11-11-2014, 06:53 AM   #8
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Well... those pictures do not look like Tracy to me...
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Old 11-11-2014, 08:25 AM   #9
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I think Whispers should change his name to Carl Bernstein
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Old 11-11-2014, 09:04 AM   #10
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Here is a question for Whispers: Why the interest? Admin has made it very clear they will not allow linking old handles to new ones for security purposes. It is considered a form of outting and I feel certain you are not going to get them to change their position on this one.
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Old 11-11-2014, 09:47 AM   #11
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That is not an absolute. A guested member can lose that protection by their own actions.
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Old 11-11-2014, 09:57 AM   #12
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But until she volunteers that information should this even be a topic for discussion?
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Old 11-11-2014, 10:52 AM   #13
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My questions for Wendi do not refer to her by any other name.

The photos are pretty convincing though in which case can anyone TRULY believe she is trying to "hide" from anything? Come on Old Yeller.... Put your glasses on and look at post #2

If someone is trying to get away from something for safety reasons why would they publicly grandstand and say LOOK AT ME each and every day and act as well as react as someone that was well known here and use such recognizable pictures?

Should we believe anything from a Provider that publicly presented herself here as a man? Posted reviews? Posted in the Locker Room?

Being known as someone that is Deceitful/dishonest/not forthcoming is NOT a SAFETY concern.....

It's a concern that damages her income.....

For men to know costs a lady some of her business.

Keep in mind that ALL of those actions are the actions of the Provider......

In this case Wendi has drawn all of this attention to herself by choosing to engage in Look At Me performances here in CoEd day in and day out.....

If she has been mistakenly identified as someone else it is very easy for her to publicly claim she was not or for a MOD to make that statement.

IF she was actually outed by Johnny Yanks that first drew the connection then that is something for her and Johnny Yanks to work out with staff intervention.
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Old 11-11-2014, 10:55 AM   #14
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The generic question of "were you someone else" is not against the guidelines. Making the connection between a current and guested account can be a violation.
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Old 11-11-2014, 11:01 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by WestCoastWendii View Post
IF you actually are NOT the provider everyone is leaning towards believing you are.... Do you feel providers have the right to change their name to walk away from a bad reputation?

No. I don't. You know, you could have PMed me your questions. I have no idea what you're talking about with Mr Yanks, but as I've stated to you directly, girls in this profession go through a whole hell of a lot more than you care to realize. Maybe Tracy left because she felt unsafe? Maybe.... Maybe she had threats against her personally? Maybe.... Do you know her? No.,... Are you friends with her? No.... Have you ever seen her? No....

If she DID leave because she felt unsafe how wise would it be for her to reappear using the same, although slightly Photoshopped, photos? How wise would it have been for her to immediately begin posting in the same style she was using to grandstand and announce she was leaving soon for a real world job upon her return? Tracy had a very recognizable presence here in the forums....

Surely if she was leaving for safety reasons a very low profile upon her return would have been wise....

Trying thinking with your head and not your ass sometimes. I'm only responding because you dedicated a whole thread to me.
You DO like the attention don't you? And not smart enough to realize the long term impact of such attention on business...

Nicely crafted response. Some might not notice that dodged all the questions calling for a direct response regarding having been here before....

By the way darlin..... I never referred to you as Tracy in my post...... Only you and Old Yellar used that name...
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