Men sites ,As these of Eccie are in for the Hobby.So mainly would Imagine ,Its for a certain thing,reason,aspect, seek of desire or just a bracket of time for Hobbying.The question Pertaining here is..Do Guys like Eye Contact? Would Assume So! But Necessarily ,Guys not really.Cause Guys categorized as a male age 30 and under.Which is saying their not searching for the eye eye contact.Only more of a Mere miscellaneous sex or for the over all Thrill ofJust the plain Old Fuck! But Men on the other hand some how want more or search more for the eye contact.Men meaning to say age range 30-35 and Over.Not saying All being labeled as man want eye contact,Cause some are in it just for The Fuck of The Moment as Well!But only then what Does it mean for Men or Guys to want eye contact. To The "ONE"...Eye Contact is HOTTER....and more ALLURING! Its a Special Connection or Chemistry or a Spark to Soul Connection. It brings a height of arousal beyond explainable that only grows more and more sexuaral and more intensifying .But can only be reached by the Depths of a special connection with the justified person who is chosen in a way.But than Shockingly after the most Amazingly Hot Intense Lavishing Steam Soul Grabbing Eye Melting Magnetic Sex..........Its impossible to Climax! ....She Can't!....She's puzzled ! Now its Over!Just can't seem to understand Why?Then finds herself relaxing thinking over and just keeps popping up replayin and haunting her mind for days ,for No Damn Reason Whats so Ever.Then realizes she has discovered The Most Ultimate Alpha Male Ever !Who keeps finding a nice settled resting place in her mind. However on the other the same time with a random or miscalanious partner ,rather No eye contact or hardley any at All.The Less The Better!Only prefers to close her eyes and at ease enjoy the feeling to the Max.Her mind Willows then off into her only Heaven Lala Land .It helps her reach the Extreme levels of fullfilment and Submission and like a part of being claimed or marked for that particular moment of time.Only then Can be reached The Most Highest Level of Climax,An Extreme Throbb Thrashing Full Explosive Release !AUGHHHHHHHHH...

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