In my never-ending and annoying-to-everyone-else quest to learn EVERYTHING--and, undoubtedly confuse things and show my ass most times
--my curiosity took me to the mathematical galaxy of networks: specifically eccie, p411, and MRB just for kicks to compare ( next on my list is run-on sentances!)...(and punctuation)
ANYWHO, I found this site:
Of the three, only MRB had a near perfect set-up, or whatever it is (this
could be post-incident and after gov takeover...?
E and P, however, have subtle mishaps in the SOA whatever, making them more difficult to hack/surveil, etc...whereas MRB had it just right for inquiring eyes.
This also led me to this related site concerning web privacy, etc.:
Is this thing on?? Does anyone really know if any of this matters to us?