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Old 11-04-2014, 06:09 AM   #1
Jackie S
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Default Presidnt says volcano is a disaster?

Well, yeh.

I find it difficult to feel sorry for people who build in a area with the potential danger that a active volcano represents.

Here on the Gulf Coast, we understand that Hurricanes can do a lot of damage. But you keep your insurance current, and live with it.

The very volcano that is threatening populated areas is the same volcano that built the Islands to begin with. That means every square inch of the Islands were at one time a hot lava flow. If you decide to live near danger, it should be your responsibility to endure the consequences.
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Old 11-04-2014, 06:24 AM   #2
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Doesn't that volcano know how much green house gases it is putting out? The Feds should swoop in and shut it down!

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Old 11-04-2014, 09:44 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
Here on the Gulf Coast, we understand that Hurricanes can do a lot of damage. But you keep your insurance current, and live with it.
Many people on the Gulf Coast didn't have insurance when Katrina hit. Trent Lott didn't have flood insurance on his house which suffered severe damage and he helped pass a bill for people (including himself) to get federal flood insurance retroactively as long as they continued coverage. I wouldn't brag about how Gulf residents understand the threat when someone as "smart" as Trent Lott, former Senate majority leader didn't know the danger.
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Old 11-04-2014, 10:21 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
Well, yeh.

I find it difficult to feel sorry for people who build in a area with the potential danger that a active volcano represents.

Here on the Gulf Coast, we understand that Hurricanes can do a lot of damage. But you keep your insurance current, and live with it.

The very volcano that is threatening populated areas is the same volcano that built the Islands to begin with. That means every square inch of the Islands were at one time a hot lava flow. If you decide to live near danger, it should be your responsibility to endure the consequences.
So, you'll be against the area you live in being declared a disaster when a Cat 5 hits and levels everything in sight, right? You and your neighbors won't need help rebuilding schools, power plants, roads, bridges and other infrastructure.....is that what you're saying?

I'm sure Gregg Abbott and Dan Patrick will send down the Texas Rangers, though.....
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Old 11-04-2014, 11:40 AM   #5
JD Barleycorn
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I keep wondering why they didn't trench and build a berm to divert the lava flow. Environmental laws perhaps?
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Old 11-04-2014, 01:07 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
I keep wondering why they didn't trench and build a berm to divert the lava flow. Environmental laws perhaps?
Perhaps because they don't work? Lava moves like a tank tread and rolls over anything in its way.


One Pahoa resident has built a 7-foot-tall berm and dug a 20 foot-wide ditch around his property in anticipation of the current lava flow, Hawaii News Now reported. If the flow was diverted away from one home and went towards another, the individual who moved it would likely face a whole set of practical, financial, and legal problems, as well as the hatred of one’s neighbors.
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Old 11-04-2014, 01:53 PM   #7
i'va biggen
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Like they do to divert mud slides? LOL
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Old 11-05-2014, 12:52 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
Well, yeh.

I find it difficult to feel sorry for people who build in a area with the potential danger that a active volcano represents.

Here on the Gulf Coast, we understand that Hurricanes can do a lot of damage. But you keep your insurance current, and live with it.

The very volcano that is threatening populated areas is the same volcano that built the Islands to begin with. That means every square inch of the Islands were at one time a hot lava flow. If you decide to live near danger, it should be your responsibility to endure the consequences.
Absolutely! +1
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Old 11-05-2014, 06:49 AM   #9
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People without insurance are called self insured. You get a choice of not spending the money to bet you will not have something happen or you pay the insurance betting that something will. It is a gamble and most sane people will not reimburse gamblers for their losses.

I personally would love to have a second home on the bay but the insurance cost is high and I do not want to self insure so I do not have a second home on the bay.

Understanding that on the Big Island there is an active volcano and there are lava zones that dictate the insurance risk, people get to make a choice of lower cost for property with higher insurance cost or higher cost of property with lower insurance cost. The Federal gummit bailing out those that make poor choices is not right or fair to those that make the right choices and or sacrifices.
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Old 11-05-2014, 06:56 AM   #10
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Obama trying to look Presidential...............how many homes have been destroyed or lives lost by this particular volcano event?


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Old 11-05-2014, 06:58 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by The2Dogs View Post
People without insurance are called self insured. You get a choice of not spending the money to bet you will not have something happen or you pay the insurance betting that something will. It is a gamble and most sane people will not reimburse gamblers for their losses.

I personally would love to have a second home on the bay but the insurance cost is high and I do not want to self insure so I do not have a second home on the bay.

Understanding that on the Big Island there is an active volcano and there are lava zones that dictate the insurance risk, people get to make a choice of lower cost for property with higher insurance cost or higher cost of property with lower insurance cost.

The Federal gummit bailing out those that make poor choices is not right or fair to those that make the right choices and or sacrifices.
Yes, but if Obama doles out federal money to his friends, they will treat him like King Kamehameha when he retires there.
Plus, I'm sure the billions the Feds will spend to "mitigate" the effects of global warming will find its way into his friends pockets, and they can spend it on Lord Obama, too.
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Old 11-05-2014, 07:03 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by timpage View Post
So, you'll be against the area you live in being declared a disaster when a Cat 5 hits and levels everything in sight, right? You and your neighbors won't need help rebuilding schools, power plants, roads, bridges and other infrastructure.....is that what you're saying?

I'm sure Gregg Abbott and Dan Patrick will send down the Texas Rangers, though.....
Why shouldn't the people in those areas pay actuarially sound insurance premiums and take care of their own shit? Why does some asshole who lives, for instance, in the mountains of Kansas have to bail out some asshole who lives in the path of Cat 5 hurricanes? If you get to enjoy the view of the ocean and charge the tourists to visit, you need to pay your own fucking way!
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Old 11-05-2014, 07:31 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer View Post
Why shouldn't the people in those areas pay actuarially sound insurance premiums and take care of their own shit? Why does some asshole who lives, for instance, in the mountains of Kansas have to bail out some asshole who lives in the path of Cat 5 hurricanes? If you get to enjoy the view of the ocean and charge the tourists to visit, you need to pay your own fucking way!
You're right. Fuck them. US coastlines should be evacuated.

There are mountains in Kansas?

And, I am assuming you hold the same opinions for the folks in Kansas whose homes and livelihoods get wiped out by tornadoes? Fuck them too? For choosing to live somewhere that a tornado might occur?
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Old 11-05-2014, 07:44 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by timpage View Post
You're right. Fuck them. US coastlines should be evacuated.

There are mountains in Kansas? (Yes, and I hear they are beautiful, but a little hard to see without ground penetrating radar.)

And, I am assuming you hold the same opinions for the folks in Kansas whose homes and livelihoods get wiped out by tornadoes? Fuck them too? For choosing to live somewhere that a tornado might occur?
Fuck them, fuck you, and fuck everyone else who could have bought insurance but saved the money and spent it on themselves, and now expects someone else to bail them out. Should you pay to repair my home if I can't afford it? Should you pay to repair my car if I wreck it? If you drive into Manhattan to see the Statue of Liberty, and some motherfucker charges you 20 bucks to park at his garage, should't he pay for the insurance to protect it? Or, shouldn't the property taxes by high enough to handle the rising water and the resultant damage?

This lack of self reliance is part of the reason America is going to shit.
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Old 11-05-2014, 07:52 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer View Post
Should you pay to repair my home if I can't afford it? Should you pay to repair my car if I wreck it? If you drive into Manhattan to see the Statue of Liberty, and some motherfucker charges you 20 bucks to park at his garage, should't he pay for the insurance to protect it? Or, shouldn't the property taxes by high enough to handle the rising water and the resultant damage?

This lack of self reliance is part of the reason America is going to shit.
Simply rephrase the questions as statements and you’ve got a reprint of page 1 of the liberal political platform. Good job!
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