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Old 11-02-2014, 03:45 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
Damn, you beat me to it.
Pay attention... You might learn sumptin'. LOL

So don't kill'em!

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Old 11-02-2014, 04:24 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
Reagan was governor of California - the largest state in the union.

And that is executive experience. Governors generally make better candidates and better Presidents than Senators. And House Reps rarely get elected.

Can you cite ANY executive experience the community organizer had before running for President?
Lol. So was Arnold Swzarzenegga. Obama was more credentialed than Ronald prior to office with way more leadership experience in government. 13 yrs in State Senate, 2 in the US Senate, Law professor and community organizer all trumps being a governor in my view. What are Ronalds other accomplishments to compare to Obama. Where did Reagan go to college. This guy couldnt hold a candle to Obama he's outclassed by Obama in pretty much every category.
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Old 11-02-2014, 04:45 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by Zanzibar789 View Post
Obama was more credentialed than Ronald prior to office with way more leadership experience in government. 13 yrs in State Senate, 2 in the US Senate, Law professor and community organizer all trumps being a governor in my view. What are Ronalds other accomplishments to compare to Obama. Where did Reagan go to college. This guy couldnt hold a candle to Obama he's outclassed by Obama in pretty much every category.
You understand, do you not, that Obama had ZERO leadership experience prior to becoming President. State senate and US senate are NOT leadership experience.

State senators are a dime a dozen and a lot of them are part-time, low pay jobs. Why are you touting that?

And what did Barry do during his time in the US Senate? Nothing, right?

Community organizer is code for "couldn't get a real job". That doesn't count for anything.

And there comes a point in a person's life where it becomes unimportant where they went to college. Once you have a track record, no one CARES about your alma mater.

If one person went to TCU and brings in a lot of business to his/her company and another person at the same company went to Yale, but has no personal skills and brings in no business, do you think the company cares where they went to school 15 years earlier? The company doesn't. The TCU guy gets the promotions.

Reagan was instrumental in ending the Cold War and was one of the most consequential Presidents of the last century. Can Barry say that?

True, the Cold War probably would have ended without Reagan, but we also would eventually have gotten national healthcare without Obama.

You really did drink the Kool-Aid on Obama, didn't you?

Look, I know he is black and you are proud that one of your own made it, but you are living in fantasy world regarding his alleged "accomplishments".
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Old 11-02-2014, 04:53 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
You understand, do you not, that Obama had ZERO leadership experience prior to becoming President. State senate and US senate are NOT leadership experience.

State senators are a dime a dozen and a lot of them are part-time, low pay jobs. Why are you touting that?

And what did Barry do during his time in the US Senate? Nothing, right?

Community organizer is code for "couldn't get a real job". That doesn't count for anything.

And there comes a point in a person's life where it becomes unimportant where they went to college. Once you have a track record, no one CARES about your alma mater.

If one person went to TCU and brings in a lot of business to his/her company and another person at the same company went to Yale, but has no personal skills and brings in no business, do you think the company cares where they went to school 15 years earlier? The company doesn't. The TCU guy gets the promotions.

Reagan was instrumental in ending the Cold War and was one of the most consequential Presidents of the last century. Can Barry say that?

True, the Cold War probably would have ended without Reagan, but we also would eventually have gotten national healthcare without Obama.

You really did drink the Kool-Aid on Obama, didn't you?

Look, I know he is black and you are proud that one of your own made it, but you are living in fantasy world regarding his alleged "accomplishments".

Lol. All I asked for was a legit comparison between the two not some emotional rant. Lol try again.
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Old 11-02-2014, 05:19 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by Zanzibar789 View Post
Lol. All I asked for was a legit comparison between the two not some emotional rant. Lol try again.
I gave you a comparison.

Ending Cold War vs. a clunky government health care system.

Isn't that enough? Or are you looking for one you can win?
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Old 11-02-2014, 05:38 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by Zanzibar789 View Post
Lol. All I asked for was a legit comparison between the two not some emotional rant. Lol try again.
Comparing one of the greatest Presidents this country has ever known (Reagan) to the absolute worst (Obama) is a big joke.

Obama is doing shit that Nixon only dreamed of.

Wake the fuck up!
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Old 11-02-2014, 10:06 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
I gave you a comparison.

Ending Cold War vs. a clunky government health care system.

Isn't that enough? Or are you looking for one you can win?
Old Reagan ended the Cold War all by his lonesome? ... not low oil prices!

Is Reagan then to blame for inpowering terrorism against this country by pulling out of Lebanon?

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Old 11-02-2014, 10:13 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post

True, the Cold War probably would have ended without Reagan, but we also would eventually have gotten national healthcare without Obama.
So neither are really significant except to their rabid base? That I actually believe to be true. I have come to believe they are nothing more than train conductors, going where the track leads them...not the other way around.

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Old 11-02-2014, 10:58 PM   #69
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Let's get this straight. Obama was never a law professor. He was an adjunct lecturer who only taught one class. That class was on the 14th Amendment. He was a part timer who taught an elective. He was never offered a full time position.
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Old 11-03-2014, 12:00 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Let's get this straight. Obama was never a law professor. He was an adjunct lecturer who only taught one class. That class was on the 14th Amendment. He was a part timer who taught an elective. He was never offered a full time position.
Those are facts.

Don't confuse Zanzibar. He is not familiar with them.
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Old 11-03-2014, 02:09 AM   #71
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Originally Posted by Zanzibar789 View Post
Lol. So was Arnold Swzarzenegga. Obama was more credentialed than Ronald prior to office with way more leadership experience in government. 13 yrs in State Senate, 2 in the US Senate, Law professor and community organizer all trumps being a governor in my view. What are Ronalds other accomplishments to compare to Obama. Where did Reagan go to college. This guy couldnt hold a candle to Obama he's outclassed by Obama in pretty much every category.
LMAO.... I'm sorry but you just disclosed that you know very little about politics and more importantly governance with your comment that Obama had more cred than Ronald Reagan. Considering the grade inflation and the number of indicted alumni I won't screech Harvard at every step. Especially since we don't even know how Barry did. If you want to go there though...West Point! An institutional of higher learning with very demanding requirements academically and morally. U.S. Grant was only an average student and became the man who figured out how to win the Civil War. Other generals high very high grades and fell on their collective faces. What you do in school, or the school you attended, tells very little about what you are going to do or how well you will do it.

Lets look at RR's life and compare it to Barry;

Ronald Reagan was born in Illinois to an Irish Catholic father and mother.
Barry was born who knows where to a muslim father and nut job mother.

Ronald Reagan was a lifeguard where he developed mentally and physically. He performed 77 rescues.
Barry lived in Indonesia where he learned to pray to Mecca. Later he lived in Hawaii where he was part of the drug culture.

Ronald Reagan worked his way through college, participated in sports, broadcasting, and joined the fraternity TKE. He was a campus leader and majored in economics and sociology.
Barry paid for his college in some way that we don't know still and he applied for scholarships as a foreign exchange student from Kenya. Other than the Harvard Law Review we don't know what clubs he may have been a part of, whether he was a leader of anything, or what he majored in.

Ronald Reagan traveled to Iowa where he got a job in radio broadcasting for college football games. Later, while traveling with the team, Reagan took a screen test that got him a job as an actor. He also joined the US Army reserves that same year as a private. Breaking out from B movies rolls, Reagan quickly became a bankable star. He was called to active duty in 1943.

Barry traveled to Chicago where he became a community organizer and met people like Tony Rezco, and Muslim fund raisers for Hamas. He met the man that he would marry and call Michelle.

Ronald Reagan put his Hollywood career on hold and served his country honorably. Afterwards he returned to Hollywood but failed to find the same success as he did before the war. Undaunted Democrat Reagan became the President of the Screen Actors Guide in a time of union troubles, black lists, and the HUAC. He met and married his second wife Nancy Davis in 1952. Knowing that he was going to be denied his earlier success in films Reagan transitioned into the new medium television.

Barry never served his country in any capacity and only looked out for himself. He supposedly taught constitutional law for 12 years (but he sure doesn't know the subject matter) while holding memberships on various boards and liberal organizations. Most of his responsiblities came from handing out money or grants. He ran for the state legislature and won by disqualifying most of his rivals with ballot challenges. He lost to Bobby Seals (the former Black Panther) after he betrayed his mentor to run for her office as a US congressman. Barack was not black enough in Chicago to beat Seals whom he could not disqualify as he had others. Barack ran for the US Senate and won after someone released sealed records of divorce proceedings of his opponent forcing Ryan to resign from the election.

By 1962 Ronald Reagan was a Republican who supported Barry Goldwater in 1964. Reagan ran for Governor of California and won in 1967. He served for eight years during the time of violent riots, college campus unrest, radical movements like the Symbionese Liberation Army, and murders like Charles Manson. In 1968 Reagan was considered the third choice for President after Nixon and Rockefeller. In 1976 Ronald Reagan challenged Gerald Ford for the nomination and narrowly lost to the unelected president.

Barry had barely set foot inside his Senate office when Harry Reid asked if he had considered running for president. Reid was afraid of Hillary Clinton and told Barack that they would back him with money and people should he want the job. With only six months in the office of Senator Obama made it known that he was going to screw the people of Illinois missing over 80% of the senate votes and run for president.

In 1980 Ronald Reagan made the case that history has affirmed; Jimmy Carter was one of the most incompetent presidents in our nation's history. Ronald Reagn won in a landslide also winning the Senate and the House. Reagan promised to cut taxes (he did), he promised a strong military (he did), he promised to get the hostages back from Iran (he did), and he promised to make the citizens proud of the country again (he did....except for the liberals).

Barry narrowly won election in 2008. He promised to close GITMO (he didn't), he promised to end the war in Iraq (he did years later under the Bush guidelines), he promised to win the good war in Afghanistan (he isn't), he promised to make the US respected around the world again (not that we were disrepected by our friends but Barry pissed off our friends and helped out ememies hate us further) and he promised shovel ready jobs (even he admitted years later that they did not exist).

In 1981 Reagan was almost killed by an assassins bullet. He survived but a close friend was maimed for life. In the same summer he had to deal with the Air Traffic Controllers strike by firing those who went out in violation of the law. Reagan forced a tax cut for all Americans. Reagan got a pay raise for all members of the military. Reagan's policies reduced inflation from 12.5% to 4.4% before he left office. Millions of jobs were created under Reagan tax policies. The military ramped up forcing the Soviet Union to match us. This led to the collapse of the Soviet Union without firing a shot on George Bush's watch. Reagan would not blink with Gorbachev at Iceland forcing the Soviet Union to make consessions. Reagan rolled back communism around the globe.

The closest thing to personal danger Barry has seen was when he missed 20 free throws in front of the press corps. He failed to create jobs, he failed to stir the economy, he did sell guns to Mexican drug cartels, he did go overseas and criticize the US in Muslim countries, he did win the Noble Peace prize but no one knows what for, he is losing the war in Iraq just as he lost the peace, he has given up in Afghanistan, he did get...or rather SEAL team six got Bin Laden but then the White House gave up SEAL Team Six's identity and set them up to be murdered. Barry embarassed himself with Gates of Harvard and the "Beer Summit", Barry embarassed himself with Trayvon Martin, Barry embarassed himself with the IRS scandal, Barry turned tail and ran when Assad crossed his "red line", Barry backed down to Putin, Barry refused to speak up for the students in Iran when they wanted to change the government, and Barry (according to Michael Jordan) really sucks on golf.

Ronald Reagan traded arms for hostages to bypass an illegal law (the Bolan amendment). That is he traded obsolete weapons previously paid for by the Shah of Iran to the Ayatollah to get our hostages being held and murdered in Lebanon and used the proceeds to fund the anti-communist rebels in Nicaraugua. Ronald Reagan retreated in Lebanon after the barrack bombing killed over 180 marines. He admitted his mistake on both things publicly.

Barry lost a US ambassadar (and three other Americans at Benghazi), he has watched as US hostages have been beheaded by ISIS, he traded a deserter for five high ranking terrorist leaders, and he blamed this all on Bush after he found out about it by watching TV.

When Reagan left office he was respected and his Vice President was elected to carry on the legacy. The Soviet Union was in retreat. Europe was about to be reunited. The US military was number 1 in the world bar none. 20 million jobs were created before Reagan left the White House and another 20 million were created by his policies during the Bush and Clinton years.

When Barry leaves the White House, ISIS will be stronge than ever, Russia will have taken more territory, Iran may have a nuclear weapon, China will be dictating terms in the western Pacific, and the Mexican cartels will be doing open business in the US with all of their foot soldiers who came north during the amnesty. However, ebola deaths will be kept under a thousand before Barry leaves and Joe Biden will not be the nominee.
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Old 11-03-2014, 05:48 AM   #72
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I hope that long emotional rant / mumbo jumbo is at least 25% accurate. I will do my own research when I have the energy because if there's one thing I know the words of one Barleycorn and ExNyer are not to be trusted. ;-)

You guys have proven that you just don't comprehend facts very well. Haha and ha
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Old 11-03-2014, 07:25 AM   #73
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Originally Posted by Zanzibar789 View Post
I hope that long emotional rant / mumbo jumbo is at least 25% accurate. I will do my own research when I have the energy because if there's one thing I know the words of one Barleycorn and ExNyer are not to be trusted. ;-)

You guys have proven that you just don't comprehend facts very well. Haha and ha
How would you know?

Your idiotic posts are entirely fact-free.

This entire thread is a testament to that. Do you have any more unsubstantiated gossip you would like to post?
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Old 11-03-2014, 07:33 AM   #74
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post

Ronald Reagan was a lifeguard where he developed mentally and physically. He performed 77 rescues.
77 rescues!!!!! but the SOB could not join the fight in WWII he stayed home making war movies!

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Old 11-03-2014, 08:24 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
77 rescues!!!!! but the SOB could not join the fight in WWII he stayed home making war movies!

We cant all be as brave as Hillary was in Bosnia.
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